Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 01:02:00 [submitted by: (Greg R. Broderick)] I've been busy lately monitoring the RRR ( Reactionary Religious Reight ), and have, I believe, gained a couple of insights as to a few things that we should be doing in order to confront the lies that the RRR is telling about lesbigays and the rhetoric which they fling at us. One. The RRR relies on a very few scientific 'authorities' -- Nicolosi, Socarides, Cameron, Monteith, and Day ( this is my current list, it may need additions ), in order to bolster their many claims against lesbigays. Cameron has been largely discredited, however, we need, as a community, to actively seek to discredit the remainder of the above scientific authorities. ( Joseph ) Nicolosi and ( Charles ) Socarides are psychologists / psychiatrists, who claim to be able to convert homosexuals to heterosexuals. ( Stanley ) Monteith and ( Lorraine ) Day are medical doctors, whose work has dealt with AIDS. Two. The RRR relies upon a 'slippery slope' method of gaining converts to its religio-political philosophies. New 'converts' are started off with a very mild degree of rhetoric against lesbigays, which demands little suspension of disbelief ( ie. is easily believed ), and are gradually moved into more fantastic, less believable and more extreme views. These more extreme views demand a much greater leap of faith from those who hear them, and are thus, less believable. I believe that 'premature' exposure of people to some of the more extreme views of the RRR ( not the _most_ extreme views, as these will not be associated with the views espoused by the RRR, by those who are exposed ), will tend to repel those who are exposed to these views prematurely. [case in point] The RRR detests Clinton, this is a known fact. However, there are differing degrees of rhetoric - from the Southern Baptist Convention, which issued several statements of a rather mild nature, to the rhetoric of someone like Texe Marrs, in his book "Big Sister is Watching You" ( dealing with Hillary Clinton, and her radicalfeministlesbianmarxiststatistsocialist ( I kid you not, the guy uses the words as if they were one ! ) friends that she has put into high places in government ). Three. There seems to be a strong connection, in some circles, between the more radical members of the RRR, and the "New World Order" conspiracy theorists. ( as with Texe Marrs above ) This should, IMO, be used to its maximum effect, to thoroughly discredit the views of the RRR, in the eyes of the more general public. Comments, ideas, suggestions, light flames, are all welcome. Greg