Following are current job openings at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute: ORGANIZING DIRECTOR: Position will direct and supervise organizing staff and develop and implement organizing work on state and local civil rights bills. Ideal candidate must demonstrate management expertise and experience in passing local/state civil rights bills. Salary $40,000 - $45,000 + health & vacation benefits. Deadline for resumes: October 8, 1993. Position to begin 12/1/93. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC POLICY: Position will develop and implement NGLTF/PI program plan and serve as a member of the NGLTF/PI management team. Ideal candidate must demonstrate excellent organizing, communication and management skills. Salary $45,000 - $50,000 + health & vacation benefits. Deadline for resumes: November 22, 1993. Position to begin 2/1/94. For each position, send resume and cover letter to: NGLTF, Attn: Linda Yanney, 1734 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009. FAX: 202-332-0207. EOE. Women and People of Color encouraged to apply.