Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 12:31:20 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: WFTL writer"al Don't Ask-Don't rantell" (954-563-3626) September 12, 1996 Release Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 FT. LAUDERDALE SCOOP MAGAZINE PROMOTES GAY C.C. ACTIVIST With regard to a recent controversial narration in a Ft. Lauderdale gay publication, let it be known that the Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida does not object to gay Christian Coalition activist Al Rantel's right to present his "Freedom of Speech" views ( which are aligned with Take Back Broward, the American Family Association, Promise Keepers, Coral Ridge Knox Ministries, James Dobson and anti-gay Republican activists, Anna Mae French and Jean Hanson). Contrary to the skewed "push button" allegations of WFTL talk show hosts, Broward Log Cabin Club DOES NOT disagree with the right of Shane Gunderson of American for Equality (AFE) fame and Brad Buchman former President of the Dolphin Democratic Club on their "freedom of the press" ideals. Certainly their pro-active views with regard to the forum given Rantel by gay publisher Brad Casey cannot be denied. We are surprised that feminist and author Shelly Roberts, who once attended a "Reclaiming America For Christ" rally and did not reveal herself to them as either a feminist or Lesbian author, now feels so comfortable with Al Rantel's evangelical allies. It is also obvious that while "Al don't ask-don't rantell" claims to be a conservative-Republican-community-activist, he has never been a member of Log Cabin Broward, the Broward County Republican EC, nor a contributor to the Broward County Republican financial coffers. Al has been known to attend Human Rights Campaign dinners (comped), has been known as a liberal activist when GUARD (Gays United to Attack Repression and Discrimination) was founded. He is now known as an evangelical conservative Republican- who, at one time ironically attacked the Roman Catholic Pope for his conservative views. Additionally this "Jean Hanson Republican Conservative" recently supported Victory Fund liberal Democrat Ken Wolf over Log Cabin gay-friendly Republican Carey Keno who was endorsed by the Republican Party. Now friends talk about oxymoronic! They certainly can't tag that one on Log Cabin alone. What Broward Log Cabin objects to is a community funded forum, supported by LesBiGay sales receipts. Such forums allow the twisted views of the evangelical video the "Gay Agenda" (portrayal of an alleged drug addicted, demonic, child molesting and anti-religious society) to air as a matter of fact. This type of skewed rhetoric should not even be funded by advertisers and readers of evangelical publications that are fundamentalists and intolerant of our sexual orientation. We treat this matter no differently than our disapproval of Nunn, Dornan and/or Helms exclusion of "Gays in the Military," a tragic "Don't ask-Don't Tell-Don't Pursue" compromise praised by liberal Dolphin Democrat Brad Buchman and subsequently supported on Paxton's WFTL air-waves by "Rantell."