Date: 06 Jun 94 02:52:32 EDT From: "Greg R. Broderick" <70142.620@CompuServe.COM> FORWARDED MAIL ------- From: witch!NEVADA.EDU!fjbphd (FRANK BECKWITH) Date: 07 Apr 94 Originally To: Multiple recipients of list CONCHR-L For the benefit of all. In Him, Frank Beckwith +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Francis J. Beckwith, Ph.D., Lecturer in Philosophy, UNLV Senior Research Fellow, Nevada Policy Research Institute Professor at Large, Simon Greenleaf University (Anaheim, CA) internet: fax: (702) 895-1279 phone: (702) 895-4038 address: Department of Philosophy, UNLV, Las Vegas, NV 89154-5028 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOT JUST BIBLES A GUIDE TO CHRISTIAN RESOURCES ON THE INTERNET ============================================================================ v 1.1 March 1, 1994 This guide is intended for Internet users interested in resources related to Classical Christianity (a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe a theology which affirms the importance of a transforming faith in Christ as God and Savior). The latest version of this guide is available by anonymous ftp from as /pub/resources/christian-resources.txt. A hypertext version is available at and a gopher version via Resources are organized as follows: 1) Mail-based Services 2) Anonymous FTP Sites 3) Gopher Servers 4) Web Servers 5) Bulletin Boards 6) USENET News groups 7) Electronic Newsletters/Journals Comments regarding the contents of this guide and any additional, relevant resources accessible via internet are welcome. To obtain updates finger Please address your comments or additional information to Gary Bogart/John Brubaker at with the subject: Christian Guide. ---------------------------------------------- 1. MAIL BASED SERVICES The primary source of interaction/information relevant to this guide is mail-based services. Many discussion groups also have related anonymous ftp servers or USENET news groups. For help with listserv commands send an e-mail message to a listserv with HELP in the body (no subject). 1.1 BAPTIST e-mail: (Internet) listserv@ukcc (Bitnet) Desc: List discusses any topic relating to Baptist experience (130 subscribers) Archive: Log files only Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB BAPTIST YourFirstname YourLastname 1.2 BIBLE e-mail: (Internet) biblereq@virginia (Bitnet) Desc: BIBLE is an electronic conference designed to provide a forum for anyone interested in learning to study the Bible. The list assumes that participants consider the Bible authoritative. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB BIBLE YourFirstname YourLastname 1.3 BIBLE STUDY GROUP (BSG) e-mail: Desc: A group focused on Biblical answers, evidence for the existence of a Creator God and the Sonship of Jesus Christ. The group assumes that participants are Christians. Sub: To subscribe send a note to Jim Hill at the above address. 1.4 BSTUDY-L e-mail: (Internet) listserv@utarlvm1 (Bitnet) Desc: Moderated discussion of topics among members with a common basis. Assumes members believe that the Bible is God's written Word and that it can be used to deal with today's problems (140 subscribers) Archive: Logfiles only Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB BSTUDY-L YourFirstname YourLastname Subscription requests forwarded to list owner. 1.5 CALVIN-L email: (Internet) listserv@ucalgary (Bitnet) Desc: Discussions related to the study of Dutch neo-Calvinism also known as Reformational thought. (60 subscribers) Archive: Logfiles only Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB CALVIN-L YourFirstname YourLastname Subscription requests forwarded to list owner. 1.6 CELL-CHURCH e-mail: Desc: The vision for the Cell Church Discussion Group is for those interested in the cell church model to build up and encourage each other by sharing vision, questions, problems, experiences etc. (163 subscribers) Archives: send LIST to for contents Contents: Logfiles, several articles by Jon Reid and North Star Strategies about cell church strategy, and frequently asked questions about cell based churches. Note: Logfiles and archives available via gopher to Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB CELL-CHURCH YourFirstname YourLastname Subscription requests forwarded to list owner. 