Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 09:06:06 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: The Must Earn Our Vote Note Just Expect It! September 21, 1996 For Immediate Release BROWARD LOG CABIN CLUB OF FLORIDA P.O. BOX 1281, FT. LAUDERDALE, FL. 33302 E-mail: Contact: M.Warren (954) 563-3626 BWD.LOG CABIN FLORIDA VOTES TO SUPPORT LCR ON DOLE-KEMP The Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida has voted to support the National Log Cabin Republican Resolution to endorse the Dole-Kemp presidential ticket. For months candidate Dole has been attacked for being anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-black, anti-poor, anti, anti, anti,.... while the name callers have literally turned their backs on the waffling antics of the pantomime President. Bill Clinton, who counted on an array of minority supporters to secure the Oval Office, has not lived up to his full commitment to the diverse coalition who gave him a less-than-majority victory over Bush and Perot. Clinton has failed especially when it would have really counted. We believe that politicians should not simply expect our votes, they must earn them. We therefore lend our support to the Dole- Kemp ticket in deference to the Clinton-Gore "Trojan Horse" which has not delivered on the Lifting of the Military Ban (no veto), DOMA (no veto), the "Manhattan AIDS Project, " etc. Bill's promises to the non-heterosexual community, much like his disingenuous family values - good ole boys talk to Dixie Conservatives- vaporizes with the all-too-familiar "Clinton Cloned" spin-doctor rhetoric which peddles lots of influence but lacks enduring commitment to those who have been strung along and taken for granted. **** The cleans sweep of a fat Democratic entrenched bureauracy produced a 104th Republican House and Senate that for the first time in years SAVED 23 BILLION DOLLARS over its prior spending year's budget.... and children are not really starving from it because it's the bureaucrats who had to trim their wastlines not those with a real need. Ask Rep Jan Meyers, (R.Kansas).