Date: Thu, 24 Jul 97 17:27:16 EST From: "NGLTF" Subject: NGLTF Statement on Cunanan Death NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TASK FORCE PRESS RELEASE Contact: Mark F. Johnson, Media Director 202/332-6483 x3314 pager 1-800/757-6476 2320 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 .............................................................. STATEMENT ON THE DEATH OF ANDREW CUNANAN WASHINGTON, DC---July 24, 1997---The following statement was delivered by Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force at a press conference held today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. .............................................................. Good afternoon, I'm Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Since the reports in April of the first murders allegedly committed by Andrew Cunanan, there have been many questions. Did he kill five people? If he did, what motivated him to do so? These are just two of the questions we may never answer. But there are some things that are very clear. First of all, many of the news accounts of this story show that the press continues to have a difficult time reporting on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Often, based on headlines or sound bites associated with this story, one would think that Cunanan committed the crimes attributed to him solely because he was gay. Then there was the speculation that he acted out of revenge because he was HIV positive, or because of a love triangle. None of these reports were ever substantiated. While much coverage was balanced, there were many, many examples of negative and inaccurate perceptions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons throughout the media. One of the most unfortunate "truths" surrounding this story is that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people often live with the threat of violence or even death. For us, Andrew Cunanan's death does not change our day-to-day reality. Just being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is all too often reason enough for someone to assault, stab, maim or kill a member of our community. Since April, how many hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people have been committed where there was no major press coverage? The murder of Gianni Versace has brought to light how difficult it is for local and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate violence when it involves members of our community. Sometimes they have very little knowledge of our community. At other times it is because they share the prejudices of society at large. We hope that in the coming days local and federal officials will come together with our communities to discuss ways that we can offer training and advice about how to work with our community organizations and institutions. If anything good derives from this drama it will be that law enforcement authorities have realized that they have much to learn about our community. Equally as important, anti-violence programs from around the country have worked well together and shared information with their colleagues in an effort to bring an alleged criminal to justice. The fact that the organizations here today and our colleagues across the country are working together is a positive development in the face of these tragic events. Thank you. -30- The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has worked to eliminate prejudice, violence and injustice against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people at the local, state and national level since its inception in 1973. As part of a broader social justice movement for freedom, justice and equality, NGLTF is creating a world that respects and celebrates the diversity of human expression and identity where all people may fully participate in society. _________________________________________ This message was issued by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Media Department. If you have any questions regarding this post, please direct them to one of the contacts at the top of this message If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an email with "UNSUBSCRIBE PRESSLIST" in the subject and body of your email message to .