Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 09:52:07 -0500 From: (George Neighbors, Jr.) Subject: "Quarterly Leadership Update" update To: Regional Directors Fr: George Neighbors, Jr., PFLAG Field Services Director Re: Quarterly Leadership Update, 95-96, Vol.3 July 10, 1996 Please note some changes that are not explicit in the Quarterly Leadership Update, 95-96, Vol.3, due to arrive to Leaders the week of July 15, 1996. -Chapter Membership Rosters will be sent under separate cover to arrive in August. See attached schedule for phase II of the Membership Project. We are asking each RD to call every Chapter in your region to: *verify that the Roster was received; *assist the Leaders with combing through the Roster; *ensure that the Leaders return the corrected/updated Rosters to PFLAG national by no later than September 15, 1996. -Merchandise in the PFLAG Affiliates Only Organizational Publications & Products Sheet & Order Form [July 1, 1996] has been lowered in price, not quality. Make sure to let your Leaders know!!! -The NEW Field Services Library is a one stop-shop for policy, programming and planning needs in the PFLAG Affiliates Only Organizational Publications & Products Sheet & Order Form [July 1, 1996]. This enables all Leaders to get the latest and back copies of information, most "Free-for-All". ================== MDP3: part II Accounting and verification of current membership Special Attention Membership Mailings includes: -Chapter Membership Roster -membership documents -cover letter with explanation of: *why do it [benefits]; *process [accurate as of input date; only past paid Members]; *key to reading rosters [alpha c/o feedback from zip order; special codes; line by line]; *rosters; *how to track membership [binder; monthly files including who sent, $ amount, what changes submitted, comments/concerns of members regarding PFLAGpole/Membership; *time due, and; *next steps. timeline: mail from office: July 24 arrive to Chapters: July 31 calls to all Chapters from RDs August 1-15 Chapters return with corrections: September 15 mail updated from office: December 10 -included on list: -any correctly input members who at one time submitted names and dues =================================================================== Please note: Effective immediately, correspondence to George Neighbors, Jr., PFLAG Field Services Director, should be sent to this address," (George Neighbors.Jr.)", not "" PS: Visit our wonderful, helpful, useful and fun web site at: STUFF THAT INSPIRES ME.... "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it 's the only thing that ever does." - Margaret Mead "love much... be strong.... ain't that what it is all about???" Shannon Brady "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." -ralph waldo emerson