The following is forwarded from NGLTF on America Online: =========================================================================== About the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force and the NGLTF Policy Institute NGLTF and the NGLTF Policy Institute are united in a simple, powerful agenda: > Build a national movement to win lesbian and gay rights > Battle right-wing, anti-gay and anti-lesbian initiatives > End homophobia, discrimination, harassment and violence > Organize local gay and lesbian civil rights efforts > Win legal protection for lesbian and gay families > Ensure aggressive and effective federal AIDS and health care policies OUR ACTION PLAN >> Lobby Congress, federal agencies, the executive branch and state legislatures to secure and protect lesbian and gay rights. >> Conduct National Lobby Days, when activists around the country meet their federal representatives and urge them to support positive change on lesbian and gay issues >> Issue Congressional Report Cards that assess the record of each member of the House and Senate on gay and lesbian issues >> Organize grassroots lobbying at local, state and federal levels OUR LEGISLATIVE GOALS >> A federal gay and lesbian civil rights law >> Aggressive, inclusive and responsible federal AIDS policies >> Comprehensive health care policies for all lesbian and gay men >> Strong, enforced hate crimes legislation >> Full freedom of expression for lesbian and gay artists >> Freedom for lesbians and gay men in the military and in every workplace The NGLTF POLICY INSTITUTE With its team of activist organizers and researchers, the NGLTF Policy Institute means new resources and strength for grassroots groups worldwide, increasing their viability and success. The NGLTF Policy Institute is: Strength & Support for Grassroots Groups >> Our organizers and media relations staff work on-site with grassroots groups to plan strategies and direct action in their communities. >> With more than 475 telephone calls a day, we help local activists design winning tactics, identify allied organizations, gather statistical data and find media, funding and policy contacts. >> Our comprehensive organizing manuals give grassroots groups an action plan on critical issues, including hate violence, domestic partnerships, fighting the Far Right and sodomy law reform. Research, Education & Outreach >> Our resource center is the only national clearinghouse for information on gay and lesbian issues. >> Our ground-breaking research reports on hate crimes and civil rights protection are standard sources for activists, educators, legislators and reporters. >> We distribute at least 200 detailed resource packets on gay and lesbian issues every month, thus moving the larger society toward understanding and tolerance. Policy & Activist Leadership >> An active player in building national coalitions, we define, along with allied organizations, public policies that advance gay and lesbian freedom. >> We mobilize our members with information and calls to action, detailing how they can advance gay and lesbian issues at the local, state and national levels. >> Our annual Creating Change (TM) conference draws thousands of activists from all over the world to learn from each other and hone their lobbying, organizing, fundraising and other critical skills. >> We also fight homphobia around the world through the International Lesbian and Gay Association and International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. Help build the national movement for gay and lesbian freedom with your membership in NGLTF and your tax-deductible contribution to the NGLTF Policy Institute. If you have additional questions about NGLTF, please call (202) 332-6483; TTY (202) 332-6219. ___ Creating Change (TM) is a trademark of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute. Copyright 1993 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force