National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute 1734 14th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009 (202) 332-6483/ CURTIS F. SHEPARD NAMED TO LA-BASED CAMPUS PROJECT POST Washington, D.C., October 14, 1993...The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force announced today the appointment of Curtis F. Shepard to head the newly created NGLTF Campus Project, a program designed to foster gay and lesbian organizing and activism on college campuses. "The NGLTF Campus Project will provide resources and organization assistance to campus groups while at the same time serving as a point of entry into the broader gay and lesbian movement for college students, staff, and faculty ," said Shepard. The Campus Project, to be based in Los Angeles, will work with local and regional campus groups to develop and implement organizing activity and to provide linkage to other NGLTF programs such as Fight the Right, healthcare reform, workplace organizing, and civil rights organizing. Priorities for the new project will include, organizing to remove ROTC from college campuses, facilitating communication through computerized networks and publications, fighting the Far Right, and establishing an advisory committee of students as a means of ensuring input and representation in the program. Shepard, who earned his Ph.D. in Education at the University of California, Los Angeles and his Masters in Student Personnel Administration at Ball State University in Indiana, has extensive professional experience working in the academic environment. His previous positions include Special Assistant for Lesbian and Gay Community Outreach, Office of the Chancellor, UCLA, and serving as Executive Director of California Campus Compact, an association of college and university presidents dedicated to promoting community service. "College campuses are largely underserved by the movement" said Shepard. "The Task Force will work to provide the resources and technical assistance that will ultimately build a stronger movement," said Shepard. "Los Angeles' gay and lesbian community is a dynamic force in the national gay and lesbian movement and is the perfect location for the Campus Project," said Peri Jude Radecic who becomes NGTLF's executive director on November 1. The project is part of NGLTF's organizational expansion that is carefully gauged to refocus the energies of the Task Force on key issues such as state and local civil rights organizing, developing a pro-active health care agenda, and fighting the anti-gay activities of the Far Right, along with NGLTF's current anti-violence and privacy programs. "The Task Force, while strengthening activism on a state and local level, will continue to set the tone and pace of a national agenda for securing full equality for lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals," said Radecic, The address of the NGLTF's Campus Project office is 6922 Hollywood Blvd., 10th Floor, Los Angeles, 90028. The phone number is 213/466-1797, fax 213/466-0588.