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LGB-supportive Christian minister/activist Mel White
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73 arrested at episcopal protest, 07/05/00: (4.5K)
activists to protest at southern baptist convention, 06/08/00: (3.3K)
baptist convention protesters may get 60 days in jail, 06/12/00: (5.3K)
civil disobedience at episcopal conference, 06/28/00: (4Kb)
civil disobedience at pcusa general assembly, 06/20/00: (3.5K)
clergy close down foxfamily headquarters, 02/24/00: (4.3K)
DOMA and ENDA statement, 09/07/96: (4Kb)
dr laura, 03/04/00: (5.5K)
foxfamily agrees to negotiate with soulforce clergy, 03/14/00: (2.7K)
gandhi king and the millennium march, 02/18/98: (9.7K)
help soulforce with travel expense, 07/14/00: (2.1K)
hero of civil rights movement to lead march on fox family channel, 02/22/00: (4.3K)
interview with PFLAG, 02/19/96: (6.8K)
judy collins commended for cancelling concert, 07/07/00: (4.2K)
madison affirmation on homosex and christian faith, 01/27/98: (9.8K)
[MCC] Metropolitan Community Church
[mel and james dobson] Mel White and Focus on the Family's James Dobson
[mel and pat] Mel White and Pat Robertson
mel white and pat robertson letters, 02/95: (4.2K, 2/14/1995)
minister begins 7 day fast: (6.8K, 8/2/1994)
new video, 12/09/97: (1.9K)
on oregon murders, 12/11/95: (2.9K)
on return to cbn, 02/05/96: (6.1K)
open letter from soulforce to episcopal church, 06/26/00: (8.6K)
open letter to fl vigil, 06/17/96: (1.3K)
open letter to robertson, 01/25/96: (5.3K)
petition against antigay campaign: (2Kb, 2/11/1996)
plan of action to stop antiglbt rhetoric, 02/25/00: (6.9K)
protesters jailed at southern baptist convention, 06/14/00: (3.6K)
receives ACLU award, 12/13/97: (6.8K)
replies to christian century editorial, 06/06/00: (6.4K)
replies to critics of civil disobedience, 06/06/00: (5.4K)
resolution on doma, 09/20/96: (2.9K)
responds to DOMA passage, 09/11/96: (3.1K)
soulforce fall events, 07/18/00: (5.7K)
soulforce march on fox network, 02/19/00: (3.4K)
soulforce on sabbatical, 07/27/00: (4.9K)
spend july 4 with soulforce in denver, 06/20/00: (18K)
video now available: (843 bytes, 5/18/1996)
white addresses cobb commission, 07/23/96: (2.8K)
white challenges robertson again, 02/07/96: (3.7K)
why i cant email paramount about dr laura, 03/03/00: (5.3K)

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