1.7 CHRISTIA e-mail: (Internet) listserv@asuacad (Bitnet) Desc: Moderated discussion of practical Christian life (675 Subscribers) Archive: send INDEX CHRISTIA to above address for latest contents Contents: C.S. Lewis book list, archeology and Jerico, Creeds, Ancient texts, Colson's daily breakpoint articles, J.E. Keifer's biographies of saints, Bible studies, response to current topics and logfiles. Note: Also available via USENET News (see 6.1) Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB CHRISTIA YourFirstname YourLastname 1.8 CONCHR-L e-mail: (Internet) listserv@templevm (Bitnet) Desc: Moderated conservative discussion touching upon all aspects of contemporary life. Participation reserved for born-again Christians. (224 Subscribers) Archive: Log files only Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB CONCHR-L YourFirstname YourLastname Subscription requests forwarded to list owner. 1.9 EKKLESIA e-mail: Desc: Moderated discussion of church renewal in broad sense (28 Subscribers) Archive: Log files available on request Sub: To subscribe send a request to Dan Zeigler at the above address 1.10 FAITH-LEARNING e-mail: Desc: Seeks to encourage creative thinking and leadership among Christian educators seeking to integrate religious faith and effective teaching, learning and scholarship. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB FAITH-LEARNING YourFirstName YourLastName 1.11 HISTEC-L e-mail: (Internet) listserv@ukanvm (Bitnet) Desc: This list was established for students and scholars to exchange information about the history of Evangelical Christianity. (230 subscribers) Archive: Intro to HISTEC, articles and bibliographies related to the history of christianity. Large zip file of josephus and Strangelove's resources for religious studies. Also crusades.bib, st-john.bib, vulgat.aid (several files). Note: Archives available via gopher to at 1/hnsource/malin_ftp/histec. Other material at hnsource/malin_ftp/med-l. Logs available at 1/hnsource/listserv-lists/histec-l. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB HISTEC-L YourFirstName YourLastName Subscription requests forwarded to list owner. 1.12 IVCF-L e-mail: (Internet) listserv@ubvm (Bitnet) Desc: List intended for discussion related to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, a multi-denominational Christian Fellowship (298 subscribers) Archive: Logfiles only Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB IVCF-L YourFirstname YourLastname 1.13 MAILJC e-mail: (Internet) mailjc@citphobo (Bitnet) Desc: This list seeks to provide a non-hostile environment for discussion among Christians. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB MAILJC YourFirstName YourLastName 1.14 MENNONITE e-mail: Desc: Discussion on the Mennonite list is focused on all aspects of Mennonite life and thought. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB MENNO YourFirstName YourLastName 1.15 NT-GREEK e-mail: (Internet) ntgrkreq@virginia (Bitnet) Desc: This list is designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek New Testament. The list assumes at least a working knowledge of Biblical Greek. Archive: Unknown Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB NT-GREEK YourFirstname YourLastname 1.16 OT-HEBREW e-mail: (Internet) othebreq@virginia (Bitnet) Desc: This list is designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Hebrew Old Testament. The list assumes at least a working knowledge of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB OT-HEBREW YourFirstname YourLastname 1.17 PRO-CHRIST (Balm in Gilead Ministries) e-mail: Desc: Archive: send INDEX to the above address for latest contents; send HELP for help on how to get files Contents: Articles from Inst. for Creation Research, Christian Research Inst., Dobson, Swindoll, Pro-Christ archive, Newsletter of Balm in Gilead Ministries, orthodoxy and much more. 1.18 Soc.Religion.Christian.Bible-Study Archives e-mail: Desc: Archives of Bible-Study newsgroup (see 6.3) accessible by e- mail, also available by Anon FTP (see 2.10). Archive: send INDEX BIBLE to the above address for contents send HELP for help Contents: Info on bible versions, on-line bible programs, canonical info, background documents for Bible-Study List, much more. 1.19 THE PRAYER NETWORK e-mail: Desc: International prayer group serving Christ and meeting needs of members, acquaintances and people around the world in prayer. Weekly prayer lists, special prayer challenges, devotionals, prayer partners and much more (200 subscribers) Sub: To subscribe send a request to Steve Schuett at the above address; indicate whether you would like a prayer partner. 