Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 16:14:11 -0500 From: Virginians For Justice Subject: VJ Newsletter (long) The Voice of Virginians for Justice July-August 1995 VJ'S 1996 PRIORITY ISSUES: A PREVIEW Each year since 1989, Virginians For Justice has devoted an issue of our newsletter to detailing our priority issues for the annual General Assembly session. We would like to continue that tradition, but in a significant change from the past, this year's legislative preview is coming six months before the start of the 1996 legislative session. This change of tactic is part of a new VJ emphasis on developing our in-district constituent lobbying capabilities. Over the years, we have demonstrated our abilities to push forward with our legislation and to combat anti-gay bills during the hectic January-February General Assembly sessions. However, we believe that emphasis also needs to placed on the power of our membership and our allies to generate gay-positive legislation and attitudes within state government while your legislators are home. Another new component of our legislative plan will be our first statewide awareness and educational campaign. The campaign will kick off simultaneous with our annual Membership Campaign (September 1 thru October 31), however the awareness campaign is expected to run well into 1996. If funding is available, we may make it an ongoing project. Prompted by the negative Bottoms decision, VJ has recognized the need to involve communities and businesses in our struggle for equality. The awareness campaign will include information on the activities and laws that have made Virginia a hostile place and will include informative steps which can be taken to protect businesses and communities from the negative effects of this hostility. The campaign is in planning stages, so let us know what you think or if you'd like to participate in the planning process. During the summer and fall, we will also be identifying and communicating with supportive legislators, civic groups, community leaders and progressive organizations, as well as refining our legislative strategies. Immediately following the November 7 election, when all 40 Virginia Senate and 100 House of Delegates races will be decided, we will ask for your assistance in the following priority areas: CRIMES AGAINST NATURE We will continue the push for annual submittal of a bill similar in effect to last year's HB1695 and 1994's HB1314. As in the past, the legislation will be an attempt to legalize private, non-commercial sexual behavior between consenting adults. It is not certain that the bill will be identical to past years, but the effect will be similar. If, as some are predicting, the Republicans win a majority of the House or Senate, vote counting strategies in committee and subcommittees will become less important because progress will likely be severely limited. We will nonetheless seek introduction every year regardless of the prospects for passage. If the Democrats should retain a majority in either house, it is probable that we will concentrate our efforts there. In this scenario, we will continue to push for the bill's first committee passage. TimeLine Goal: November '95 - December '95 Identify all friendly legislators, new or re-elected, and push for them to support the bill. Promote constituent visits to all friendly legislators concerning C.A.N. reform, but work closely with the patron(s) on identifying all potential supporters who need special attention before the General Assembly session convenes. HATE CRIMES Regardless of the outcome of the November election, we will continue to push for a hate crimes law revision, especially considering the recent increase in awareness of violence/hate rhetoric. Our arguments will stress law and order concerns as well as the fact that lack of support can be seen as a tacit endorsement of violence. TimeLine Goal: August '95 - November '95 Build coalitions with constituencies who are not included in the hate crimes law, particularly women's and disability groups. Identify several highly supportive legislators in either house who have relatively "easy" fall races and after the election, all remaining friendly legislators. Push for them to co-sponsor or support the bill. Coordinate the efforts of VJ members and local groups to influence those legislators to sponsor a revision bill. TimeLine Goal: November '95 - December '95 Promote constituent visits to all 140 legislators concerning hate crimes. A major push to visit all 140 legislators will be a major focus that VJ will attempt to accomplish before the end of 1995. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION Considering the political climate, we do not plan to seek introduction of anti-discrimination legislation this year. We will, however, initiate our first wide-spread awareness campaign of discrimination. We will also keep a watchful eye on the Allen administration and right-wing legislators should they attempt to remove any existing anti-discrimination protections in municipalities or public institutions. TimeLine Goal: July '95 - August '95 Design and implement procedures for collecting detailed case studies of anti-gay discrimination in employment and housing. Include these in our annual report as well as our public awareness campaign. AIDS/HIV Build networking capabilities with local, regional and state AIDS/HIV service organizations so that we can assist in any reactions needed during the General Assembly or if the Allen administration attempts any AIDSphobic activity outside the legislature. Continue to: 1. Support maintaining of current funding levels of all existing AIDS/HIV programs. 