San Francisco, CA (EGCM) The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association announced that NLGJA will help to plan and execute a historic survey of broadcast journalists working in the mainstream media. The survey, to be conducted jointly by the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation and NLGJA, will query both gay and lesbian journalists and some 2,500 news directors at radio and television stations around the country. The survey of gays and lesbians will seek participation from anyone involved in the production of news, including reporters, writers, producers, camera people, graphic artists, researchers, editors, and field producers. The survey will examine workplace conditions for lesbian and gay journalists, and coverage of lesbian and gay issues in television and radio news. It complements a similar survey of gay and lesbian newspaper journalists in 1989-90. The survey responses will be completely confidential, but all participants will have the option of being quoted if they wish. "The broadcast survey is already evoking a tremendous response," said Leroy Aarons, NLGJA President and former executive editor of the Oakland Tribune. Eric Swanson, Director of RTNDF, said, "the foundation is thrilled and excited to be part of this effort. This is an important part of the work we are doing in the area of news room diversity." The Chelsea Research Group, a market research firm in New York City, will design and analyze the survey. Mara Shelby, Chelsea president, offered to take this on an expenses-only basis. NLGJA members will help design and administer the survey over the next few months. NLGJA is an organization of more than 700 gay and lesbian journalists in broadcast and print. Barbara Raab, a writer/producer for CBS station WBBM-TV in Chicago, will coordinate NLGJA's involvement. Survey coordinators hope to have results ready for presentation at the NLGJA conference in September in New York, and the RTNDA national conference in October in Miami. Critical to the survey's success is a large pool of gay and lesbian participants. Anyone interested in receiving a survey should call the NLGJA hotline at (415) 905-4690. For more information contact: The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association; Post Office Box 423048; San Francisco, CA 94142-3048; 415-905-4690 voice. Please mention that you heard about the survey through The Electronic Gay Community Magazine. The entire contents of The Electronic Gay Community Magazine are Copyright 1993 by The Land of Awes Computer Information System (telephone 316-269-0913 Voice, 316-269-4208 FAX/BBS) but may be reproduced by any means without permission from the publishers provided that this copyright notice remains with each article. If you have a fax machine or PC compatible computer you can have The Electronic Gay Community Magazine delivered to you automatically every month by diskette or fax. Send your address or fax number and $30 for a six-month subscription to: The Land of Awes; Post Office Box 16782; Wichita, KS 67216-0782. Make drafts payable to The Land of Awes. ----------------------------