Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 15:57:51 -0400 [ Send all replies to only ] SB 38 has made it Governor Pete Wislon's desk. Letters are needed to be sent to him encouraging him to sign it into law. Governor Wilson fax number is (916)445-4633. OR Fax directly from the internet to Pete Wilson Send a regular e-mail message to: For the subject line, use his local 7-digit fax number 445-4633 Then just do the body of your e-mail message as you normally would. The faxline info came from Rex Wockner, Following is a sample letter you can use or modify. Please let me ( know is you send a letters. September 12, 1994 The Hon. Pete Wilson, Governor The California State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 38 - Medigap Issues - SUPPORT Dear Governor Wilson: I am writing to ask that you sign SB 38 or that you allow it to become law without your signature. This bill would prohibit health plans and insurers from denying Medicare supplemental policies (Medigap policies) to the disabled. Currently insurers cannot deny this coverage to those who are on Medicare and are also over 65, but they can deny it to the disabled who are under 65. This younger disabled population is only 1.3 percent of the total Medicare population in California. SB 38 does not require insurers to offer comprehensive benefits. Thus its effect on insurance firms will not be significant. In addition, the bill's effect may be to shift some patient costs from Medi-Cal to private Medigap policies, resulting in savings to the state. The bills provisions are sound medical and fiscal policy. I urge you to either sign SB 38 or allow it to become law without your signature. Yours truly,