2. Oppose all forms of state-mandated HIV testing and reporting of HIV-status. 3. Support expansion of access to health care and medicines for PWAs. 4. Oppose barriers to the creation of AIDS hospices, treatment centers or agencies. FAMILY ISSUES It is virtually impossible to expect pro-gay legislation on child custody, marriage or domestic partnership at this time, so we will primarily be in an educational and possibly reactive mode. We will build networking capabilities with other progressive organizations to prevent the inclusion of anti-lesbian or anti-gay language in child custody regulations by the legislature or state agencies and any attempts to proscribe domestic partnership offerings by state- funded entities. Timeline Goal: July '95 - December '95 Gain a better understanding of the various roles that Virginia agencies, departments, legislative commissions, courts, etc. play in child custody. Develop a clear understand of the system, especially how the regulations are changed. Continue to act as a clearing house and provide attorney-referrals for child custody cases in which parents may loose custody based upon their sexual orientation. FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Oppose the elimination of Family Life Education or any modification to FLE that would decrease access to information. Identify and work with supportive and/or progressive organizations. If you support equal justice for all Virginians, be sure to support those legislative candidates who support you! Your time and assistance can make the difference during this tough campaign season. FOCUS on HATE CRIMES Saturday, April 8, 1995 Norfolk A gay male received a message on his answering machine from a female caller that said, "Hi ___, just hoping you were dead, you or some of your faggoty friends. Go to hell you piece of sh_t. The victim did not recognize the caller's voice, but she did use his name. The police were not notified. Thursday, May 4, 1995 Richmond A gay male received a message on his answering machine in reference to a letter to the editor which had been published a month earlier. The message said, in part, "Hello, you old gray-haired married faggot. Read your letter in the paper. It's amazing the self- righteousness that people take on when they divorce their wives, leave their kids and run around sucking d__k the rest of their lives. By the way, I've seen you riding around in the Fan on your bicycle...." The victim believes the caller must know him personally to know about his prior marital status, place of residence etc. Friday, May 5, 1995 Richmond A gay male received a phone call from another male asking to speak to his roommate. The victim replied that his roommate was not in and offered to take a message. The caller replied that he didn't want to talk to Mrs. _____ and hung up. The victim had caller ID and called the perpetrator back. He was connected to an answering machine and recognized the voice and number as that belonging to his roommate's nephew. The victim hung up without leaving a message. The perpetrator then called back and said "What do you want you faggot mother f____r? Don't be calling me up cause I got caller ID." The perpetrator then hung up. CALL 1-800-2JUSTIC LEGAL REFERRAL SERVICE VJ has compiled a list of Virginia attorneys who are willing to assist the lesbian and gay community. They are knowledgeable on issues of concern to sexual minorities, so please take advantage of their assistance. If you or someone you know is in need of legal advice, please call VJ at 804-643-4816. CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA EVENTS July 15 - VJ Board meeting: Richmond Aug. 5 - Richmond Pride Festival: call 804-353-4133 for information Aug. 5 - Joint VJ and Richmond Lesbian & Gay Pride Coalition Cocktail Party Fundraiser Aug. 16 - VJ Board meeting: Richmond Aug. 26 - VJ Theatre Benefit: Richmond Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 - VJ Annual Membership Campaign Sept. 10 - Roanoke Pride in the Park: for information call 703-342-0011 or 703-890-3184 Sept. 16 - VJ Board meeting: Richmond NEW VJ OFFICERS ELECTED At VJ's June 17 Board of Directors meeting, officers for the next 12 month period were elected. Sarah Richardson of New Kent was elected Chair, replacing Pat Heck of Norfolk. Bonnie Rabichow of Alexandria was reelected as Treasurer. Returning for another term as Secretary is Gary Antonucci of Williamsburg. The new officers took the helm at the conclusion of the Board meeting. All will serve one- year terms. Board Members and the areas they represent: Gary Antonucci - Secretary 804-253-0789 (1st Congressional District, Williamsburg) Patrick Heck 804-622-1695 (3rd CD, Norfolk) Rev. Ron Helms 804-640-1761 (2nd CD, Norfolk) Penny Huggins (6th CD) 804-846-0506 (6th CD, Lynchburg) Bonnie Rabichow - Treasurer 703-660-0670 (8th CD, Alexandria) Sarah Richardson - Chair 804-932-8187 (At-large, New Kent) Pat Ward 804-648-8018 (At-large, Richmond) Heather Womer 804-222-5802 (At-large, Richmond) As you can see, the Board could still use more members. If you might be interested in representing your area of the state call VJ and we'll fill you in. We hold board meetings on the third Saturday of each month at noon in VJ's Richmond headquarters. Everyone is always welcome to attend and participate or, if you wish, simply to observe. