Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 07:50:29 -0400 From: Virginians For Justice Subject: VJ Newsletter (long) The Voice of Virginians for Justice July-August 1996 ------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA INTERNET CONNECTION During the past three General Assembly sessions, VJ distributed legislative alerts over the Internet by using an e-mail list, "virginia- news". VJ encourages all supportive individuals and organizations to use this e-mail network to publicize news, action items and events of interest. The only requirements are that announcements should be of interest to supporters of equal justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Virginians. If you are interested in receiving updates via virginia-news, send subscribe virginia-news to: You will then receive electronic copies of all correspondence that is deemed relevant by the network's moderator and instructions for submittals. ------------------------------------------- VJ'S CITIZEN LOBBYING CHALLENGE With summer well underway, school in recess, and vacation plans in full gear, most of us are not expending a lot of energy thinking about the 1997 Virginia General Assembly session that begins in January. Well, don't be fooled into thinking that your elected officials are on vacation too! Your state senator and delegate are elected to work for you year-round, not just in the State Capitol during the legislative session! The months of summer and early fall are, inarguably, the most effective time for you to contact your legislators on gay issues. They will not be scurrying back and forth to Richmond or exhausted from a recently ended legislative session. The summer of '96 is particularly opportune because state legislators themselves are not up for election, nor will they be bogged down lending a hand to campaign for their party's candidates in the November 5 congressional and presidential elections -- that will come in the fall. Right now, they are easy to reach, have more time for their constituents and, for those of you with legislators not fully educated on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, they have fewer excuses to avoid a meeting. You will also have more time to be persistent and to develop a personal relationship with your senator and delegate. PROGRESS TOWARDS EQUALITY: This chart exhibits the progress that has been made on VJ's key bills in recent legislative sessions: 1) adding "sexual orientation and gender" to the existing hate crimes law; and 2) modifying the Crimes Against Nature law to make noncommercial, sexual behavior between consenting adults legal in Virginia. Also included is a projection of the number of cosponsors that we hope to gain before the 1997 G.A. ------------------------------------------- substitute for chart (not available in email version): 1995 - 1 cosponsor for CAN reform, 9 cosponsors for hate crimes reform 1996 - 7 cosponsors for CAN reform, 19 cosponsors for hate crimes reform 1997 projections - 15 cosponsors for CAN reform, 30 cosponsors for hate crimes reform ------------------------------------------- As you can see, the hard work of our lobbyists David Perry and Campbell Spencer, combined with the work of VJ members and allies across the state, we have made significant progress. We do expect to attain at least committee passage of one of these bills - a seemingly small step in some states - but a historic first in Virginia. In the early 1990's, the very existence of these bills, more or less 20 cosponsors, was almost unimaginable. The momentum is ours to grab, but we need your help to reach our 1997 goals. THE CHALLENGE TO YOU: Over the past 7 years working with the General Assembly, we have learned that no matter how experienced and dedicated our professional lobbyists may be, our progress is tied directly to number of our supporters who write, visit and call their legislators consistently. Your task for the remainder of the summer and into the early fall is to do just that. We ask that you do these things to develop support for the hate crimes law modification: * Locate both your senator and your delegate on the list on pages 4 and 5. If you don't know which are yours, contact VJ or your local voter registrar listed in your phone book. * Make appointments with both legislators. If you are unable to visit, write personal, polite letters. * LET VJ KNOW OF YOUR CONTACT! Phone, write or e-mail to tell us of your visits or letters. In September, we will publish an updated list of all legislators indicating who has been contacted and who has yet to hear from at least one constituent. * Ask each to cosponsor and support the 1997 version of past bills to add "sexual orientation and gender" to the hate crimes law. * If you are gay or lesbian, you do not necessarily have to say so in the letter. However, we do encourage everyone to be "out". If you are heterosexual, please say so because wary legislators may be able to closer identify with you. * If possible, use personal