Washington, DC (EGCM) The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) hails the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision in Wisconsin v. Mitchell. The Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of a Wisconsin state statute that enhances penalties for crimes motivated by a bias against the victim's race, religion, color, disability, national origin, ancestry or sexual orientation. The Supreme Court justices made clear that the decision in Wisconsin v. Mitchell differs significantly from their ruling last year in a hate speech case known as R.A.V. v. St. Paul. While the St. Paul ordinance punished hate speech or "messages", the Wisconsin statute allows for increased sentences when illegal conduct is motivated by bias. "The Wisconsin V. Mitchell decision, and the fact that it was unanimous, is a critical victory for the lesbian and gay movement," said Martin Hiraga, NGLTF Anti-Violence Project Director. "It vindicates our contention that because hate crimes are not simple assaults, but attacks against entire groups, they deserve tougher sentences." "We hope this decision sends two messages," said Hiraga. "First, to would-be anti-gay, anti-Semitic and racist bashers DD they cannot attack anyone with impunity any more. Second, to state and Federal legislators DD now is the time to pass careful crafted and constitutionally sound legislation to combat hate crimes." NGLTF has been documenting anti-gay hate violence since 1982. NGLTF produces an annual report on violence, victimization and defamation against lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the nation, has pushed for local, state and national hate crime legislation, such as the Wisconsin law and the Hate Crime Statistics Act. When the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith files and amicus brief in Wisconsin v. Mitchell, NGLTF joined it and 15 national Jewish, civil rights and law enforcement agencies in supporting the state of Wisconsin. "Lesbians, gay men and bisexuals must now push for the passage of hate crimes penalty enhancement legislation in their own cities and states," urged Haraga. "And whenever such laws already exist, we must constantly monitor law enforcement authorities to make sure that the laws are being implemented and used to counter hate crimes." For more information contact: The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force; 1734 Fourteenth Street NW; Washington, DC 20009; Voice 202-332-6483; Fax 202-332-0207. Be sure to mention in your correspondence that you heard of thi through The Electronic Gay Community Magazine. The entire contents of The Electronic Gay Community Magazine are Copyright1993 by The Land of Awes Computer Information System (telephone 316-269-0913 Voice, 316-269-4208 FAX/BBS) but may be reproduced by any means without permission from the publishers provided that this copyright notice remains with each article.