1.20 THEONOMY-L e-mail: (Internet) Desc: This list is designed to foster communication concerning the application of the law/word of God to every area of human activity. Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB THEONOMY-L YourFirstname YourLastname ========================================================================== 2. ANONYMOUS FTP SITES As with all anonymous file transfer (aftp) on Internet, issue the command ftp ; use the user id ANONYMOUS to login, your e- mail address as password. Use GET to download a file, CD to change directory. Remember to issue the command: BIN, if the file is not ascii (ie. .zip or .tar.Z). When in doubt enter the command: HELP. Macintosh users be sure that your transfer software is set for binary transfer for program files and text transfer for text files. Directory structure translates to various levels of folders. aFTP by e-mail is also possible - contact the compilers for more info. 2.1 Abilene Christian University Archives Anon FTP to: Directory: missions (Info on Receptivity, bios, bibliographies, book reviews, Journal of Applied Missiology, statistics, missions info.) Directory: africa (ethnographic outlines, ASA addresses and serials) Directory: cell-church (discussion group logs and archives) Note: Also available via gopher to (see 3.2) 2.2 CoptNet Archives (Coptic Orthodox Church Material) Anon FTP to: Contents: CN/COPT-NET.contents Directory: CN/articles (position papers and historical bios) Directory: CN/lessons (Biblical and topical lessons) Directory: CN/newsletter (CoptNet newsletters) Directory: CN/pictures (GIF/JPEG images of Christian art/artifacts) Directory: CN/prayers (creeds and prayers for special occasions) Directory: CN/synexarion (bios of Bishoy, Mark, Paul of Tamooh) Directory: CN/texts (Apocalipse, Anthansia Creed and more) 2.3 Gutenberg Project Anon FTP to: Directories: pub/etext/etext92 (also etext93, etext94) Contents: pub/etext/INDEX100.GUT Text Files: bible10.txt, (KJV) Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan); 2.4 FUNET (Finnish Academic and Research Network) Anon FTP to: Contents: Read files 00Index, and "readme" suffix throughout directory structure. These archives are very extensive. Directory: pub/doc/religion/christian (subdirectories listed below) Software: bible/amiga - (VerseWise Amiga v1.2 and finnish software) bible/macintosh - (Online Bible, v.2.04) bible/msdos - (Finnish Bible, Hebrew tools, Online Bible v6.00, numerous other zipped texts and misc. programs) bible/UNIX - (Bible Retrieval System v1.4) Text Files: bible/texts - (KJV, Darby, Weymouth, Webster, Youngs, Finnish, French, German, Latin, Swahili NT, Swedish, Turkish NT) misc/netinfo - (THIS GUIDE and other docs) texts - Matthew Henry's Commentary, Robertson's Word Pictures NT) 2.5 Godly Graphics Archives (Harding University) Anon FTP to: Directory: pub/GG/archive (Godly Graphics Discussion archives) Directory: pub/GG/tabernacle (Files relating to Tabernacle Project, a 3-D walking tour of the Tabernacle of Israel. JPEG format). Directory: pub/vms (VMS Biblemate v2.0 in zip format) 2.6 Institute for Christian Leadership Anon FTP to: (under development) Directory: pub/resources Text Files: This guide in ascii and html format (christian-resources) An ascii domain directory of Christian organizations (christian-directory.txt) A WWW hypertext document with pointers to early-church related documents available on the internet (christian-history.html) Directory: pub/resources/text (CRI journals, newsletters and misc. materials; Copeland's bible study outlines, Johannine Hours and other documents from the Taize Community; Focus on the Family newsletters) Directory: pub/resources/software/mac (CRI