Washington, DC (EGCM) The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) is urging the international headquarters of Amnesty International to support the case of a former U. S. Navy sailor who has been imprisoned for two years after a highly disputed consensual sodomy conviction. Tanya Domi, director of the NGLTF Military Freedom Initiative, will meet with representatives of Amnesty International while she is in London to attend gay and lesbian pride festivities at the invitation of Stonewall London, a gay and lesbian organization. Larry Meholick, a former U.S. Navy sailor who served 18 months of combat duty in Vietnam and won a Bronze Star, was charged with sodomy in 1990 and originally sentenced to 12 years in prison, which was later reduced to six years. Both witnesses who provided statements against him later recanted their testimony. Meholick has been repeatedly moved and mistreated during his imprisonment, facing harassment from guards and solitary confinement. He is currently imprisoned at the Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, a military prison. Domi will present the Amnesty International headquarters with a letter from members of the U.S. Congress urging the organization to take up Meholick's case. The Washington, D.C. office of Amnesty International is supporting Domi's efforts. "Meholick's lengthy jail sentence and abuse in prison despite his distinguished service record highlight the most heinous aspects of the military's anti-gay policy," Domi said. "We believe Amnesty International should press for Meholick's release because he has been unjustly persecuted and imprisoned because of his sexual orientation." Domi has been instrumental in bringing media attention to the plight of Meholick. During a 38-city bus tour promoting an end to the military ban sponsored by the Campaign for Military Service, Domi organized a press conference outside of Fort Leavenworth to draw attention to Meholick's case. NGLTF has also provided support to Meholick's attorneys. For more information contact: The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force; 1734 Fourteenth Street NW; Washington, DC 20009; Voice 202-332-6483; Fax 202-332-0207. Be sure to mention in your correspondence that you heard of this through The Electronic Gay Community Magazine. The entire contents of The Electronic Gay Community Magazine are Copyright 1993 by The Land of Awes Computer Information System (telephone 316-269-0913 Voice, 316-269-4208 FAX/BBS) but may be reproduced by any means without permission from the publishers provided that this copyright notice remains with each article. If you have a fax machine or PC compatible computer you can have The Electronic Gay Community Magazine delivered to you automatically every month by diskette or fax. Send your address or fax number and $30 for a six-month subscription to: The Land of Awes; Post Office Box 16782; Wichita, KS 67216-0782. Make drafts payable to The Land of Awes.