Date: Thu, 20 Mar 97 16:31:38 EST From: "ngltf" Subject: NGLTF Commends American Airlines ********************************************************************* National Gay and Lesbian Task Force PRESS RELEASE Contact: Mark Johnson 202/332-6483 ext. 3314 Pager 1-800/757-6476 2320 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 ********************************************************************* NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TASK FORCE COMMENDS AIRLINE FOR COMMITMENT TO THE AMERICAN WAY Washington, DC---March 20, 1997---The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) commends American Airlines for its commitment to quality service for all customers, including gays and lesbians, and urges activists around the country to stand up for the American way. The airline company has come under attack by Radical Right groups like the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America because of its sponsorship of gay pride events as well as its support of several gay organizations. The conservative groups label the airline company's friendliness as an open endorsement of homosexuality. For the past several days, the airline's switchboards have been deluged with callers demanding that American put an end to its gay-friendly policies. Radical Right leaders have also blasted the carrier for going beyond "mere tolerance" for gays and lesbians, in a letter to airline executives. "Our community has got to show our allies that we stand behind them when they're on the battlefield," said Kerry Lobel, Task Force Executive Director. American Airlines is a major sponsor of many national gay organizations including NGLTF. The company offers discounted fares to those traveling to many gay-sponsored events around the country. American is also the first airline to adopt a written non-discrimination in employment policy that covers sexual orientation. "We need more major companies and industry leaders to come out for fair and equitable treatment of all," Lobel stated. "If we don't show support for the companies that do get it, our demands that others put themselves on the line become weakened," she added. The Task Force urges activists and supporters of what is fair and equitable, to call, write or email American Airlines to commend them and write to their local newspapers and national magazines and let them know that the airline company has done the right thing. Tell them that you believe in the American way. -30- The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is the oldest national gay and lesbian group and is a progressive organization that has supported grassroots organizing and pioneered in national advocacy since 1973. Since its inception, NGLTF has been at the forefront of virtually every major initiative for lesbian and gay rights. In all its efforts, NGLTF helps to strengthen the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement at the state level while connecting these activities to a national vision for change. _________________________________________ This message was issued by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Media Department. If you have any questions regarding this post, please direct them to one of the contacts at the top of this message If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an email with "UNSUBSCRIBE PRESSLIST" in the subject and body of your email message to .