database) pub/resources/software/msdos (CRI database and Copeland's exeout series) 2.7 Online Book Initiative Anon FTP to: Directory: obi/Canticles (canticles including brief history of liturgical use, initial source in Bible, etc) Directory: obi/Ethnologue (B.Grimes Ethnologue, w/country stats) Directory: obi/John.Henry.Newman (various Newman works) Directory: obi/Martin.Luther.King: (, etc.) Directory: obi/Ota: (Oxford Text Archive, mirror of Directory: obi/Religion/Bible.Retrieval.System (unix search program) Directory: obi/Religion (includes Book of Common Prayer) Note: Also available via gopher at 2.8 Department of Religious Studies, Univ. of Ottawa Anon FTP to: Directory: pub/religion Contents: pub/religion/ftp_index.txt Software: doors1 (hypertext directory of online religious scholars) Text Files: topical biblios, book notes reviewing, eg. Billy Graham biography, variations in American evangelism, scholarly texts, software/hardware reviews, directories of electronic Bibles, and Septuagint study projects. 2.9 Simtel Archive Mirror Sites (all files in pc zip format) Anon FTP to: (primary mirror site) or (systems/ibmpc/msdos) (systems/ibmpc/msdos/simtel20) Australia (micros/pc/oak) England (pub/packages/simtel20) Finland (pub/msdos/SimTel-mirror) Germany (msdos) Israel (pub/unsupported/dos/simtel) Switzerland (mirror/msdos) Taiwan (PC/simtel) Thailand (pub/mirrors/msdos) Directory: pub/msdos/bible (at Contents: pub/msdos/bible/00-index.txt Software: God's Word for Windows v.1.2, Online Bible v.6.0, Executable Outline Series (Copeland Aug'93), Genesis and Revelation Study Aids, Chinese Union Version database (uses Big 5 environment), Bible quiz, memory aids. Text Files: KJV (2 sets) Directory: pub/msdos/hebrew (at Contents: pub/msdos/hebrew/00-index.txt Software: Mac-DOS file translator w/Hebrew support, Hebrew language tutor. 2.10 Soc.Religion.Christian.Bible-Study Archive (see 6.3) Anon FTP to: Directory: pub/bible. Contents: pub/bible/INDEX Software: Terwilleger's graphical study aids; Text Files: ASCII versions of AV (zip and tar.Z), Darby, Greek NT, Latin Vulgate, Webster's, Weymouth's (1913) NT Modern Speech, and Young's Literal; Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897), Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, Nave's Topical Bible, Robertson's (1932-35) Word Pictures, Spurgeon's Morning & Evening; background documents for Bible-Study list, apologetics. Note: Some files also available via mail server (see 1.18, 1.20) 2.11 Stanford University Mac Archive (all files in hqx [binhex] format) Anon FTP to: (systems/mac/info-mac) (pub/info-mac) Directory: info-mac/info/nms Contents: info-mac/help/all-files.txt Software: Bible Promise Stack (3.0), Christmas Carol Stacks, History of Islam (1/93), Scripture Memory Stack (1.0), Chesterton's Orthodoxy (most require HyperCard 2.x) Note: Also available via gopher at 2.12 Wiretap.Spies.Com Anon FTP to: Directory: Library/Religion/Bible (Bibles in ASCII: KJV English, German Elberfelder Ubersetzung, Swahili NT, Swedish) Directory: Library/Religion/Presby (Westminster Confession of Faith) Directory: Library/Religion/Anglican (Anglican tracts) Directory: Library/Classic (John Bunyan, A Pilgrims Progress; George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind; Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol) Note: Also available via gopher at 2.13 SUNSITE (Univ. North Carolina) Anon FTP to: Directory: pub/academic/religious_studies/bible Software: Online Bible ver. 6.10 (10/93) includes Scholar's Pak (KJV, Webster's, Darby, Young's); Revised Lexicons; Topics; Treasury Scripture Knowledge notes and cross-refs; Spurgeon's Morning and Evening; Robertson's, Scofield, and Plymouth Brethren notes; Hebrew text; Greek text; Spanish RVA; Louis Segond French. Note: Also available via gopher at (1/.pub/academic/religious_studies/bible) ========================================================================== 3. Gopher Servers 3.1 Christian Colleges Gopher to: - Abilene Christian Univ. (TX) Gopher to: - Bethel College (MN) Gopher to: - Calvin College (MI) Gopher to: - Cedarville College (OH) Gopher to: - Concordia College (MN) Gopher to: - Dordt College (IA) Gopher to: - Goshen College (IN) Gopher to: - Presbyterian College (SC) Gopher to: - Regent University (VA) Gopher to: - Seattle Pacific Univ. (WA) Gopher to: - Wheaton College (IL) Resources: Most have Faculty, staff and student directories; telnet gateway to libraries and some local information. 