From Wed Dec 8 14:01:31 1993 Date: Wed, 08 Dec 93 14:00:03 EST From: To: Subject: Letter to AG Reno FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE contact Robin Kane (202) 332-6483 ext. 3311 or David M. Smith 202) 332-6483 ext. 3309 pager (800) 757-7736 [Text of a letter from Peri Jude Radecic, Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, to United States Attorney General Janet Reno.] ---- December 7, 1993 The Honorable Janet Reno U.S. Attorney General Department of Justice VIA FAX: 202-514-4371 Dear Attorney General Reno, I am writing to request your immediate assistance in ending a violent situation in Ovett, Mississippi between some members of the community and two lesbians who own land in Jones County and run a feminist educational center. The women's lives are in danger. On December 6, 250 people attended a meeting at the Ovett Community Center to condemn the two women, Brenda and Wanda Henson, because the women are lesbians. At the meeting, residents discussed ways to force the women and Camp Sister Spirit to leave the land. Private citizens and public officials (including the attorney for the Board of Supervisors in neighboring Perry County) vowed to research state and county laws, including the state anti-sodomy law, to discover means to force the women to leave the area. The women did not attend the meeting because they fear for their safety. A second community meeting is scheduled for January 4, 1994. This meeting follows nearly two months of harassment, intimidation and violence directed at the women. The women receive constant harassing and threatening phone calls; a school bus filled with children drove by and shouted "faggots" at the women following media attention about the existence of the feminist camp; a dead dog was hung from their mailbox; the mailbox has also been shot at and stuffed with sanitary napkins; and several unknown men (some of them armed) have been found wandering on the 120 acres of Camp Sister Spirit. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force asks that you and the Department of Justice move immediately to support the lesbians' right to purchase property and live free of violence and harassment. Any delay by the Department of Justice in intervening in this explosive situation could result in harm to the two women. We request the following actions of you and divisions of the Department of Justice: --The Community Relations Service should perform mediation in the community to immediately alleviate the potential for violence. --The Federal Bureau of Investigations should monitor the on-going situation. --The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division should investigate the attempts to violate the civil rights of the Hensons. --A representative of the Attorney General's office should attend the January 4 Ovett community meeting. Finally, we request that you meet with us and one of the women from Camp Sister Spirit in order to work together to alleviate the violent situation and to insure that these women may live free of violence in their community. I look forward to your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, Peri Jude Radecic Executive Director cc: Jeffrey Weiss, acting director of the Community Relations Service Louis Freeh, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations James P. Turner, acting director of the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division