anecdotes of your own experiences (or of those close to you). * If your legislator(s) has been a cosponsor in the past, be sure to contact them anyway. They need positive reinforcement from voters. * If you believe your legislator(s) are not educable on lesbian and gay issues, please contact them! They need to know that they have gay- supportive voters in their district. There are very few legislators who are absolutely unmoved by a personal story. They may not vote our way this time, but the wall they have constructed can weaken over the years. Sometime in the not-too-distant future, they may decide not to cast a vote on a gay issue rather than vote against us. * This is not a "gay" issue or a "conservative" or "liberal" issue, but a matter of protection from well-documented violence and harassment. Passage would send a signal that Virginia does not put up with hate violence of any type. Accept the challenge for your area of the state and get your friends, family and acquaintances involved! ------------------------------------------- COMING IN THE VOICE THIS FALL... In addition to updating you on the progress of the Citizen Lobbying Challenge, we will also begin promoting similar visits asking for support of Crimes Against Nature law reform. The C.A.N. law is used to rationalize the majority of homophobia in the legislative, executive and judicial branches of Virginia government, so we will be redoubling our efforts to gain cosponsors for CAN reform. We will also begin a newly-conceived campaign to enlist VJ members and allies in our efforts to gain endorsements of our legislation. We will be asking citizens across the Commonwealth to ask for the endorsements of local churches, organizations, labor unions, public officials and governmental bodies. VJ will provide draft statements of support that, once signed, will be presented to the legislature. We can also use these locally solicited letters of support to convince regional and statewide civil rights and religious organizations that their official endorsements are appropriate. ------------------------------------------- MURDERS POINT TO NEED FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT COOPERATION During the past 18 months, more than sixty churches have been burned, more then half of them African American churches in the South, including at least one in Virginia. Many of the burnings are being investigated as hate crimes. Sometime early in the morning of February 25, two synagogues and the MCC of Richmond were vandalized, with several windows broken. At approximately the same time, at least one rainbow flag was stolen off the front porch of a Richmond residence near the vandalized sites. These acts are being investigated as hate crimes, but, to date, no arrests have been made. Over the first weekend in June, the bodies of two young women, Lollie Winans and Julianne Williams, were discovered on the Appalachian Trail near Luray, Virginia in Shenandoah National Park. Although no motive has been released in the slayings, it has been confirmed that the two women were lesbians and anti-violence programs around the country have questioned the possible motivation as anti-lesbian in nature. Taken separately, each of these incidents are heinous, and deserve the most intense investigations possible to bring the perpetrators to justice. However, when the incidents are placed in a larger societal context, the picture is more frightening.and requires government and community response, in addition to law enforcement efforts. Virginians For Justice has begun to note some cooperation between government, community, and law enforcement. On Wednesday, June 19, members of Virginians For Justice, the Virginia Conference of NAACP, the VA/NC Anti-Defamation League, and representatives from several area congregations met for an ADL sponsored seminar on security for religious institutions. Information on making religious and other institutions less vulnerable to vandalism and other hate crimes was provided by local, state and federal law enforcement. Several elected officials also attended the event. The presenters included discussions on hate violence based on race, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Even Virginia Attorney General James Gilmore, as reported in the Richmond Times Dispatch prior to the seminar, agreed that attacks on gays should be included in a general definition on hate crimes. However, Gilmore also noted that he feels there is no need to change state laws to include gays in protection against hate violence. In fact, one of the greatest difficulties in obtaining information on the yet unsolved murders of Lollie Winans and Julianne Williams has been insuring that the investigative team included hate violence based on sexual orientation as a possible motivation and did not simply exclude the possibility without due concern. As a member organization of the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP), VJ has been monitoring the situation since the