3.2 Religious Studies Subject Trees Gopher to: (1/Subject/RelPhil) Gopher to: 1020 (Melu: Subject/Religion) Description: Two of the best sites accessible via gopher for up-to-date info on new resources in this subject area. 3.3 Abilene Christian University, Abilene TX Gopher to: Resources: Access to Cell-Group and UGANDANET Archives and other ftp archives related to Missions. Pointers to gophers and ftp sites with info relevant to missions and ministries. THIS GUIDE and the Domain Directory for Christian Organizations. Additional information forthcoming at this site! Note: See ftp site description (2.1) 3.4 American University Gopher to: (1/Catholic Files) Resources: Charter and Log files for Free Catholic List, numerous RCC documents, good collection of the writings of Church Fathers, Franciscan files, misc files and Opus Dei files. 3.5 Bethany Christian Services Gopher to: Resources: Description of pro-life, pro-family services offered; nationwide office locations, etc. Note: Also accessible via WWW at 3.6 CCAT (Center for Computer Analysis of Texts, University of Pa.) Gopher to: Directory: CCAT Text Archives - Search Online Biblical Texts: morphology of Greek New Testament, Pentateuch; Greek and Hebrew Alignment; KJV, RSV, Vulgate, and Apostolic Fathers. ASCII text libraries: KJV Bible, Apostolic Fathers: Augustine, Clement, Barnabus, Didache, Diognetus, Hermas, Ign. Ephesians, Polycarp, etc. (some dirs recently restricted) Directory: Course Mat'ls: Lecture notes and study aids on many topics Directory: CCAT Software Archives; Various PC/MAC text related software. 3.7 Christian Information Service, Croatia (KIS) Gopher to: Directory: eng/gosti-info/kis-lokalni-info Resources: Information related to ongoing humanitarian efforts in former Yugoslavia including, a description of KIS, Background papers, Ongoing relief projects, publications, lists of humanitarian organizations. Also includes daily news releases. 3.8 Memorial University of Newfoundland, Religious Studies Dept. Gopher to: Directory: MUN Campus Info/Academic Departments/Religious Studies Resources: Text archives related to Methodism in Newfoundland; Glossary for the Study of Judaism, Christianity, Islam; Religious Subdivisions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam; Time Chart for the History of Judiasm, Christianity, Islam. Also early Pentecostal texts. 3.9 Wheaton College, Wheaton IL Gopher to: Resources: Good archives section including catalogue of Graham archives, an online collection of oral history transcripts. Comprehensive info about Wheaton. Directory of Christian College gophers, campus e-mail directory for faculty, students and staff. 3.10 Wiretap.Spies.Com Gopher to: Resources: See ftp site (2.12) 3.11 Univ of Durham UK, Theology Department Gopher to: Directory: 1/Academic/P-T/Theology Resources: Mail Discussion Groups for Theologians; _Veritatis Splendor_ online, Lectures/Text on-line, Overview of software related to Religious Studies. ========================================================================== 4. World-Wide-Web (WWW) Servers 4.1 Religious Studies Subject Trees Via Web at: (Washington & Lee Univ) Via Web at: Religion.html (EINet) Description: Two of the best WWW sites for up-to-date info on new resources in this subject area. 4.2 Calvin College, Calvin (MI) Via Web at: Resources: Access to Calvin's gopher server. Faculty, staff and student directories. Telnet gateway to Calvin College (Online) Library. This Guide, "NJB - Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet" (christian-resources.html) Via Web at: HTML Docs: The WWW Bible Gateway (cgi-bin/bible) Our Daily Bread (daily-bread.html) 4.3 Catholic Source Documents at Carnegie Mellon University Via Web at: Resources: Includes pointers to various sources for general Christian information and This Guide: "NJB - Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet" 4.4 WWW Christian Resource List Via Web at: Resources: KJV and French Bibles, Johannine Hour archives, Pointers to other Web accessible resources, including This Guide, "NJB - Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet", Our Daily Bread Archive and usenet groups. 