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VJ is searching for volunteers to work in our Richmond office and as volunteers in other areas of the state. Time commitments can range from a few hours per month to several hours each week. Available tasks include: Hosting a House Party in your area. All you have to do is host a small party while VJ staff and Board members do the rest! Call for info. Answering phones, keeping records and staffing the hate crimes hotline. Tracking a state legislator from your area The Voice is published bi-monthly by Virginians for Justice PO Box 342 Richmond, VA 23202-0342 804-643-4816 Virginians for Justice advances equal justice for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and those affected by the HIV epidemic, through the state's legislative, administrative and judicial systems. If you haven't yet, join VJ and we will keep you informed about our work to obtain equal justice for ALL Virginians HONOR ROLL OF THANKS Rev. Kenn Hurto and The Mount Vernon Unitarian Church for their continuing support. The congregation recently donated a Sunday collection to Virginians for Justice. Del for donating a computer workstation table. Kristy Skeens, Cathy Watson, Paul Camacho, Dareld Lawrence, John and Ron of Hampton Roads. These dedicated folks have stuffed more than 10,000 VJ newsletters over the past year! VJ WISH LIST The following items are needed to keep our office operating smoothly: Fax paper rolls, 1/2" core diameter, to fit a Savin SX 1000. 32¢ stamps (books, rolls, sheets, ...) We can use any amount that you can send from 1 to 100. Laser printer supplies and/or service. Our printer, an IBM Laserprinter E, is still sick! Service for a Xerox 1020 Marathon Copier If you are interested in volunteering, or underwriting or donating an item, please phone VJ: VJ BENEFITS FROM "UNCOMMON CLOUT" VJ was a beneficiary of an uncommon contribution program in 1995 by Uncommon Clout Visa. The founders of this Virginia- based business have created a unique credit card program which contributes ten cents on every transaction to selected HIV/AIDS and gay/lesbian/bisexual non-profit organizations across the county. Whenever a cardholder uses the Uncommon Clout Visa Card, $0.10 is deposited into a contribution pool escrow account. Cardholders can then vote on how to distribute the contributions through ballots distributed via monthly statements in January. Organizations receive funds based on the percentage of votes each agency receives. For the 1995 distribution, 11,000 cardholders made enough purchases to place over $10,000 in the contribution pool account. From this pool, Virginians for Justice received $98.16. Due to the support received in cardholder voting, VJ will again be eligible for contributions in early 1996. VJ has included an insert in this edition of our newsletter from Uncommon Clout Visa. We are including this insert as a service to our members who wish to apply for a credit card and may not be aware that a card with the benefits of Uncommon Clout exists and that Virginians for Justice has benefited from their program. The inclusion of this insert does not represent a VJ endorsement of the Uncommon Clout Visa Card or of the merits of choosing this particular company for your credit needs. Greetings from The New Chair of VJ's Board As I write this, I'm still trying to get used to the idea that I'm a new chair. Not a cabinet, not a desk, but a chair. Isn't English a funny language? I've been a coordinator, I've been a facilitator, and I've even (years ago) been a group's president, but this is my first time being a chair. As a new piece of furniture, I thought I should get a better grip on just exactly what a chair is, so I went to a big Webster's Third Dictionary and looked it up. Well, OK, "chair" wasn't really so relevant, so I had to look up "chairman", since that's where the pertinent definition is. I gritted my teeth and tried to keep a cheerful attitude, though it didn't help that "chairwoman" is defined basically as a woman who is a chairman. However, rising above all that, I see that a chair(person), besides being "the head officer of an organization," is also one who "often... has relatively little power to determine policy and exercise authority except with the approval of his (!) colleagues." Now isn't that interesting. Some of us might tend to assume that a chairperson gets to exercise all kinds of authority, but it seems that often isn't the case. This is something of a relief, because it has occurred to me that trying to exercise authority over a bunch of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender folks might be a lot like trying to herd cats. The next question that comes