NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE 1734 14th St, NW, Washington, DC 20009 (202) 332-6483 for immediate release 10/29/1993 NGLTF RESPONDS TO SUPREME COURT EMERGENCY STAY We are disappointed that the Court has accepted the Government representation that lifting the gay ban would adversely affect the U.S. military. The Government's politics of expedience has temporarily won over the principles of justice. The military has been without a gay ban against service members for close to a month with no adverse affects. The ban is in place simply to accommodate the prejudice against gay people that exists in the military. While we are angry about the Court's decision, it strengthens our resolve in the fight to lift the ban. Every study the Pentagon has done on the subject has concluded that it is unnecessary and gay, lesbian and bisexual people do not pose any risk to unit cohesion or morale. The fight is not over. This is simply a stay, with the merits of Meinhold's case scheduled to be heard in December before the 9th Circuit. The gay ban is the last bastion of governmentally-sanctioned bigotry in the United States. America cannot tolerate this blatant discrimination. - 30 - [The above statement is attributable to Peri Jude Radecic, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force]