Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 08:51:31 -0400 From: Mary Ann Murphy Subject: CA AB590 Following is this month's sample letter on HIV/AIDS issue. It is for Governor Pete Wilson fax (916)445-4633. I could not find an email address for him if anyone knows it - please let me know If you do send a letter, make a phone call or send an E-mail message on this issue please let us know. We need to know whether our efforts are effective. September 15, 1995 The Hon. Pete Wilson, Governor The California State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Governor Wilson: I strongly urge you to sign A. B. 590 (Knox) which is now on your desk or will be shortly. This bill would require Medi-Cal to cover bottled water and certain filters as benefits upon findings of Cryptosporidium in treated water. Cryptosporidium is a parasite which causes severe intestinal illness that can lead to death when it infects people with compromised immune systems, such as those living with AIDS, or cancer patients on chemotherapy. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an estimated 400,000 people became ill and 100 people living with AIDS died after exposure to Cryptosporidium in 1993. Once infected, there are no treatments to remove the parasite from the body. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power recently advised the immunocompromised to boil all tap water before drinking. However, the process of boiling water could be impossible for those who are bed ridden and dangerous for people who are frail. A.B. 590 will only take affect after a water department has determined that all tap water should be boiled prior to drinking due to a health risk associated with Cryptosporidium. Thus it is a preventative measure. If implemented, it is estimated that it would cost $10 per month, per person. This cost is minimal when compared to the potential long term costs to Medi-Cal from hospitalization, medication and home health care that might otherwise become necessary. Thank you for considering this issue. Again, I strongly urge you to sign A.B. 590 which is now on your desk or will be shortly. Very truly yours,