Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 12:03:00 -0600 From: Subject: POM Update 12/13 PROJECT OPEN MIND UPDATE Wednesday, December 13, 1995 FOR EXTERNAL USE The press release on Hogan and Hartson is still pending final approval. We should be able to reproduce it in tomorrow's daily update. The Steering Committee met today via conference call. The community outreach acitivities in the three target cities continues to be very successful. In Atlanta, a presentation was made today to representatives of the Georgia Department of Human Resources. They have 14 presentation to civic groups on the books for the month of January alone. In an exciting development, the author and producer of the play, "Josh", staged successfully a few years ago, and dealing with teen suicide, is in discussion with the chapter about a revival of the play to benefit Project Open Mind. A series of fundraisers in gay and straight clubs is planned as well. The chapter hopes to hear favorably in the next week or so whether the Atlanta Pride Committee will make Project Open Mind the focus of next summer's celebration (remember this is the site of the Summer Olympics!) In Tulsa, in addition to previously mentioned outreach activities, an ad attacking homophobia and in support of PFLAG will run in several places in this Sunday's edition of Tulsa World. Work continues successfully on sponsors for the signature ad now scheduled to run in February. The chapter has also identified 18 major corporations for contact regarding employee education, the signature ad and Project Open Mind presentations. The Houston chapter is very busy as well. Presentations have been made to several classes at the University of Houston. Spokespersons have appeared on a number of radio programs and plans are under consideration for producing both radio and tv PSAs. In January, the chapter plans to begin a series of presentations to area churches. Media Coverage 11/95 - Fourth Tuesday, Atlanta - monthly lesbian publication - news story 11/17 - Just Out, Portland, OR - gay/lesbian weekly - news story 12/1 - Just Out - follow up news story 12/12 - Ground Zero News - national gay/lesbian publication - article Action Items * Calls of appreciation and support to KPRC for their supportive editorial can be made to: Steve Wasserman, VP and General Manager 713-222-2222 PO Box 2222 Houston, TX 77252 (no fax or email addresses given out) * Expressions of sympathy and support for the PFLAG chapter in Ashford/Rogue Valley can be made as follows: PFLAG Ashland/Rogue Valley, POB 13, Ashland, OR 97520; or to the Pacific Northwest Regional Director: * Contributions in memory of Roxanna Ellis and Michelle Abdill can be made to Project Open Mind. Contributions will be designated to bring Project Open Mind to Oregon. Send to: PFLAG PO Box 96519 Washington, DC 20090-6519 Please indicate "Project Open Mind" on your contribution * Notification of media coverage - please include name and date of publication if faxing or mailing clips - thanks! This concludes today's update - Jeffrey Garrett, Campaign Manager