Date: Tue, 27 Jul 99 17:22:54 -0500 From: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Subject: [NGLTF PRESS] 45 States Gather for Federation Meeting ********************************************************** FEDERATION OF LGBT STATEWIDE POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS and NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TASK FORCE JOINT PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Roger Leishman, Illinois ACLU Gay/Lesbian Rights Project, 312-201-9740 Gina Reiss, New Jersey Lesbian and Gay Coalition, 732-828-1266 David Elliot, NGLTF Communications Director TEL 202/332-6483 x3303, PAGER 800/757-6476 ********************************************************* 45 STATES GATHER FOR FEDERATION MEETING Participants head for Minneapolis to discuss building the grassroots GLBT movement; Federation expands from 36 states in 1998 JULY 27, 1999-Representatives from a record-breaking 45 states and the District of Columbia will converge in Minneapolis beginning Thursday, July 29, for the mid-year meeting of the Federation of Statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Political Organizations. Participants will evaluate and discuss the future of Equality Begins at Home, a campaign that witnessed 350 rallies and other events last March in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. In addition, state leaders will look ahead to the year 2000 elections, focus on fundraising training and discuss how to strengthen grassroots organizing. "The Federation gathering comes at an exciting and historic time in the GLBT movement for social justice," said New Jersey's Gina Reiss, co-chair of the Federation. "As a result of the Federation's work, we witnessed more pro-GLBT bills filed in state legislatures this year than in the history of the GLBT movement. And as a whole, there were more legislative advances in 1999 than ever before. None of this happened by accident. We are finally beginning to see the proof of those special words, 'Equality Begins at Home.'" Concurrent with the Federation meeting, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force will sponsor its annual Youth Leadership Institute - a comprehensive GLBT youth training program -- in Minneapolis. YLI involves some 20 young activists between the ages of 16 to 22. All of the participants already have some experience in GLBT activism; each will be expected to give back to the community after they complete the five-day, skills-building program. This year, the young activists had the opportunity to meet with Federation representatives from their home states. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss how to bring people from different backgrounds together to build the GLBT movement on the local level. "State groups are ground zero in our struggle for equality and justice and it is essential that we support them," said Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "It is equally important that we both teach - and listen to - today's youth leaders." "We are thrilled by the progress we've made in statewide organizing in the past year," said Illinois' Roger Leishman, co-chair of the Federation. "Minneapolis this week will be the launching pad for even greater collaboration between state activists, youth leaders, NGLTF and other national organizations." FEDERATION MEDIA CONTACTS Alaskans for Civil Rights, Allison Mendel 907-279-5001 Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Alabama, David White 205-985-5609 Arkansas Equality Network, Anne Shelley 501-571-3157 Arizona Human Rights Fund, Kirk Baxter 602-650-0900 California Alliance for Pride and Equality, Esther Lee and Rob Hennig 415-557-1300 Equality Colorado, Dede dePercin 303-839-5540 Connecticut Coalition for LGBT Civil Rights, Pura Gomez 860-529-4260 The D.C. Coalition: A Community of Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People, Everett Hamilton Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (D.C.), Bob Summersgill 202-334-2952 Delaware ACLU Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights Project, Peter Medwick 302-654-3966 Equality Florida, Nadine Smith 813-273-8769 Georgia Equality Project, Harry Knox 404-872-3600 Marriage Project Hawaii, Carol Greenhouse Iowa Coalition for Human Rights, Peg Sandeen 515-284-0245 Illinois ACLU Gay/Lesbian Rights Project, Roger Leishman 312-201-9740 Illinois Federation for Human Rights, Rick Garcia 773-244-3371 It's Time, Illinois!, Miranda Stevens-Miller 847-394-9293 Justice, Inc. (Indiana), Dan McNelly 812-337-2374 LGBT Fairness Indiana, Marla Stevens 317-780-0001 Freedom Coalition (Kansas), Ben Zimmerman 785-843-7256 Kentucky Fairness Alliance, Maria Price 502-897-1973 Louisiana Lesbian and Gay PAC, Chris Daigle 504-836-9086 Louisiana Electorate of Gays and Lesbians, Gerard Beaudoin 504-595-8586 Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Political Alliance of Western Masssachusetts, Stacy Roth 413-584-9556 Free State Justice Campaign, Nancy Meyer It's Time, Maryland!, Jesica Xavier 301-435-5618 Maine Lesbian/Gay Political Alliance, David Garrity 207-774-5412 Triangle Foundation (Michigan), Sean Kosofsky 313-537-3323 OutFront Minnesota, Scott Fearing 612-822-0127 Privacy Rights Education Project (Missouri), Jeff Wunrow 314-862-4900 Pride! (Montana), Karl Olson 406-442-9322 Equality North Carolina, MK Cullen 919-829-0343 Equality North Dakota, Robert Uebel 701-235-7481 Citizens for Equal Protection (Nebraska), Scott Winkler 402-554-2503 Out and Equal-New Hampshire, Brendan Denehy 603-358-2167 New Jersey Lesbian and Gay Coalition, Gina Reiss 732-828-1266 Coalition for Equality in New Mexico, Gloria Nieto 505-983-5758 It's Time, Ohio!, Mary Ann Horton 614-470-4245 Ohio Association of Community Centers, Jeff Redfield 614-299-7764 Oklahoma Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, Paul Thompson 405-222-6151 Basic Rights Oregon, Jean Harris 503-222-6151 Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition, Sue Rankin 814-863-8415 Rhode Island Alliance for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Kate Monteiro 401-274-9548 South Carolina Gay/Lesbian Pride Movement, Tony Snell FACES of South Dakota, Lawrence Novotny Lesbian and Gay Coalition for Justice (Tennessee), Rhonda White 615-297-4753 Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas, Dianne Hardy-Garcia 512-474-5475 GALPAC (Utah), Kellie Anne Foreman 801-583-2665 Virginians for Justice, Shirley Lesser 804-643-4816 Equality Washington, Rich Pfouts Action Wisconsin, Dan Ross 608-257-6571 West Virginia Lesbian and Gay Coalition, Chuck Smith 304-766-3180 UGLW Fund for Social Change (Wyoming), John Little 307-631-5723 --30-- _____________________________________________________________________ Founded in 1973, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force works to eliminate prejudice, violence and injustice against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people at the local, state and national level. As part of a broader social justice movement for freedom, justice and equality, NGLTF is creating a world that respects and celebrates the diversity of human expression and identity where all people may fully participate in society. _________________________________________ This message was issued by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Media Department. If you have a question regarding this post, please direct it to the contact at the top of this message. If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an email with "UNSUBSCRIBE PRESSLIST" in the subject and body of your email message to . You may also unsubscribe by visiting