Date: Tue, 19 Nov 96 16:20:35 EST From: Subject: NGLTF STATEMENT ON TEXACO ********************************************************************* National Gay and Lesbian Task Force PRESS RELEASE Contact: Robert Bray 415/552-6448 pager 800/757-6476 Tracey Conaty 202/332-6483 x3303 2320 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 ********************************************************************* NGLTF STATEMENT ON TEXACO: "MAKE AMERICAN WORKPLACE SAFE FOR ALL WORKERS" Washington, D.C., Nov. 19, 1996...The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force abhors the reported incidents of racial defamation and discrimination at the Texaco Corporation. The pain, humiliation and injustice of bigotry have no place in the boardroom or in the workplace. NGLTF is well-familiar with how workplaces that stigmatize any class of employee create an unsafe environment that results in job discrimination, harassment or worse. The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community has worked tirelessly over the years to end discrimination and make the American workplace safe for all people. We call on the corporate leadership of Texaco to immediately investigate and reprimand employees, in particular executives, who engage in bigotry against workers. It is incumbent upon them, and the Texaco Board of Directors, to set an example that prejudice will not be tolerated at Texaco. We stand in solidarity with those in the African-American, women's rights, labor and other communities that are pushing corporate America to be more responsible when it comes to protecting the rights of all workers. Currently, more than 300 companies, colleges, universities, municipalities and other employers have non-discrimination and/or domestic partnership benefits for gay and lesbian employees. NGLTF will continue to work on behalf of the rights of workers to earn a living and excel in their jobs free of intolerance and prejudice. ###