Date: Fri, 02 Feb 1996 09:44:13 EST From: (MR ANDREW B EDDY) Subject: Re: Dornan On HIV - The Real Distruction PRESS RELEASE February 1, 1996 Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 (305) 563-3626 e-mail: Please Post Widely * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Hidden Tragedy In Another "Don't Ask-Tell" Charade' The Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida supports the work of Log Cabin Republicans in DC who, like the ACLU, Lambda Legal Defense Fund, Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund, National GLB Veterans of America, The American Federation of Veterans and a string of other organizations comprehend the real consequential long-term pain of Representative Dornan's January '96 HIV provision in the military defense budget bill. It takes that attachment and walks it through to its rightful conclusion which, in essence, is a denial of equality and basic human compassion. Allegedly Dornan, a devout Evangelical Irish-Catholic and veteran, has never really comprehended the full sting of religious persecution and what it can do to a society. In his lengthy robust rhetoric it appears he does not understand the full suffering of a devastated early Roman Catholic Ireland as man forgets that "We Are All God's Children" and surplants that conviction with intolerance and subliminal distain that eventually seeks a visible surface in abuse, pain and violence. We abhor the cover-up travesty of lost women and men that are the jailed and interrogated victims of the military witch-hunt. Once proud patriotic Americans subsequently rejected by family, friends and church by a stroke of a President's pen and subliminally implanted revenge achieved through the circulation of the video the "Gay Agenda" and the timely withholding of the Rand Report. Devistated, they become the forgotten ones. They are abandoned to the road of alleged survival finding their way on the streets of abuse and human devastation. This added legislation only affords another nail into the wall of human rejection by individuals who are blinded to their intolerance, lack of education and comprehensive understanding. May the victims of the "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" witch-hunt, those who have suffered through the Agent-Orange cover-up and those who face ridicule within the context of the Desert-Storm Syndrome never be ignored through indifference and over-confidence in the agenda of a misguided leadership be it political, social, religious or otherwise. The Dornan rider must be rejected and subsequently repealed by all who are willing in outreach and cooperation, fully understanding of truthful purpose and sincerely compassionate for their brothers and sisters in need.