The following is forwarded from NGLTF on America Online: =========================================================================== Subj: NGLTF supports Ginsburg nomination 93-06-16 21:58:04 EDT From: PROG NGLTF NGLTF SUPPORTS GINSBURG NOMINATION Washington, D.C., June 14, 1993...The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) supports the nomination of U.S. Appeals Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the U.S. Supreme Court, and we feel both optimistic and cautious. NGLTF is impressed with Judge Ginsburg's background as a public interest advocate and her judicial support of civil liberties and women's rights. However, NGLTF is concerned with her support for a 1984 ruling that negatively impacted a challenge to the military's ban on gay men and lesbians. In the 1984 ruling, Dronenburg v. Zech, Judge Ginsburg joined a majority decision to deny a request to re-hear a case that challenged a Navy sailor's discharge due to homosexual activity. In an individual concurrence, Judge Ginsburg stated that her decision to deny re-hearing of the case was based on her opinion that a previous Supreme Court case offered a clear precedent limiting the plaintiff's basis for a suit. She did not offer opinions about the right to privacy or the military's anti-gay ban. While her support for the decade-old Dronenberg decision concerns NGLTF, we expect Judge Ginsburg to give a fair hearing to gay-related cases before the Supreme Court based on her record as a dedicated advocate of civil liberties and individual rights. We will closely monitor her confirmation hearings to learn more about her opinions regarding civil rights, the right to privacy, and other judicial issues that affect the gay and lesbian community. ### ===========================================================================