Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 12:48:54 EDT [ Send all responses to ] NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE NEWS RELEASE contact: Robin Kane, (202) 332-6483 ext 3311 JOB DISCRIMINATION BILL, HEALTH CARE REFORM NEED ACTION NOW Contact Senators To Oppose Helms Washington, D.C. -- August 5, 1994 -- The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) is calling on our community to take aggressive action in the month of August before and during the summer recess of Congress to advocate for health care reform and passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), two issues that dramatically impact the lives of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. Constituents must also demand that their Senators stand up and oppose Sen. Jesse Helms' campaign of political gay bashing. NGLTF has produced an August Congressional Action Kit that will offer information on ENDA, health care reform proposals, and a listing of Senators' votes on recent anti-gay amendments offered by Sen. Helms. The Action Kit will guide people through the process of calling legislators immediately and meeting with legislators' district offices during the August recess. The kit will include methods to communicate messages effectively and influence votes on gay-related issues. "We need phone calls immediately from our community as health care reform hits the Senate and House this month. We also need constituents to set up appointments with legislators in their home districts during the summer recess," said Peri Jude Radecic, NGLTF's Executive Director. "It is vital that our community's voice be heard, forcefully and immediately, by members of Congress." In addition to communicating pro-active messages about ENDA and health care reform, constituents must communicate their outrage at the recent deluge of anti-gay amendments offered by Sen. Helms. He is expected to introduce more anti-gay amendments in the upcoming weeks before the August recess and to continue in September. "Make sure your Senators know that you are watching how they vote on Helms' anti-gay amendments," Radecic said. "Urge them to vote 'no' each and every time he uses the United States Senate as a platform for political gay bashing." "While we have made substantial progress in Congress this year," said Radecic, "we must convince our elected officials in Washington that there will be a political price to pay at the ballot box if they do not support simple non-discrimination measures and support blatantly homophobic amendments by Jesse Helms." To receive the August Congressional Action Kit or to receive more information on these two vital issues affecting gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, call (202) 332-6483, ext. 3327 or e-mail