Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 07:23:48 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Help Stop Robertson's & Dobson's Drive for Exclusion (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 07:01:23 We can make Equality the burning issue and keep it alive this August for those who believe in "liberty and justice for all." Circulate this among your friends and acquaintences who may be able to help. This LCR grass root effort will make a difference for the women and men of our community struggling against intolerance. Thank you. M.Warren Bwd.LCC of Florida -------------------- 1-C Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 17:59:38 -0400 Subject: Spirit of Lincoln Resolution TO LOG CABIN MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: Countdown '96 -- an official project of LCR -- has launched the Spirit of Lincoln Resolution, which is published in the July issue of Cabin Talk and included in a special mailing to club presidents which was sent last week. Enclosed is the text for you to reproduce and use to gain signatures for use at the 1996 Republican National Convention and afterwards. We must receive original signed copies at the Washington office NO LATER THAN AUGUST 4, 1996 in order for them to be used at the convention. We cannot accept photocopies; originals must be on file at the office in case of media inquiries. We will unveil the list of signatories to date at the LCR Convention in San Diego, and continue to use the resolution as a gauge of GOP candidate support for an inclusive party. Please gain as many signatures of local Republican officials as possible, including but not limited to: (Republican incumbent or candidate for:) MEMBER OF CONGRESS (HOUSE AND SENATE) GOVERNOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE STATE SENATOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE/COMMISSIONER MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEMBER REPUBLICAN STATE CHAIR REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER REPUBLICAN PRECINCT CHAIR REPUBLICAN PARTY OFFICER (SECRETARY, TREASURER, EXECUTIVE DIR.) PRESIDENT OF: YOUNG REPUBLICANS, COLLEGE REPUBLICANS, PACHYDERMS, OTHER REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION If you have any questions on the Spirit of Lincoln Resolution, contact LCR Director of Public Affairs David Greer at 202-347-5306. Return to: Rich Tafel #210 LCR 1996 Spirit of Lincoln 1633 Q Street NW Washington, DC 20009 TEXT: (cut off below this line) ***************************************************************** "1996 SPIRIT OF LINCOLN RESOLUTION" To Whom It May Concern: The Republican Party was founded on the principles of individual rights, individual liberty and limited government. We are the Party that led the fight against slavery, led the effort to secure the full voting rights of women, and stood firm against the forces of segregation. In the spirit upon which Abraham Lincoln built our Party's foundations, we believe in a Party committed to equal treatment and equal protection under the law for all Americans, and we are opposed to preferential treatment for anyone. We support an inclusive Republican Party that encourages the participation of all Americans from all walks of life. In the spirit of Lincoln, we oppose any moves to exclude any Americans from the Republican Party for any reason, including race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religious faith. The Republican Party is based on ideas and principles that all Americans can share and benefit from. I do hereby pledge to support the continuing tradition of an inclusive Republican Party. NAME: __________________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------- End of Message 1-C --------------------------------------------------------------