to mind is, who does have this power to determine policy and exercise authority, if not the chair? Shall I give you three guesses, or do you give up right now? OK, here's the answer: YOU DO. Yes, you, the person holding this piece of paper right now. Are you feeling that rush of power? Of course, every VJ member shares that same power, and, in fact, VJ's direction and future are in the hands of its members. So I've come up with a non-dictionary definition of chair, just for VJ. It's this: someone who helps VJ's board find ways to enable our members to exercise that authority, and to wield the real power you hold. It may not be an easy chair, but I expect I'll feel comfortable in it. A final important note: Pat Heck has done an outstanding job of being chair, and he is due more credit than he is ever likely to receive. It's a real sign of VJ's strength that, instead of running screaming out the door and never returning, the group's board officers are mostly continuing in their present capacities, and, in Pat's case, taking on the position of legislative coordinator. Many thanks to Pat, Gary, and Bonnie! Sarah Richardson A generous gift has been made to VJ by Janine & Zoe to celebrate the marriage of Drs. Alexander and Alexandria Berger. Best wishes on your union. Thank You From The Outgoing Chair of VJ's Board In 1990, the late Dr. Bruce Neilson, a founding VJ member and past Chair, gently coerced me into running for a seat on the VJ Board of Directors. At that time I was trying to find a niche in queer activism, having recently completed the task of coming out in my workplace. Thanks to Bruce, my life was never to be the same. This spring, as the end of my third term as Chair neared, I notified the Board that I preferred not to be Chair again, but that I did wish to remain on the Board of Directors. I had mixed feelings about stepping down, but two recent developments have me very excited about my future with VJ. First, the Board elected Sarah Richardson as our Chair. Sarah's history of working with volunteer groups is superior. As VJ continues to grow and mature, her organizing and facilitating skills will be invaluable. Although she has been on the Board only since April, Sarah has volunteered for a multitude of tasks in the VJ office for many months. She was also familiar to us as a Blacksburg activist before moving to the Richmond area last year. We truly are in good hands. Second, the Board has appointed me as Coordinator of VJ's Legislative Task Force. This is a welcome change of pace. During my years as Chair, issue-oriented activism often took a backseat to organizational matters, so I am most eager to move forward in my new role. I plan to concentrate my efforts on development of constituent lobbying prowess. Our progress on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues is limited by the political climate, but it is also slowed by our lack of in-district lobbying visits. I plan to change this by adhering to our year-round legislative plan as detailed on page 1. As soon as the General Assembly election is completed, we will be asking you to take an active role by paying a visit to your legislators' home office. We will send lobbying information to all VJ members, accompanied by constituent lobbying report forms. With your help, we will give Virginians for Justice a consistent voice that will be heard throughout the Commonwealth. With the assistance of our Office Manager Shirley Lesser, I also plan to increase our media work in both the mainstream and alternative press. The Board has agreed that I can continue as a spokesperson for VJ's activities in state government. Due to the invaluable advice and assistance of dozens of VJ Board members, staff and key volunteers, my time as Chair flew by quickly. However, most of our success is directly attributable to the financial assistance and activism of VJ's membership and allies. I look forward to continuing our work together as Legislative Coordinator and thank all of you for your support. Pat Heck VJ AND RICHMOND PRIDE COALITION TO CO-HOST 2ND ANNUAL BENEFIT Building on the success of last year's gala cocktail party, Virginians for Justice and the Richmond Lesbian and Gay Pride Coalition are again jointly hosting a benefit cocktail party on the weekend of Richmond's Lesbian and Gay Pride Festival. This year's party will be held on the same day as the Pride Festival, Saturday, August 5. The festival is scheduled to conclude at 5:00pm with the cocktail party taking place from 8:00pm until 11:00pm. The benefit, featuring sumptuous hors d'oeuvres and cash bar, will be held in Richmond's Shockoe Bottom neighborhood at the Shockoe Bottom Arts Center, 2001 East Grace Street. Tickets to the fundraiser are $10 per person in advance or $15 at the door. Advance tickets will be available after July 15 by phoning VJ at 804- 643-4816 or at Phoenix Rising Central in Richmond. Proceeds will benefit both VJ and the Pride Coalition so we hope to see you at both the festival and the cocktail party. We anticipate that the Pride Festival will attract persons from across the Commonwealth, so get your tickets early! COMMUNITY THREADS ASSISTING WHITMAN-WALKER CLINIC An innovative funding partnership has formed between Whitman-Walker