release of information about the murders on June 3, 1996. Virginians for Justice and the NCAVP became immediately concerned that the murders may have been bias motivated when the FBI and investigative team released information that indicated they had found evidence that the murders were an isolated incident and that they were definitely not investigating the possibility that there was a hate motivated possibility, particularly since they were unaware the two women were lesbian. The NCAVP quickly found information that contradicted pieces of the FBI statements and requested a clarification from the investigative team. When none was forthcoming, VJ and the NCAVP and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force sent a letter to US Attorney General Janet Reno at the Department of Justice requesting an honest answer as to whether hate violence had been ruled out in the investigation. Attorney General Reno responded relatively quickly with assurances that all possible motivations, including the possibility of hate violence based on sexual orientation, was still being investigated. To date, the FBI has released no information indicating they have a suspect or a motive. ------------------------------------------- WILL AMENDMENT 2 DECISION IMPACT VA? The US Supreme Court's historic ruling that Colorado's anti-gay Amendment 2 is unconstitional will have many short and longterm implications. The decision is an unqualified success, but legal scholars and attorneys disagree on how far that Court's decision will go in providing precedent in the fight for equal rights. It is, however, unamimous that anti-gay ballot initiatives will have an extremely rough time passing muster regardless of the clever language they may employ. Here in Virginia, the impact is likely to be longterm. The Virginia constitution does not allow for voter-initiated referenda, so there are no anti-gay ballot measures for the decision to invalidate. There are many other channels in which the decision could eventually affect positive change for Virginia's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender citizens. As you well know, The Commonwealth has a lengthy and embarrassing history of anti-gay laws, court cases and, more recently, regulations controlled by boards and commissions appointed by the Governor. The Crimes Against Nature (sodomy) law, the Sharon Bottoms child custody case and anti-gay VHDA regulations are prime examples of each. It appears as if these issues and others, such as anti-same-sex marriage laws or laws banning gays and lesbians from the military, could violate the principles set forth in the Amendment 2 decision. The majority opinion, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, criticized Amendment 2 for "imposing a broad and undifferentiated disability" on lesbians and gays with no rationale except a "desire to harm a politically unpopular group." This certainly seems to apply to many anti-gay laws and regulations. Legal scholars seem to agree that the decision could eventually impact sodomy laws and other issues, but that it will likely take years of litigation and judical opinions for the impact to be sorted out. Despite the unprecedented potential for help from the courts, it is imperative that national, statewide and local groups continue their efforts in the legislative and judicial arenas. Even if Amendment 2 were to eventually invalidate all sodomy laws, allow gay marriage and permit all to serve in the military, the task of creating a culture that values and protects all sexual orientations will continue. ------------------------------------------- If you are a victim, witness, or have knowledge of a bias crime -- REPORT IT: CALL 1-800-2JUSTIC ------------------------------------------- The Voice is published bi-monthly by Virginians for Justice PO Box 342 Richmond, VA 23218-0342 804-643-4816 Virginians for Justice advances equal justice for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and those affected by the HIV epidemic, through the state's legislative, administrative and judicial systems. ------------------------------------------- VJ MEMBERSHIP CARDS UPGRADED WITH ELECTED OFFICIAL INFO A VJ membership will not only keep you up-to-date on how VJ is working to effect change in The Commonwealth, but we will also make it easy for you to participate Beginning in April of this year, our membership cards now contain vital information about how to contact your Virginia state senator and delegate. The cards list their names and contact information so you can quickly react to VJ Action Alerts and so you can easily reach them year round. Let VJ help you help us help you. Membership cards are sent upon receipt of dues. CALENDER OF VIRGINIA EVENTS June 1 - VJ Membership Drive begins July 20 - VJ Board meeting: Richmond Aug. 17 - VJ Board meeting: Richmond Sept. 8 - Roanoke Pride in the Park Sept. 21 - Joint VJ/Richmond Pride Coalition Cocktail Party (call 804-643-4816) Sept. 22 - Richmond Gay Pride Festival (call 804-353-4133 for info) Oct. 7 - Voter Registration Deadline - must register by this date to vote Nov. 5 Oct. 11-13 - The Names Project's AIDS Memorial Quilt Display: Washington DC (call 202-296-2637 to volunteer) Nov. 5 - Election Day Nov. 6-10 - National Gay & Lesbian Task Force's Creating Change Conference: Alexandria (202-332-6483) ------------------------------------------- 1997 Senate of Virginia Last Name/First Name/Address/City/State/Zip/In-district Phone/Party/District Barry Warren E. PO Box 1146 Fairfax, VA 22030 703-321-0900 R-37 Benedetti Joseph B. 600 E. Main St., 20th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 804-780-0505 R-10 Bolling William T. PO Box 112 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 804-965-1239 R-4 Chichester John H. PO Box 904 Fredricksburg, VA 22404 540-373-5600 R- 28 Colgan Charles J. PO Box 1650 Manassas, VA 22110 703-368-0300 D-29 * Couric Emily PO Box 5462 Charlottesville, VA 22905 804-296-5491 D-25 Earley Mark L. PO Box 13715 Chesapeake, VA 23325 757-482-8640 R-14 Edwards John S. PO Box 1179 Roanoke, VA 24006-1179 540-985-8625 D-21 Gartlan, Jr. Joseph V. 5813 River Drive Mason Neck, VA 22079 703-339- 0033 D-36 Goode, Jr. Virgil H. 124 Orchard Ave. Rocky Mount, VA 24151 540-483- 9030 D-20 Hanger, Jr. Emmett W. PO Box 2 Mount Solon, VA 22843 540-885-7440 R- 24 Hawkins Charles R. PO Box 818 Chatham, VA 24531 804-432-9672 R-19 Holland Richard J. PO Box 285 Windsor, VA 23487 757-242-6111 D-15 Houck R. Edward PO Box 7 Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-786-2782 D-17 * Howell Janet D. 11338 Woodbrook Lane Reston, VA 22094 703-709-8283 D- 32 * Lambert III Benjamin J. 904 North First Street Richmond, VA 23219 804- 643-3534 D-9 +Lucas L. Louise 1120 Lakeview Drive Portsmouth, VA 23701 757-487-5705 D-18 Marsh III Henry L. 509 North Third Street Richmond, VA 23219 804-648- 9073 D-16 Martin Stephen H. PO Box 36147 Richmond, VA 23235 804-674-0242 R-11 Marye Madison E. PO Box 37 Shawsville, VA 24162 540-268-1607 D-39 Maxwell W. Henry 900 Shore Drive Newport News, VA 23607 757-380-1779 D-2 Miller Kevin G. 2 S. Main St., Suite 606 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540- 433-6553 R-26 Miller Yvonne B. 2816 Gate House Road Norfolk, VA 23504 757-627-4214 D-5 Newman Stephen D. PO Box 2209 Lynchburg, VA 24501 804-528-1461 R-23 Norment, Jr. Thomas K. POI Box 1697 Williamsburg, VA 23187 757-253- 2668 R-3 Potts, Jr. H. Russell 118 S. Cameron St. Winchester, VA 22601 540-665- 0823 R-27 Quayle Frederick M. 3808 Poplar Hill Rd. Suite A Chesapeake, VA 23321 757-483-9173 R-13 Reasor, Jr. Jackson E. PO Box 691 Bluefield, VA 24605 540-322-1520 D- 38 Saslaw Richard L. PO Box 1856 Springfield, VA 22151 703-644-6464 D-35 Schrock Edward L. PO Box 62996 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 757-460-3777 R-7 Stolle Kenneth W. 780 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Ste 200 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-427-0560 R-8 Stosch Walter A. Markel Bldg at Innsbrook 4551 Cox Rd., Suite 110 Glen Allen, VA 23060 804-527-7735 R-12 *+Ticer Patricia S. Rm. 2007, City Hall, 301 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314 202-548-8540 D-30 Trumbo Malfourd W. PO Box 448 Fincastle, VA 24090 540-473-2781 R-22 Waddell Charles L. 705-G E. Market St. Leesburg, VA 22075 703-771-2540 D-33 Walker Stanley C. 100 W. Plume St., Suite 750 Norfolk, VA 23510 757- 623-6245 D-6 Wampler, Jr. William C. 510 Cumberland St., Suite 308 Bristol, VA 24201 540-669-7515 R-40 * Whipple Mary Margaret 3556 North Valley Street Arlington, VA 22207 703-905-0093 D-31 Williams Martin E. PO Box 1096 Newport News, VA 23601 757-867-7318 R- 1 Woods Jane H. PO Box 1387 Fairfax, VA 22030 703-352-1991 R-34 1997 Virginia House of Delegates Last Name/First Name/Address/City/State/Zip/In-district Phone/Party/District Abbitt, Jr. Watkins M. PO Box 683 Appomattox, VA 24522 804-352-2880 D-59 Albo David B. PO Box 6412 Springfield, VA 22150 703-866-1212 R-42 *+Almand James F. 2060 N. 14th St., Suite 206 Arlington, VA 22201 703- 524-9700 D-47 Armstrong Ward L. PO Box 1431 Martinsville, VA 24114-1431 540-632-7022 D-11 Baker, Jr. Thomas G. PO Box 1847 Dublin, VA 24084 540-674-4081 R-7 Barlow William K. PO Box 190 Smithfield, VA 23431 757-357-9720 D-64 Behm, Jr. I. Vincent 3401 West Mercury Blvd. Hampton, VA 23666 757- 826-1444 D-91 Bennett, Jr. W. W. PO Box 1219 Halifax, VA 24558 804-476-4032 D-60 Bloxom Robert S. PO Box 27 Mappsville, VA 23407 757-824-3456 R-100 Brickley David G. 4310 Ridgewood Center Dr. Woodbridge, VA 22192 703- 670-4526 D-51 Bryant, Jr. L. Preston PO Box 3589 Lynchburg, VA 24503 804-384-1938 R-23 Callahan, Jr. Vincent F. PO Box 1173 McLean, VA 22101 703-356-1925 R- 34 Cantor Eric I. PO Box 28280 Richmond, VA 23228 804-266-6100 R-73 Christian Mary T. PO Box 1892 Hampton, VA 23669 757-723-6060 D-92 Clement Whittington W. PO Box 8200 Danville, VA 24543 804-793-8200 D- 20 * Connally Julia A. 3563 N. Abingdon Street Arlington, VA 22207 703-536- 