Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 07:16:22 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Re: UnOfficial Account -TX- LogCabin vs GOP -Todays Hearing!!! (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message --------- In a message dated 96-06-07 12:47:22 EDT, Steve Labinski writes: >LCR/Texas Members & Supporters: > >Today's hearing went very well! Log Cabin achieved everything it set out to >accomplish during this preliminary hearing. In the courtroom, when the >judge got to the Log Cabin issue in the docket, he requested to see counsel >in his chambers. They spent about 15 minutes in there. Afterwards, both >parties emerged and made statements to the press. > >Dale Carpenter, President of Log Cabin Republicans of Texas stated that the >Republican Party of Texas has agreed to not to assign our designated booth >pending the outcome of the official court hearing next Friday in Austin. >They also agreed that if so ordered, they would place the Log Cabin/Texas >advertisement in the program as a full page insert pending the outcome of >the official court hearing next Friday in Austin. Therefore, we do not have >to worry about a printing deadline for the program. > >Afterwards, the spokesman for the Texas Republican Party, Mr. Lester Van >Pelt III made statements to the press on the GOP's position. He first >distributed a paper to the media stating that the Texas GOP questions why >Democratic State Representative Glen Maxey reserved the committee room in >the Texas State Capital Building for the Log Cabin Republicans press >conference last week. He then suggested that it is liberal Democrats who >are trying to sabotage the Texas Republican Party and its state convention. > >One reporter asked Van Pelt if the GOP will negotiate with Log Cabin in >"good faith" at the next hearing. Van Pelt simply responded that the GOP >will negotiate under the terms of the law, complying with a court ordered >mediation. Van Pelt refused to speculate on the mediation because it is a >confidential issue. > >After Lester Van Pelt III made his statements, Dale Carpenter responded that >Log Cabin members are in fact Republicans and that the party is continuing >to avoid engaging Log Cabin intellectually with its arguments, and only >making false allogations. He then reiterated his personal experience with >the Republican Party starting with stuffing envelopes for the Reagan >presidential campaign in 1980. > >This account is from memory, and not an official LCR press release. > >Regards, >Steve Labinski >Log Cabin Republicans of Austin >President > >************************************************************************* >Steve Labinski - Labnet Internet: >Labnet puts businesses and organizations on the Internet + Dial-Up Access >Fax 512-482-8397 WWW: >************************************************************************* > > >