----- NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE 1724 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20009 (202) 332-6483 lob_ngltf@aol.com NGLTF TO PROVIDE LIVE ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE ON "AMERICA ONLINE" Cincinnati, Ohio - Lewiston, Maine - Portsmouth, New Hampshire Face Anti-Gay Votes Washington, D.C. - (October 21, 1993) - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) will provide live election night coverage, Tuesday, November 2, including election returns, and interviews with campaign officials, on America Online, one of the nation's largest computer information services. NGLTF staff members will be stationed in Cincinnati, Ohio and Lewiston, Maine, where anti-gay measures are on the local ballots, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where a non-binding referendum on whether to institute a civil rights ordinance is on the ballot there. NGLTF Executive Director Peri Jude Radecic will facilitate coverage in Cincinnati, Ohio where Measure 3 would not only repeal Cincinnati's year-old ordinance banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment and public accommodation, but prevent future ordinances as well. NGLTF Fight the Right Media Organizer Robert Bray will facilitate coverage in Lewiston, Maine where Referendum #1, identical to Cincinnati's Measure 3, is on the ballot there. And, NGLTF's Fight the Right New England Organizer Sue Hyde will facilitate coverage in Portsmouth, New Hampshire where the city council recently voted down an ordinance banning discrimination but put a non-binding referendum on the ballot to gauge public support for the measure. "Traditional media does not usually provide comprehensive coverage of these issues important to lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals nationwide," said Radecic. "Anybody with a computer and modem can now receive instantaneous election returns and interviews with campaign officials, live, as they happen." The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which offers financial and technical support to qualified openly gay and lesbian candidates, reports that six of its nine recommended candidates will be up for election on November 2. The candidates and their races are Derek Belt for Attleboro (MA) City Council; Christine Kehoe for San Diego (CA) City Council; Michael Nelson for Carrboro (NC) Board of Alderman; Tom Roberts for Santa Barbara (CA) City Council; Marilyn Shafer for Manhattan (NY) Civic Court; and Wallace Swan for Minneapolis (MN) Board of Estimate and Taxation. Information on these races will also be provided through NGLTF election night coverage. Live on-line election night coverage begins on Tuesday, November 2, at 8 p.m. (EST) and continues until 11 p.m. (EST) in the Lambda Lounge conference area of the Gay and Lesbian Community Forum (Keyword: GLCF) of America Online (AOL). To receive more information about how to sign onto to AOL call (202) 332-6483 ext. 3366.