Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 07:41:33 -0700 (PDT) From: (Jessea NR Greenman) Subject: New PFLAG video [at the risk of ruining my own credibility, here's one more message before i leave...please, re the video, respond to PFLAG and not to me. thanks, jessea] >Dear Jessea, > > We appreciate your important and timely information so much. We hope >you will also pass the following message on to your extensive database: > > GROUNDBREAKING NEW VIDEO AVAILABLE THROUGH PFLAG-Toledo. "Weird and >Wacky? Families Trying to Understand Homosexuality" is a 36-minute >educational video that takes an intimate look at a lesbian couple's two >extended families as they work through various stages of the acceptance >process. Using humor, music, old family film footage, and tech effects, the >video confronts in a non-threatening way some of the common misconceptions >some people have, and presents lesbians and gays as normal, hard working >people who make important contributions to our society. By showing gays and >lesbians within the family context, it defies the lie of the Far Right which >falsely claims that homosexuals are a threat to the Family. > Addressing a number of important issues, this video will stimulate >spirited discussion. It has received very positive national press coverage. > > Fight homophobia by ordering a copy for your PFLAG chapter, your church, >your elected officials, your public library or your childrens' school. Send >$29.95 (+ $3 shipping) to PFLAG-Toledo, POB 4619, Toledo, OH 43620. Proceeds >from the sale go to PFLAG's outreach into the schools. ---------------------------- *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ OK TO RE-POST. Jessea Greenman The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project (Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally) CHECK THIS OUT FOR TONS OF INFO - - Please cc us (for our files) on correspondence you send or receive re our action alerts. "Hope is revolutionary patience." author unknown