4.5 Countering Biblical Contradictions Via Web at: contradictions.html Resources: A huge and well organized discussion of about 150 apparent Biblical contradictions explained in detail. Collected from posts on soc.religion.christian ========================================================================== 5. BULLETIN BOARDS 5.1 Institute for Christian Leadership Telnet to: (Login as GUEST) Desc: Internet accessible bulletin board (1-hr time limit) A bulletin board and information system for the Christian Higher Education and Professional Community. Resources: Suite of utilities for network access. Special Interest Group discussion areas for Campus Crusade, Christian College Coalition, Christian Leadership Ministries, Christian Medical and Dental Society, North- American Professors of Christian Education, Oregon Ind. Colleges Assoc., Inter-Varsity, Western Evangelical Seminary, etc. Faculty Dialogue Journal articulates educational issues. This Guide, "NJB - Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet" 5.2 CapAccess (The National Capital Area Public Access Network) Telnet to: (Login as GUEST, Password: VISITOR) Description: Internet accessible bulletin board (40 min time limit) Resources: Type 'go religion' Includes: description of Capital Area ministries, events and group discussion. 5.3 Tallahassee Free-Net Telnet to: (Login as VISITOR) Description: Internet accessible bulletin board (40 min time limit) Resources: #9 (Religion Center). then Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestant. Number 4 menu (Protestant) includes: various church boards by denomination; newsletters & journals; teaching ministry, testimonies and prayer requests; group discussion. 5.4 Youngstown Free-Net Telnet to: (Login: visitor) Description: Internet accessible bulletin board (1-hr time limit) Access: Type 'go christian' Resources: Bible (text on line), Bible Study, General Discussion, and Prayer Requests Note: Also accessible via gopher at (1/Worship/Christian) ========================================================================== 6. USENET NEWS GROUPS USENET news groups are usually accessible via a news reader on your local host. Most academic institutions and bulletin boards provide such facilities. Alternatively, public access via gopher is also available at numerous sites including, 6.1 alt.messianic Desc: An unmoderated group with an emphasis on messianic jews. 6.2 bit.listserv.christia Desc: Includes moderated posts distributed via the Christia List. (see 1.7) 6.3 Desc: Moderated discussion touching KJV, Tanakh, Catholic "deuterocanonical books", and books recognized by the Orthodox Churches Archive: Accessible via mail (see 1.18, 1.20) or via aftp (see 2.10) 6.4 Desc: Unmoderated group with a stated purpose to focus on Christian music. Many threads diverge from the stated focus. 6.5 Desc: This is the religion segment of a fee-based news group available by subscription to clarinet news. While not publicly available, many academic institutions subscribe. Archive: A partial archive is available at CCAT (3.6) ============================================================================= 7. ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTERS/JOURNALS Electronic Newsletters and Journals are a special type of mail- based information sources in that they are typically one-way. 7.1 BALM IN GILEAD NEWSLETTER e-mail: Desc: Official newsletter of Balm in Gilead Ministries. Sub: To subscribe send a request to Walter at the above address. 