NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE 1734 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 VOX (202) 332-6483 FAX (202) 332-0207 TTY (202) 332-6219 THE NATION'S LARGEST CONFERENCE OF LESBIAN & GAY MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS TO TAKE PLACE IN DURHAM, NC NOVEMBER 10-14 Washington, D.C. The nation's largest annual gathering of gay and lesbian activists will take place in Durham, NC, Nov. 10 - 14, 1993 at the Omni Durham Hotel and Convention Center. The Creating Change conference, sponsored by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, will feature more than 35 skills-building workshops, and 10 day-long intensive sessions on Fighting the Right, Civil Rights/Privacy, Anti-Violence, Health Policy, Ageism, Age, and Aging, Work and Family, International Activism, Sex and Sexuality, Southern Community Organizing, and Youth Organizing. Digital Queers will offer hands-on instruction in computer networking and other skills. In addition, Creating Change will feature a two-day Movement Building Institute including People of Color Organizing, Diversity Training, and a Race, Class, and Gender Institute. Featured plenary speakers include Mab Segrest, a North Carolina-based activist who will speak on her years of activism in the South, including battles with the Klan and Nazi movements; Dr. Marjorie Hill, currently of New York City's Health and Hospitals Corporation, and former Director of the Mayor's Office for the Lesbian and Gay Community; and Dr. Franklin Kameny, one of the founders of the Mattachine Society of Washington and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (National Gay Task Force at the time) in 1973. He returns this year to honor NGLTF as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. Special guests at the conference will include Soweto-born Cecil Nyathi, president of a grassroots gay and lesbian advocacy organization in South Africa, Micha Ramakers, from the Information Secretariat of the International Gay and Lesbian Association, and a book signing by famed author/poet Adrienne Rich. Saturday, November 13, the Creating Change conference will feature Stand Up for Your Rights III, a gala showcase of queer community talent at Duke University's Page Auditorium. The evening will feature: Michele Crone, a Women's music festival legend as emcee; lesbian comic Lea Delaria; performance artist Brian Freeman (and co-founder of Pomo Afro Homos, Post Modern African-American Homosexuals); performer and playwright Kate Bornstein (she has a unique non-gendered point of view); a cappella group Sons & Lovers; and North Carolina's Common Woman Chorus. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $35 - general admission, $75 - includes cast party after the show, and $20 - limited income (a limited # of these are available). This year's conference will also feature a town hall meeting on "Access to Power; Whose Access, Whose Power," to be moderated by Sue Hyde, NGLTF Fight the Right Organizer, and will include presentations by Bob Hattoy, Assistant Deputy Secretary, Department of the Interior, and Amber Hollibaugh, Lesbian AIDS Project Coordinator of the Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York. "Creating Change will allow time for activists to share experiences, discuss theory and develop unified strategies on the issues," according to Ivy Young, d irector of the Creating Change. "Activists who attend Creating Change will better be able to explore issues in depth and learn from each other." Last year more than 1200 organizers, students, and activists from 46 states and six countries assembled in Los Angeles for the largest Creating Change conference ever. Past conferences have also been held in Minneapolis and the Washington, D.C. area. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is the country's oldest national gay and lesbian advocacy organization and serves as the grass-roots organizing arm of the lesbian and gay movement. NGLTF is currently undertaking an organizational expansion that is carefully gauged to refocus the energies of the Task Force on key issues such as state and local civil rights organizing, developing a pro-active health care agenda, and fighting the anti-gay activities of the Far Right, along with NGLTF's current anti-violence and privacy programs. "The Task Force, while strengthening activism on a state and local level, will continue to set the tone and pace of a national agenda for securing full equality for lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals," said Peri Jude Radecic, who takes over as executive director on November 1.