Clinic and Bell Atlantic. If you choose to participate, Whitman-Walker, a major provider of health care for the gay and lesbian community and those living with HIV/AIDS in Northern Virginia and Metropolitan DC, will receive a donation from Bell Atlantic equivalent to 1/2% of the Bell Atlantic portion of your phone bill. This program involves no cost to participants and runs until October 31, 1995. To secure these donations for Whitman-Walker call 1-800-334-BELL. By suggesting your participation in this program, VJ does not endorse Bell Atlantic or their services. VJ NIGHT AT THE THEATRE AUGUST 26 Mark your calendars for Saturday evening, August 26, when a performance of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream will benefit Virginians for Justice. Produced with an all-male cast by Art Productions/Actors Theatre in Richmond's Kaleidoscope Theater, located within the Shockoe Bottom Arts Center, the play features the original script with modern interpretations. The Shockoe Bottom Arts Center is located at 2001 East Grace St. in Richmond. Ticket are $10 and can be purchased from VJ by calling 804-643-4816. Seating is quite limited in this intimate theater, so order your tickets early! CANDIDATE SURVEYS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Now that the respective parties have completed their nomination processes and independent candidates have qualified for the ballot, Virginians for Justice is preparing candidate surveys to judge each General Assembly candidate's support for gay issues. Each candidate for the House and Senate will be asked to complete and return a written survey. The final candidate list will be released by the State Board of Elections in July, so the survey is expected to be completed and mailed to all candidates in August. Results will be tallied and published in October. VJ is asking local groups and activists for their input to the candidate survey. The Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association and the Roanoke Gay and Lesbian Alliance are already working with VJ to make this a comprehensive statewide survey. The lessons of constituents and local organizations are invaluable, so if you care to assist, give us a call at 804-643-4816. VIRGINIA INTERNET CONNECTION During the past two General Assembly sessions, VJ distributed legislative alerts over the Internet by using an e-mail list, "virginia- news". VJ encourages all supportive individuals and organizations to use this e-mail network to publicize news, action items and events of interest. The only requirements are that announcements should be of interest to supporters of equal justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Virginians. If you are interested in receiving legislative updates via virginia-news, send subscribe virginia-news to: You will then receive electronic copies of all correspondence that is deemed relevant by the network's moderator and instructions for submittals. SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM VJ offers our organizational and corporate donors the opportunity to show their support by becoming Advertising Sponsors. VJ Advertising Sponsors can advertise in The Voice, thereby reaping the benefits of gaining publicity among VJ readers as well as securing a tax benefit for their business. Rates for a full year (six issues) of advertising sponsorship are: $125 - Bronze ($100 non-profit) $250 - Silver ($200 non-profit) $500 - Gold ($400 non-profit) The Voice reaches more than 1,500 Virginia homes, organizations, and businesses. Add yours to the list by contacting VJ at 804-643- 4816. Virginians Against Domestic Violence 2850 Sandy Bay Rd., #101 Williamsburg, VA 23185 Virginia Family Violence Hotline 1-800-838-8238 Virginia's Secret A Transgender Support Organization PO Box 7386 Richmond, VA 23221 804-222-6796 Fairfax Lesbian and Gay Citizens Assoc. Serving the Entire Fairfax County Area PO Box 2322 Springfield, VA 22152 703-451-9528 Dignity - Northern Virginia Gay and Lesbian Catholics and Friends PO Box 10037 Arlington VA 22210 703-912-1662 Metropolitan Community Church of Richmond 2501 Park Avenue Richmond VA 23220 804-353-9477 Nesbit Hair & Cetera 804-355-8775 Main Street Therapy and Fan Tan 804-355-9941 2215 and 2219 West Main Street Richmond VA 23220 ILLUMINESSENCE Special Event Lighting Norfolk, Virginia 804-588-0638 EFFINAR STUDIOS LTD. Haircare 2163 North Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22222 703-524-1940 THE TIDEWATER BEARS PO Box 2241 Denbigh, VA 23609-0241 804-622-8755 MacGraphics, Inc. Production of Brochures, Ads, Newsletters, Logos, Menus 198 S. Rosemont Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 804-486-3546 804-431-1547(fax) American Express Financial Advisors, Inc. Gregory F. Smith, Certified Financial Planner Suite 190, Chadwick Bldg., 5029 Corporate Woods Dr. VA Beach, VA 23462 804-490-2705, 804-473-8678(fax) William & Mary Gay & Lesbian Alumni A nationwide organization of Wm. & Mary alumni PO Box 15141 Washington, DC 20003 The Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance Serving the Arlington Area PO Box 324 Arlington, VA 22210 703-522-7660 The Alexandria Gay & Lesbian Community Association PO Box 19401 Alexandria, VA 22320 703-684-0444