Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 12:54:19 -0500 From: NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE FLASH POINTS A Tip Sheet for Reporters Covering Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Issues Contact: Robin Kane, 202-332-6483, ext. 3311; 800-757-7736 pager; FEBRUARY 21, 1995 Virginia Beach, VA -- Rev. Mel White Enters Day Eight of Fast, Day Seven of Incarceration After Arrest at CBN While Seeking Meeting with Pat Robertson Issue: Rev. Mel White, a former ghostwriter for Pat Robertson, is today in his eighth day of an ongoing fast following his arrest February 15 at Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) headquarters. Rev. White, who is openly gay, has been attempting to meet with his former boss Robertson for more than 20 months to discuss Robertson's extensive use of anti-gay rhetoric on the 700 Club and in Christian Coalition policy statements and fundraising appeals. Rev. White is currently with the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, which minister predominately to gay, lesbian and bisexual people. During this, his third attempt to meet with Robertson, White was joined by a coalition of a dozen clergy. White seeks a meeting to make two requests of Robertson: 1) acknowledge the growing number of hate crimes against gay and lesbian people and 2) condemn those hate crimes and the people who incite or commit them. White and his delegation first went to the CBN campus on Valentine's Day, but were turned away. On February 15, White and his delegation returned and were met by CBN security forces. His delegation left the campus, while White remained and was arrested. He is currently in the Virginia Beach jail under $2500 bond, which he has refused. He has vowed to fast until Robertson agrees to meet with him. Bearing Witness, a coalition of religious leaders and community groups, has delivered a daily bouquet of flowers from Rev. White to Pat Robertson at CBN since White's incarceration. White's supporters have lined the street outside CBN, urging Robertson to meet with White. Yesterday, a group of anti-gay protesters also appeared, organized by local Radical Right spokesman Donald Spitzer, who has publicly supported murder and violence against doctors who perform abortions. One protester held a sign that read, "Pat, Just Say No to the Homo." "Rev. White's arrest and imprisonment reveals that Pat Robertson is threatened by the truth, the truth about gay and lesbian people, the truth as told to him by fellow people of faith," said NGLTF's Robert Bray. "When faced with a true coalition of Christians who support tolerance and justice for all, Robertson cowers behind a wall of security to protect his fortress of bigotry." Local contact: Dawn Rankin-Phelps, Bearing Witness coalition of religious leaders and community organizations supporting Rev. White, (804) 543-2460; Pat Robertson, CBN founder, (804) 523-7000; (804) 579-7012. NGLTF contact: Robin Kane, NGLTF Public Information Director, (202) 332-6483, ext. 3311; 800-757-7736 pager; or Robert Bray, NGLTF field organizer, at (415)552-6448; Lawrence, Kansas -- Campaign to Add Sexual Orientation to Human Rights Law Issue: Simply Equal is currently campaigning to add sexual orientation to the city's local human rights ordinance in an effort to bar anti-gay discrimination. Meanwhile, the city commission has blocked the effort by stonewalling Simply Equal pending the upcoming local elections -- primaries on February 28 and general elections on April 4. By postponing the vote, local elections may turn into a heated battle about the human rights ordinance, with the statewide Republican Party controlled by the Radical Right. Lawrence is only 20 miles away from the home of outrageous homophobe Fred Phelps, who protests and harasses the funerals of people who died from complications associated with AIDS. Simply Equal is currently educating voters about candidates' positions on the human rights ordinance. Local contact: Ben Zimmerman, Simply Equal, (913) 843-7256. NGLTF contact: Robert Bray, NGLTF organizer, 415-552-6448; Denver, CO -- Statewide Hate Crimes Bill Killed in Committee -- February 16 Issue: A bipartisan proposal to expand the state's hate crimes law was killed in committee on February 16 after historic, emotional hearings focusing on anti-gay violence. The measure would have added disability, age and sexual orientation to the law that currently increases penalties in some crimes motivated by bias based on race, color, ancestry, religion and national origin. The measure first passed the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 15 in a 9 to 4 vote, but was killed by the conservative Finance Committee in a 6 to 7 vote. Interestingly, the measure had no fiscal note attached. Proponents of the measure, who said they had enough votes to pass the measure on the House floor, saw the move to send it to Finance as an explicit action to kill the bill. Passage of the measure in the Judiciary Committee followed an emotional hearing, with the bulk of the testimony focusing on the inclusion of sexual orientation. According to Sue Anderson, executive director of Equality Colorado and an NGLTF Board Member, the hearing marked the first time the state legislature heard extensive testimony on anti-gay violence. Greg Rowley of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Colorado reported a 13 percent increase in anti-gay threats and attacks between 1993 and 1994. Meanwhile, Kevin Tebedo of Colorado for Family Values urged the committee to oppose the measure, which he dubbed a "homosexual advantage bill." [Tebedo led the successful effort to pass the anti-gay Amendment 2 in Colorado in 1992. Implementation of that measure has been blocked by Colorado courts and will next be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed earlier today to review the case.] Some supportive legislators have vowed to try again by adding a measure similar to the killed bill as an amendment to other pending crime bills. Local contact: Sue Anderson, Equality Colorado, (303) 839-5540. NGLTF contact: Robin Kane, public information director, 202-332-6483, ext. 3311; 800-757-7736 pager; --end--