Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 17:45:36 -0500 From: Maggie Heineman Subject: NATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST AT CHRYSLER DEALERSHIPS WORLDWIDE Dear PFLAG Friends and Friends of PFLAG, We know that most Americans support equal opportunity in employment. Are you tired of asking your friends to write letters? Here's a chance to ask them them to carry a sign and smile for the camera. The Chrysler Campaign is an easy fun way for you to work in your community to educate the public about employment discrimination and gay bashing. You do not need to organize a massive demonstration. It is usually fairly easy to get media attention if you do a press conference with some street theatre and photo-ops. Humor and creativity are our weapons. The web page at will have a "toolkit" section which will help you with ideas, sample press releases etc. Your demonstration can be cooperative or adversarial, depending upon the Chrysler Dealer's response to your request to support the "Memorandum of Understanding" between Chrysler Corporation and the Union. Please contact either Ron Woods or me for more information. If you don't have a web browser and need to get information by email, please write to me . Disclaimer-- The Chrysler Campaign is a "happening." It is not a project of National PFLAG. Maggie Heineman webmaster, PFLAG-Talk and TGS-PFLAG ======================forwarded message ======================= This message originated with Ron G. Woods NATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST AT CHRYSLER DEALERSHIPS WORLDWIDE November 14, 1996 Greetings all, The Campaign for Equal Rights at Chrysler is gaining momentum rapidly. ==>> Monday, October 28, 1996 the Wall Street Journal carried at 950 word story, headlined: "Gay Chrysler Workers Bring Rights Fight to Factory Floor" ==>> Monday, October 28, our website was built at ==>> I am receiving many phone calls from media and, more importantly, from *VOLUNTEERS* who have become excited about the meaning of this campaign. The immediate purpose of the protests is to pressure Chrysler to realize that we will not tolerate their blatant bigotry. Chrysler has refused the United Auto Workers demand to add sexual orientation to the contract for equal protection in the work place. However, as the momentum grows I realize that our campaign is not only about discrimination at Chrysler, it is about educating the American public about the on-the-job harrassment that gay and lesbian people experience on a day-to-day basis. It is about an opportunity for people in cities and towns in the United States, Canada, and around the world to speak up for fair treatment in the workplace. It is about alliance building and grassroots organizing. It's about using the internet to mobilize a nationwide action in less than three weeks time. I believe that together we can make a difference. WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Visit the website at Sunday Maggie Heineman phoned me and suggested a website. Monday (the next day) it was there. This is how quickly things are happening. The site will be updated regularly, so continue to visit the webpage. The history of our campaign is now at the site. Soon we will be adding contact information and organizing tips-- suggestions for organizing a fun and informative demonstration that will educate the public and pressure Chrysler. 2. CONTACT ME ABOUT ORGANIZING A PROTEST AT A CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP IN YOUR COMMUNITY ON NOVEMBER 14. 3. Send a message to Chrysler to accept the "Memorandum of Understanding" with the UAW by writing to Chief Executive Officer Robert Eaton a: 800 Chrysler Drive, Auburn Hills MI 48371 or by calling Diversity Department Director Monica Emerson at 810-512-2160 or the Chrysler Customer Relations Center at 800-992-1997. 4. Write letters to the editors of newspapers that publish stories about Chrysler or job discrimination. Mention the November 14 protest in your letters. I may be reached at home: 810-545-7699 or by pager: 313-609-1517. I keep unusual hours so feel free to call either at any hour as I turn ringer off and remove pager when I sleep. Thank you all for whatever assistance you may be able to provide. AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL Ron G. Woods ( Chair, Campaign for Equal Rights at Chrysler =============== permission to repost ================= ------ Maggie Heineman,, webmaster PFLAG-Talk/TGS-PFLAG The Rhea Murray Website