7.2 A BYTE OF TORAH e-mail: Desc: Weekly discussion of passages from the Torah (Old Testament) from a scholarly Jewish perspective. (788 subscribers) Archive: Back issues available via gopher to (1/Selected Gateways to many resources/NY - Israel project/Jews and Judaism/Devrei Torah/commentary/bytetorah) Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB BYTETORAH YourFirstName YourLastName 7.3 CONTENTS e-mail: (Internet) listserv@uottawa (Bitnet) Desc: Announcements of new and recent publications of relevance to Religious Studies and related disciplines (1351 subscribers) Archive: Back issues available via gopher to (1/e-serials/alphabetic/c/contents) Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB CONTENTS YourFirstName YourLastName 7.4 CHRISTIAN GROWTH NEWSLETTER e-mail: Desc: Intended to help Christians grow, includes testimony, articles, book reviews and event calendars Sub: To subscribe send a request to Dan Smith at the above address 7.5 Chuck Colson's BREAKPOINT COMMENTARIES Desc: A daily article on timely issues of interest. [suspended until further notice] 7.6 INTERNET PRO-LIFE JOURNAL (IPLJ) e-mail: Desc: A twice monthly newsletter which seeks to convey the pro-life message, share information vital to pro-life individuals, and to help pro-life individuals have a strong impact on their college campus or community. Sub: To subscribe send a request to Steve Ertelt at the above address. 7.7 INTERCESSORS FOR AMERICA (IFA) Desc: A monthly newsletter highlighting significant issues for urgent prayer in America. Available on Conchr-l (1.8) 7.8 JOHANNINE HOURS (TAIZE COMMUNITY) e-mail: Desc: A monthly devotional from the Taize Community, an ecumenical monastic community in France, to assist young adults in the assimilation of the Bible's message. Brief commentaries on selected passages followed by questions to help one's personal meditation and sharing with others (160 subscribers). Sub: To subscribe send a request to Brother Roy at the above address 7.9 THE LIGHTHOUSE e-mail: Desc: A monthly e-magazine focusing on contemporary Christian music with a mission to encourage people to engage in a deeper personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ using the contemporary Christian music. Sub: To subscribe send a request to the above address with lighthouse-request in the subject line and your email address in the note. 7.10 ONE BREAD, ONE BODY e-mail: Desc: Daily meditations from an evangelical catholic perspective (42 subscribers) Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address - SUB OBOB-L YourFirstName YourLastName 7.11 OUR DAILY BREAD Desc: A daily devotional from Radio Bible Class ministries. Available via web also at available to Conchr-l and Bstudy-l subscribers. An archive available at 7.12 PROLIFE NEWS e-mail: Desc: A bi-monthly newsletter developed to inform, remind and encourage people about the sanctity of life. Provides news and resource info from around the world (300 subscribers). Note: Extensive archive, including back issues, available by ftp to (/users/s/t/stfst/pln) Sub: To subscribe send a note to Steve Frezza at the above address 7.13 RENAISSANCE MINISTRY NEWSLETTER e-mail: Desc: A publication to explore and utilize computer-based methods of evangelism, encourage the body of Christ and disseminate information of interest and benefit to the Christian community. Sub: To subscribe send a note to Steve Etienne BUEHLER at the above address 7.14 THE SCRAWL e-mail: Desc: A Christian E-Mail newsletter for students published weekly during the academic year. Archive: Back issues available via gopher at (LUNA/GROUPS/LCF/CFSNEWS) Note: For info finger Sub: To subscribe send the following to the above address Your name and email address ========================================================================== 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 FINGER Services for GABRIEL'S HORN FINGER the following IDs at to receive the indicated information: ID INFORMATION -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Gabriel this list of FINGER services GabsHorn an OT or NT Bible verse for reflection and meditation GabsOver article entitled "An Overview of GABRIEL'S HORN" GabsUser request for contact and feedback ChristCo application for a FREE subscription to CHRISTIAN COMPUTING Whatis a list of other FINGER services on this host ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C)1994 by compilers. Reproduction/distribution is permissible providing that the guide is left fully intact. Please do not modify this document in any way without prior written consent. Please send additions or corrections to the compilers at the address noted in the introduction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------