Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 06:13:36 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Texas GOP Retreats on Gay Issue (fwd)-Post widely (fwd) Forwarded: Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 (thanks all for mutual cooperation and support) *************************************** ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 23:27:54 -0400 From:TBCOUNTS *************************************** LOG CABIN & TEXAS HUMAN RIGHTS FOUNDATION NEWS RELEASE - For Immediate Release June 7, 1996 ______________________________ For more information, contact: J.C. Michelak, Public Relations Director Log Cabin Republicans of Texas (713) 729-5397 home, (713) 618-5386 pager Michael Reese, Director of Education Texas Human Rights Foundation (512) 479-8473, (512) 479-0923 Fax (Austin, June 7, 1996) -- The state Republican party agreed to Log Cabin requests to hold booth space and program advertising for the gay Republican group. A hearing had been scheduled today for a temporary retraining order to prevent the Republican party from reassigning the booth and printing theprogram. The interim agreement also includes court- ordered mediation by both parties. "The court has ordered the Texas GOP to sit down with us and try to resolve this dispute on reasonable terms," said Dale Carpenter, state President of Log Cabin Republicans. "We've wanted to do that from the begining." Mediation will take place in Austin on Wednesday, June 12. If mediation fails, a hearing will take place next Friday to address the need for a court injunction. The court injunction could compel the Republicans to have an exhibit booth and a full page ad in the convention program. Two weeks ago the state GOP broke its contract with the Log Cabin Republicans to have a booth at the convention. GOP officials returned the money that Log Cabin had already paid to reserve the booth. Log Cabin Republicans seeks to educate the Republican Party about the concerns of gay and lesbain individuals. The Texas Human Rights Foundation is sponsoring the suit for the Log Cabin Republicans. THRF works to protect and advance the rights of gay and lesbian Texans and people with HIV or AIDS through litigation, education and legal services.