Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 00:37:06 -0500 From: Chris Ambidge Subject: cumulative contents for 1998 INTEGRATOR, the newsletter of Integrity/Toronto Cumulative TABLE OF CONTENTS for the calendar year 1998 copyright 1998 Integrity/Toronto. The hard-copy version of the newsletter carries the ISSN 0843-574X Integrity/Toronto Box 873 Stn F Toronto ON Canada M4Y 2N9 = = = = = volume 98-1, issue date 1998 01 28 [98-1-1] DIALOGUE FINDS COMMON GROUND / a report on the ongoing dialogue around homosexuals in the church in Toronto, by Chris Ambidge [98-1-2] EMERGING COMMON GROUND / the full text of a pamphlet released by Bp Finlay's Dialogue Group at Toronto diocesan synod, November 1997 [98-1-3] DEAR BISHOP... / seven gay/lesbian priests react to the 1997 Statement on Human Sexuality from the Canadian House of Bishops [98-1-4] INTEGRITY IN MONTREAL / a new chapter in Montreal is getting on its feet [98-1-5] FROM NELSON MANDELA'S 1994 INAUGURAL SPEECH = = = = = volume 98-2, issue date 1998 03 19 [98-2-1] WAYS OF PRAYER AND CELIBACY / by Sister Thelma-Anne SSJD [98-2-2] DEAR BISHOP ... / more anonymous responses to the 1997 House of Bishops statement, by gay priests (or soon-to-be priests) (A) by the Rev Gareth Gay, (B) by Simon Seminarian [98-2-3] AFRAID OF FALLING IN LOVE / by the Rev Bob Webster [98-2-4] HOW FAST CAN WE DANCE ON THE HEAD OF A PIN? / by the Rev Douglas Graydon [98-2-5] GAY AND LESBIAN MATTERS WILL BE DISCUSSED AT LAMBETH [98-2-6] INTEGRITY AT GENERAL SYNOD 98 [98-2-7] A MATTER OF ORDINARY JUSTICE / Archbishop Tutu on Homosexuality and the World Council of Churches [98-2-8] HARRY BENNETT MEANWELL 1920 - 1988 (A) Requiem Aeternam / by Chris Ambidge (B) A Memory of Harry / by Sherry Coman [98-2-9] A COMPELLING MODEL FOR RECONCILIATION / the Bishop's Dialogue Group is the subject of an editorial in the March 98 *Episcopal Life* 98-2-10 ANNOUNCEMENTS / (a) elections, (b) Coming up at the Sorrento Centre, (c) wanted: theme for the next retreat = = = = = volume 98-3, issue date 1998 06 30 [98-3-1] LIFT EVERY VOICE - FAISONS ENTENDRE NOS VOIX / Integrity in Montreal at General Synod 1998 by Chris Ambidge [98-3-2] JACOB WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL / a meditation given at the April 98 meeting of Integrity/Montreal by Dr Rupert Macintyre [98-3-3] ARCHBISHOP VISITS CALGARY CHAPTER / by Jim Picken [98-3-4] SYNOD SEEKS BLESSING OF COVENANTED RELATIONSHIPS [98-3-5] A REDIFFUSION OF INTEGRITY / Chris Ambidge interviewed by CBC Radio One about the New Westminster motion, and lesbigays in the Anglican Church of Canada [98-3-6] INTEGRI-TRACTS: Pamphlets available [98-3-7] THIS WAS THE YEAR / by Sister Thelma-Anne SSJD = = = = = volume 98-4, issue date 1998 09 07 [98-4-1] 526 TO 70 / Anglican bishops at Lambeth vote overwhelmingly to condemn gay and lesbian relationships -- but over 150 bishops counter with a pledge to work toward full inclusion for lesbigays / by Chris Ambidge [98-4-2] LAMBETH CONFERENCE RESOLUTION I.10 / as approved 5 August 98 [98-4-3] A PASTORAL STATEMENT TO LESBIAN AND GAY ANGLICANS FROM SOME MEMBER BISHOPS OF THE LAMBETH CONFERENCE / 5 August 1998 [98-4-4] UPHOLDING VIRTUE OR PROMOTING HATRED? / The Primate's take on the Lambeth sexuality motion, by the Most Rev Michael Peers, Primate of Canada [98-4-5]ALLIANCE OF LESBIAN & GAY ANGLICANS / An alliance of lesbian organisations and ministries in the Anglican Communion [98-4-6] THE RAINBOW KALEIDOSCOPE / A retreat meditation by Sister Thelma-Anne ssjd [98-4-7] AN HONOURABLE ESTATE -- how it came to be written / by Christopher Cantlon, co-editor of the study guide [98-4-8] CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST WITH MEMBERS OF INTEGRITY AND FIDELITY = = = = = volume 98-5, issue date 1998 11 14 [98-5-1] HOLY CROSS / The Rev Shirley Stockdill reports on the second Integrity / Fidelity joint Eucharist, September 98 [98-5-2] PRECIOUS BLOOD / a reflection by Chris Ambidge on the murder of Matthew Shepard [98-5-3] CALLED TOGETHER BY THE CROSS / the sermon preached to Integrity and Fidelity members, 16 September 1998 by Canon Paul Feheley of Fidelity [98-5-4] GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD / a message from Canon Fletcher Stewart, of The Pas MB. [98-5-5] ALLIANCE OF LESBIAN & GAY ANGLICANS WEBSITE LAUNCHED / announcing [98-5-6] A GIFT FROM GOD / Integrity/Toronto's co-convener Bonnie Crawford-Bewley interviewed on CBC Radio One's *Tapestry* [98-5-7] LAMBETH UPDATE: DIALOGUE WITH THE BISHOPS / Integrity corresponds with Canadian bishops, and more sign the *Pastoral Statement* = = = = = volume 98-6, issue date 1998 12 18 [98-6-1] A VERY MIXED EVENT / Bishop Terry Brown of Malaita, Solomon Islands, on the Lambeth Conference 1998 [98-6-2] RECLAIMING THE BIBLE / Sister Thelma-Anne ssjd's regular column "Ways of Prayer" [98-6-3] NEWS FROM THE PRAIRIES / The Rev Bob Webster reports in from the Diocese of Rupert's Land [98-6-4] AS UNJUST AS APARTHEID -- Archbishop Desmond Tutu on equal treatment for lesbians and gays / by Chris Ambidge = = = = = end of table of contents for INTEGRATOR for 1998 -- -- Chris Ambidge Integrity/Toronto Integrity is a member of the Alliance of Lesbian & Gay Anglicans