Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 06:25:28 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: KKK & Baptist Boycott Targets Disney IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 1996 M. Warren, Pres. Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 (305) 563-3626 SOUTHERN BAPTISTS JOIN THE KKK IN CHRISTIAN BOYCOTT OF DISNEY Like the Klu Klux Klan, members of the Southern Baptist Conference have banded together in deference to Corporate America's willingness to consider the extension of benefits to gays who are life-long domestic partners. Tragically, the rhetoric and hostility being generated mirrors the deep seeded bigotry and subliminal hate once carried in the hearts and minds of many of the same people about African- Americans, non-Christians and Native Americans. As we learn more about the diversity of the non-heterosexual community we begin to realize that this phenomenon of nature, created by the hand of God and not the misguided words of man, is as complex as creation itself. Religious zealots in their quest for "Freedom of Religion" have supplanted that dream with a denial of "Freedom from Religious Persecution." One day in the Twnetyfirst Century the Baptist and other evangelical fundamentalist will publicly apologize for the pain, suffering, hurt and injustice promulgated against gay women and men just as they recently admitted to their un-Christian treatment of African-Americans for decades. Like most supremacists they reject equality in fear and misunderstanding fueled by misrepresentation. There's no wonder why more people are chilled by organized religion today. They're rebellling against hypricrocy more so than rebelling against the basic essence of the "Golden Rule" so eloquently addressed in Biblical history by a man who walked among the poor and persecuted.