Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:52:45 -0400 From: David Elliot Subject: [NGLTF PRESS] SC Group Launches PSA Featuring Tutu FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 10/27/99 The following is a press release from the Alliance For Full Acceptance Contact: Linda Ketner, President, ALLIANCE FOR FULL ACCEPTANCE (843) 883-0345 Tutu and Local Organization Fight Discrimination Against Gays and Lesbians Charleston, SC - Alliance For Full Acceptance (AFFA) is running television spots on local ABC and NBC affiliates through April, featuring Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Archbishop Tutu comments on his opposition to discrimination against gays and lesbians, stating in the tape: "I want to oppose - and hope others will join me - discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation. For this community becomes less than what it could be when others are pushed out. I want you to have zero tolerance for intolerance. If I didn't say the things that I say, then my whole life would be a lie." AFFA will supplement the television spots with ads in local newspapers. AFFA is an organization of gay and straight members, dedicated to the full civil rights and social justice for gay and lesbian Americans and all Americans. ###END### See website for Alliance For Full Acceptance: Alliance For Full Acceptance Celebrates End of First Year - You're Invited You're invited to join us at our meeting November 4, Frances Marion Hotel, ballroom, 5:30-7:30. No cameras or pictures are allowed. Joan Morrison, LAMBDA Executive Director, Southeaster Region will speak. The following accomplishments of last year will be celebrated along with announcements about future activities. ***Created television spots and bought 6 months of television time on two networks. Spots feature Archbishop Desmond Tutu supporting full civil rights and social justice for gay and lesbian people ***Placed a billboard at entrance to city: "Gay and Lesbian People, Valued Members of This Community" ***Ran a full page response to the Christian Coalition conversion ad in the Post and Courier ***Initiated a coalition of 20 social justice groups and established the South Carolina Hate Crimes Coalition, which moved a bill significantly forward in the SC legislature ***Offered a "Healing Internalized Homophobia" workshop ***Wrote 500 rabbis and clergy in South Carolina asking that they read a "prayer of reconciliation" with the lesbian and gay community from their pulpits ***Spoke to over five thousand people at such engagements as: Downtown Rotary, MCC District Conference, Catholic Educators Convention, Medical Student Association at MUSC ***Dozens of letters to the editor published ***Created our wonderful website ( ***Brought national speakers to Charleston: Kerry Lobel, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Michelle Beneke, Executive Director of Service Legal Defense Members; Cindy Able of Georgia Equality and Stonewall Projects; David Schwake, Solicitor ***Worked with State Superintendent of Education toward education of principals on protecting gay and lesbian school children ***Sponsored candlelight vigils for Matthew Shepherd and Hate Crimes ***Held community events such as our Inter-generational/family Christmas Party, kayaking trip, Dining With Friends party *Brought The Experience workshop to Charleston and subsidized tuition so that all could attend ***Supported 6 scholarships for young people to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force conference Sent thousands of direct mail pieces to the 29401 and 29407 zip codes ***Received extensive media coverage on television, radio, Internet programs and in newspapers ***Sought, and got, one third of our membership from heterosexual allies ***Sought, and got, over 150 "investors" (donors) to accomplish all of the above!_________________________________________ This message was issued by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Communications Department. If you have a question regarding this post, please direct it to the contact at the top of this message. To reach the NGLTF Communications Department at NGLTF, please call David Elliot, Communications Director, at 202-332-6483 x3303 or pager 800-757-6476. If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an email with "UNSUBSCRIBE PRESSLIST" in the subject and body of your email message to . You may also unsubscribe by visiting