Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 20:26:42 -0500 (EST) From: A Jay Eddy March 7, 1996 - Press Release BROWARD LOG CABIN CLUB OF FLORIDA P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 CORAL RIDGE MINISTRIES BASHES GAY MINORITY February 23, 1996. "Please help me. Send $35. or more... request your own copy of this important" ..deviant homosexual.. "documentary special on video cassette." writes D. James Kennedy the leader of the ultra-right-wing evangelical Ft. Lauderdale Coral Ridge Ministries. In his "cash cow" anti-gay letter to a flock of unsuspecting sheep, Kennedy attacks alleged homosexual immorality to the point of implying and then believing that such varying life-styles do not exist within the heterosexual community. It's the ole "white lie" concept that hypercrits use to justify their actions. Statistically, if we do not use the skewed works of Dr.Paul Cameron, a disbarred former member of the American Psychological Society (APA), or the twisted unscientific- far from realist- studies of James Dobson's fundamentalist "Focus on the Family" Foundation, we would readily understand that Kennedy and his "money dealers" have violated the Commandment which ask's not to bear false witness against one's neighbor. "Someone has to pay for Ft. Lauderdale's expensive ivory towers on the Kennedy edifice. If bearing false witness pays the bill some will stoop as low as the temple merchants Christ drove out of the ancient halls of worship did" stated Mof Warren when asked to comment on the several anti-gay pages of the Coral Ridge Ministries "tax exempt" circulars. "We all know that Kenndy's friend Doug Danzinger was trying to save souls when caught with Cathy Willets as was the Rev. Jimmy Swaggert and anti-gay evangelical fundamentalist State Rep. Marvin Couch (R-FL) when uncompromisingly caught trying allegedly, to apostatize prostitutes in the back seat of their cars," he continued. "America needs to know the truth -- for the protection of our children and grandchildren. Radical homosexuals are pushing to reshape society" Kennedy again alleges. Well if "radical homosexual" are doing all of this what is the christian "radical fundamentalist" minority doing to correct their misinformation and over-zealous PR illusions that promulgates money and hate? Kennedy's alleged support of Pat Buchanan again points to the fact that individuals who distort much of the truth will eventu- ally distort that which makes goodness and love wholesome. A society needs more righteousness over such fallacious rhetoric and distorted lipservice. If it plans to bridge the coming new- age 21st Century smoothly, it must intellectually and honestly evaluate the fear that is causing all the distortion, pain and suffering heaped on the backs of gay women and men who are definitely, as reflected in the Beatitudes, the persecuted "Children of God."