5924 D-48 Cooper Shirley F. PO Box 979 Yorktown, VA 23692 757-898-0969 D-96 Councill, Jr. J. Paul PO Box 119 Franklin, VA 23851 757-562-4283 D-75 Cox M. Kirkland 3236 Longhorn Drive Colonial Heights, VA 23834 804- 526-5135 R-66 Cranwell C. Richard PO Box 459 Vinton, VA 24179-0459 540-344-7111 D- 14 Crittenden Flora D. PO Box 5046 Newport News, VA 23605 757-244-6698 D-95 Croshaw Glenn R. PO Box 61888 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 757-628-5624 D-81 Crouch Joyce K. 8318 Timberlake Rd., Suite 2 Lynchburg, VA 24502 804- 237-6517 R-22 * Cunningham Jean W. PO Box 542 Richmond, VA 23204 804-560-3456 D-71 *+Darner L. Karen 969 S. Buchanan St. Arlington, VA 22204 703-271-5284 D-49 Davies III John J. 122 West Cameron Street Culpeper, VA 22701 540-829- 0067 D-30 DeBoer Jay W. 16 E. Tabb Street Petersburg, VA 23803 804-861-4310 D- 63 Deeds R. Creigh PO Box 360 Warm Springs, VA 24484 540-839-2473 D-18 Diamonstein Alan A. 11817 Canon Blvd., Suite 400 Newport News, VA 23606 757-873-4600 D-94 Dickinson V. Earl RR 4, Box 2225 Mineral, VA 23117 540-894-8802 D-56 * Dillard II James H. 4709 Briar Patch Lane Fairfax, VA 22032 703-323- 9556 R-41 Drake Thelma S. 2306 Bay Oaks Place Norfolk, VA 23518 757-583-1000 R- 87 Dudley Allen W. 1521 Altice Mill Road Rocky Mount, VA 24151 540-489- 8989 R-9 Fisher Richard L. PO Box 2255 Vienna, VA 22183 703-750-4277 R-35 Forbes J. Randy 524 Johnstown Road Chesapeake, VA 23320 757-547-7177 R-78 Grayson George W. PO Box 1969 Williamsburg, VA 23187 757-253-0553 D- 97 Griffith H. Morgan PO Box 1250 Salem, VA 24153 540-389-4498 R-8 Guest Raymond R. PO Box 147 Front Royal, VA 22630 540-635-8822 R-15 Hall Franklin P. Bon Air Professional Bldg, Ste 202 2800 Buford Rd. Richmond, VA 23235 804-272-1515 D-69 Hamilton Phillip A. PO Box 1585 Newport News, VA 23601 757-249-2580 R-93 Hargrove, Sr. Frank D. 10321 Washington Highway Glen Allen, VA 23059 804-550-3000 R-55 Harris Robert E. 4440 Glenn Rose St. Fairfax, VA 22032 703-412-6636 R-37 Heilig, Jr. George H. 700 Newtown Road Norfolk, VA 23502 757-461-2500 D-86 Howell William J. PO Box 8296 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 540-371-1612 R-28 * Hull Robert D. PO Box 2331 Falls Church, VA 22042 703-573-4855 D-38 Ingram Riley E. 3302 Oaklawn Blvd. Hopewell, VA 23860 804-458-9873 R- 62 Jackson, Jr. Thomas M. PO Box 333 Hillsville, VA 24343 540-728-9545 D-6 Johnson, Jr. Joseph P. 189 E. Valley Street Abingdon, VA 24210 540- 628-7167 D-4 Jones Dwight C. PO Box 2347 Richmond, VA 23218 804-233-7679 D-70 *+Jones Jerrauld C. 125 St. Paul's Blvd., Ste 300 Norfolk, VA 23510 757- 627-6568 D-89 Katzen Jay K. PO Box 3004 Warrenton, VA 22186 540-341-1993 R-31 Keating Gladys B. 5909 Parkridge Lane Franconia, VA 22310 703-971-3571 D-43 Kilgore Terry G. PO Box 669 Gate City, VA 24251 540-386-7701 R-1 Landes R. Steven PO Box 42 Weyers Cave, VA 24486 540-434-4512 R-25 Marshall Robert G. PO Box 421 Manassas, VA 22110 703-866-7177 R-13 May Joe T. PO Box 4104 Leesburg, VA 22075 703-478-0700 R-33 McClure Roger J. PO Box 437 Centreville, VA 22020 703-684-3995 R-67 McDonnell Robert F. PO Box 62244 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 757-499-1841 R-84 McEachin A. Donald PO Box 1321 Richmond, VA 23218 804-775-2374 D-74 *+Melvin Kenneth R. 601 Dinwiddie Street Portsmouth, VA 23704 757-397- 1009 D-80 Mims William C. PO Box 741 Leesburg, VA 22075 703-777-4000 R-32 Moore, Jr. William S. PO Box 6190 Portsmouth, VA 23703 757-686-3600 D-79 *+Moran Brian J. City Hall, Box 65, 301 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314 703-549-8253 D-46 Morgan Harvey B. PO Box 949 Gloucester, VA 23061 804-693-4750 R-98 Moss, Jr. Thomas W. 403 Boush Street, Suite 360 Norfolk, VA 23510 757- 623-6677 D-88 Murphy, Jr. W. Tayloe PO Box 277 Warsaw, VA 22572 804-333-4051 D-99 Nelms Robert E. PO Box 4146 Suffolk, VA 23439 757-925-1991 R-76 Nixon, Jr. Samuel A. PO Box 34843 Richmond, VA 23234 804-271-2134 R- 27 O'Brien, Jr. James K. 7903 Clifton Hunt Ct. Clifton, VA 22024 703-968- 9321 R-40 Orrock, Sr. Robert D. 10805 Crestwood Drive Spotsylvania, VA 22553 540-891-1322 R-54 Parrish Harry J. 8898 Bond Court Manassas, VA 22110-4327 703-368-3121 R-50 Phillips Clarence E. PO Box 36 Castlewood, VA 24224 540-762-9758 D-2 * Plum Kenneth R. 2073 Cobblestone Lane Reston, VA 22091 703-758-9733 D-36 * Puller Linda T. PO Box 146 Mt. Vernon, VA 22121 703-765-1150 D-44 Purkey Harry R. 2352 Leeward Shore Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757- 422-8005 R-82 Putney Lacey E. PO Box 127 Bedford, VA 24523 540-586-0080 I 19 Reid John S. PO Box 29566 Richmond, VA 23242 804-226-3713 R-72 Reynolds W. Roscoe PO Box 404 Martinsville, VA 24114 540-638-2315 D- 10 Rhodes Anne G. PO Box 14569 Richmond, VA 23221 804-285-2718 R-68 Robinson, Jr. William P. 256 W. Freemason Street Norfolk, VA 23510 757-622-4770 D-90 Rollison III John A. 13514 Minnieville Rd., Ste 202 Woodbridge, VA 22192 703-670-4000 R-52 Ruff, Jr. Frank M. PO Box 332 Clarksville, VA 23927 804-374-5129 R-61 Scott James M. PO Box 359 Merrifield, VA 22116 703-560-8338 D-53 Sherwood Beverly J. PO Box 2014 Winchester, VA 22604 540-667-8947 R- 29 Shuler James M. 1480 South Main St. Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-953-1103 D-12 Spruill, Sr. Lionell PO Box 13725 Chesapeake, VA 23325 757-523-2373 D-77 Stump Jackie T. PO Box 429 Oakwood, VA 24631 540-498-7207 D-3 Tata Robert 4536 Gleneagle Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-499-2490 R-85 Tate, Jr. John H. PO Box 26 Marion, VA 24354 540-783-7238 D-5 Thomas A. Victor 1301 Orange Avenue, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 540-345-4120 D-17 * Van Landingham Marian A. City Hall, 301 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314 703-549-2511 D-45 * Van Yahres Mitchell 223 West Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 804- 977-7863 D-57 Wagner Frank W. PO Box 68003 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 757-420-2844 R- 21 Wardrup, Jr. Leo C. PO Box 5266 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 757-490-8383 R-83 Watkins John C. PO Box 159 Midlothian, VA 23113 804-379-2063 R-65 * Watts Vivian E. 8717 Mary Lee Lane Annandale, VA 22003 703-978-2989 D-39 Way Peter T. 100 Court Sq. Terrace G Charlottesville, VA 22902 804- 296-6681 R-58 Weatherholtz Glenn M. 2 S. Main St., Suite 606 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540-564-3838 R-26 Wilkins, Jr. S. Vance PO Box 469 Amherst, VA 24521 804-946-7599 R-24 Woodrum Clifton A. PO Box 1371 Roanoke, VA 24007 540-345-0426 D-16 * Sponsor or Cosponsor of 1996 House Bill 234 (Hate Crimes Law Reform) + Sponsor or Cosponsor of 1996 House Bill 1468 (Crimes Against Nature Law Reform) ------------------------------------------- BOARD OF DIRECTORS news sarah Richardson Retains Chair The VJ Board of Directors has unanimously re-elected Sarah Richardson of New Kent to a second one-year term as Virginians for Justice Chair. A native Virginian, Sarah works for a grassroots environmental organization in Richmond, when she isn't absorbed with VJ activities and home life in rural New Kent County. VJ is proud to have use of Sarah's strong leadership, organizational skills and mediating abilities for another year. The Chair's term ends in June of each year. The Board also re-elected both Bonnie Rabichow of Alexandria and Gary Antonucci of Williamsburg to one-year terms as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Both Bonnie and Gary are longtime Board members who have agreed to stay on as officers for another year. Thanks for extending your commitments! Bonnie was also elected to her third consecutive term on the VJ Board. This announcement was made at our 1996 Annual Meeting, held May 18 at The University of Richmond. Bonnie's Northern Virginia connections, knowledge of child custody issues and her treasury skillsare are all much-needed. ROANOKE AREA GAINS BOARD SEAT Also announced at the Annual Meeting was the membership's election of Jim Scott of Roanoke to a two-year term on the Board. Jim is new to the Board yet his presence has already been felt because of his strong desire to build grassroots support for equal justice in Southwest Virginia. VJ supporters in the Roanoke area and all of Southwest Virginia are encouraged to contact Jim if you'd like to assist him in furthering VJ projects in your area of the state. Let him know that you support his efforts! VJ STAFF Office Manager Shirley Lesser TASK FORCE COORDINATORS Anti-Violence Task Force Rick Price Legislative Task Force Patrick Heck Development Task Force Shirley Lesser Call VJ at 804-643-4816 to volunteer for a task force. VJ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Members and the areas they represent: Gary Antonucci - Secretary 757-253-0789 (Williamsburg) Heather Ashburn (Richmond) 804-222-5802 Bob Greene (Richmond) 804-355-6218 Patrick Heck (Norfolk) 757-622-1695 Penny Huggins (Richmond) 804-353-0517 Bonnie Rabichow - Treasurer 703-360-1261 (Alexandria) Sarah Richardson - Chair 804-932-8187 (New Kent) Jim Scott (Roanoke) 540-977-3375 FURTHER YOUR COMMITMENT As evidenced by our progress in the G.A., we believe that Virginia's legislature is moving substantially closer to passing its first piece of pro-gay legislation. To take advantage of this opportunity, we need a strong and diverse Board of Directors. We seek a Board free from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, color, age, handicap or political affiliation. As you can see, many areas of the state are not represented or are severely under-represented. However, we are interested in all qualified candidates, regardless of which city or county you may live in. If you are interested in furthering your commitment, or recommending someone, call VJ and we'll fill you in on what it takes to be on the board. COMPUTER TOPS WISH LIST Due to a rather ironic dilemma, VJ's need for a computer upgrade has risen quickly to the top of our wish list. We are fortunate enough to have a benefactor who donated $500 earmarked for a much-needed laser printer for the VJ office. However, our computer is so old and outmoded that we can't find a new laser printer that will work with our 286-based machine from the dark ages. We are also eager to be able to access the Internet from the VJ office and a newer computer would help this project. If you have any ideas for securing a new or used 486 or better, please let us know. The following items are needed to keep our office operating smoothly: * A new computer, as mentioned above. * $0.32 stamps (books, rolls, sheets, ...) We can use any amount that you can send from 1 to 100. * A ream or box of plain white copy paper. If you are interested in volunteering, or underwriting or donating an item, please phone our office. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VJ is searching for volunteers to work in our Richmond office and as volunteers in other areas of the state. Time commitments can range from a few hours per month to several hours each week. Available tasks include: * Maintain our Attorney Referral Program. * Become involved in developing grassroots support for one of our issues in your area of the state. * Work on a research and data entry project that will identify our member's legislative districts. * Host a House Party in your area. All you have to do is host a small party while VJ staff and Board members do the rest! Call for info. * Work on a campaign to increase awareness of VJ's 1-800-2JUSTIC hate crimes reporting line Contact VJ and we'll work with you to find a task to suit both your interests and availability. ------------------------------------------- VALENTINE MUSEUM PANEL INVIGORATES ATTENDEES On Thursday evening, June 27, Richmond's Valentine Museum hosted a provocative panel discussion entitled "Illegitimate Unions: The History of Sexuality in the South." A reception in the museum gardens, hosted by Virginians for Justice, followed. The panel consisted of internationally known activist, attorney and author Urvashi Vaid; gay Mississippi historian John Howard; Virginia ACLU Executive Director Kent Willis and lesbian historian Pippa Holloway from Ohio State University. The panel, funded by the Valentine Museum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, focused on the historical development of anti-gay and lesbian laws and culture in the South as well as addressing important contemporary strides forward and ongoing struggles. Thank you to the panel members and the Valentine Museum for including VJ. ------------------------------------------- VJ YARD SALE NETS $250 On Saturday, June 22, Richmonders shopped for stylish bargains at VJ's Second Annual Yard Sale. Several VJ supporters donated unwanted household goods and furniture along with some great junk. More than $250 was raised for VJ, thanks to the efforts of VJ Board member Heather Ashburn. Thanks to all who donated and especially to those who purchased! ------------------------------------------- ROANOKE HOUSE PARTY On Saturday evening, June 29, VJ Board member Jim Scott and Don Holdren hosted a gathering of Roanoke and Blacksburg residents at a Virginians for Justice house party. Attendees contributed nearly $500 to VJ, but more importantly, several became new members. These members will be invaluable as VJ encourages our supporters to help build our grassroots capabilities in southwest Virginia. VJ has targeted this area for increased constituent pressure because several key legislators represent the area. We welcome our new supporters and look forward to working with you! ------------------------------------------- IT'S MY PARTY PREMIERE RAISES $$ FOR VJ & AIDS CARE On May 17, Harbor Gallery and The Naro Expanded Cinema in Norfolk's Ghent neighborhood hosted an opening night reception and showing of It's My Party, a star-studded, dramatic and controversial film about a celebration of life that precedes a gay man with AIDS choosing assisted suicide. The 200 attendees contributed in excess of $4,000 that, after expenses, was divided equally between Virginians for Justice and AIDS Care, a program of the Eastern Virginia Medical School that provides indigent care for AIDS patients through several clinics. Many thanks to the many Hampton Roads area restaurants, caterers and businesses that assisted in creating an elegant affair. ------------------------------------------- Virginians for Justice ON THE ROAD If any group is interested in learning how to influence local legislators or learning more about the laws that affect the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Virginians, VJ is more than willing to travel to your part of the state for speaking engagements, workshops or just to visit. Here are some of our recent travels: Lavender Light, May 21, Williamsburg - VJ Board member Gary Antonucci spoke to the Williamsburg area's lesbian and gay organization about the recent US Supreme Court's Amendment 2 decision. PFLAG Norfolk/South Hampton Rds, June 2, Norfolk - VJ Legislative Coordinator Pat Heck spoke at the monthly PFLAG meeting addressing the possible impacts of the Amendment 2 decision on same-sex marriage and sodomy laws in Virginia. DC Freedom Festival, June 9, Washington - The VJ booth was very popular this year. We registered many new voters (with the help of Virginia Partisans Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club) and gained several new members. It was wet, but worth it due to an estimated crowd of 100,000. Hampton Roads Gay Pride Picnic, June 16, VA Beach - Despite the perennial heat, many of the almost 2,000 attendees stopped by the VJ table. Several new members were gained as well as many new signups. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you haven't yet, join VJ and we will keep you informed about our work to obtain equal justice for ALL Virginians Name ________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State/Zip ________________________________________ Enclosed is my Annual Membership of: INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION ___ $25 Regular ___ $125 Bronze ($100 for non-profit) ___ $40 Family ___ $250 Silver ($200 for non-profit) ___ $100 Major Donor ___ $500 Gold ($400 for non-profit) ___ $200 Sponsor ___ $400 Patron ___ $ (other) VJ's primary activity is lobbying, so contributions are not tax- deductible. Please make check payable to Virginians for Justice. Thank You. A financial statement is available from the Virginia State Division of Consumer Affairs Virginians for Justice PO Box 342 Richmond, VA 23218-0342 804-643-4816 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEGAL REFERRAL SERVICE VJ has compiled a list of Virginia attorneys who are willing to assist the lesbian and gay community. They are knowledgeable on issues of concern to sexual minorities, so please take advantage of their assistance. If you or someone you know is in need of legal advice, please call VJ at 804-643-4816. Attorneys who are be interested in being on our referral list, please contact VJ. ------------------------------------------- SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM VJ offers our organizational and corporate donors the opportunity to show their support by becoming Advertising Sponsors. VJ Advertising Sponsors can advertise in The Voice, thereby reaping the benefits of gaining publicity among VJ readers as well as securing a tax benefit for their business. Rates for a full year (six issues) of advertising sponsorship are: $125 - Bronze ($100 non-profit) $250 - Silver ($200 non-profit) $500 - Gold ($400 non-profit) The Voice reaches more than 1,700 Virginia homes, organizations, and businesses. Add yours to the list by contacting VJ at 804-643-4816. ------------------------------------------- Virginians Against Domestic Violence 2850 Sandy Bay Rd., #101 Williamsburg, VA 23185 Virginia Family Violence Hotline 1-800-838-8238 Virginia's Secret A Transgender Support Organization PO Box 7386 Richmond, VA 23221 804-222-6796 William & Mary Gay & Lesbian Alumni A nationwide organization of Wm. & Mary alumni PO Box 15141 Washington, DC 20003 Fairfax Lesbian and Gay Citizens Assoc. Serving the Entire Fairfax County Area PO Box 2322 Springfield, VA 22152 703-451-9528 The Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance Serving the Arlington Area PO Box 324 Arlington, VA 22210 703-522-7660 The Alexandria Gay & Lesbian Community Association PO Box 19401 Alexandria, VA 22320 703-684-0444 Dignity - Northern Virginia Gay and Lesbian Catholics and Friends PO Box 10037 Arlington VA 22210 703-912-1662 Metropolitan Community Church of Richmond 2501 Park Avenue Richmond VA 23220 804-353-9477 God's Other Sheep Christian Center God's word changing us so Others can become mature Sheep Pastor Terri Wade-Stancil PO Box 1812 * Norfolk, VA 23501-1812 * 804-625-5950 Blue Ridge Business & Professional Guild Serving Southwest Virginia PO Box 20306 Roanoke, VA 24018-0031 TOM FRENCH FLOWERS 17 North Belmont Avenue Richmond, VA 23221 804-278-9420 The Supper Club Social gatherings for the Roanoke Valley PO Box 21391 * Roanoke, VA 24018 540-772-5702 American Express Financial Advisors, Inc. Gregory F. Smith, Certified Financial Planner Suite 190, Chadwick Bldg., 5029 Corporate Woods Dr. VA Beach, VA 23462 804-490-2705 * 804-473-8678(fax) Nesbit Hair & Cetera 804-355-8775 Main Street Therapy and Fan Tan 804-355-9941 2215 and 2219 West Main Street Richmond VA 23220 PATRICK J. A. WILLIAMS Tax Preparation PO Box 6386 Portsmouth, VA 22703 804-484-7267 VIRGINIA PARTISANS Gay & Lesbian Democratic Club PO Box 6234 Arlington, VA 22206 703-671-9780 NORFOLK FLORIST "Hampton Roads' Finest" 8 locations throughout Hampton Roads charge by phone: 804-464-1515 out of town customers: 800-873-1550 ILLUMINESSENCE Special Event Lighting Norfolk, Virginia 804-588-0638 COLDWELL BANKER Powell & Associates Realty, Inc. 758 McGuire Place * Newport News, VA 23601 Your buying, selling and building specialist for all of our family needs. Miles C. Burcher Phone: 804-596-2000 * Digital Pager: 804-988-9322