Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 12:00:39 -0500 From: "LAGPA (Lesbian & Gay Police Assoc. - UK) (by way of Don Jirak)" Subject: PRESS RELEASE: GAY POLICE HERO VICTIM OF HATE CRIME 6 December 1996 LAGPA PRESS RELEASE GAY POLICE HERO VICTIM OF HATE CRIME A private party held at the RAF base in Uxbridge, Middlesex, was dramatically curtailed last Saturday night when RAF personnel intervened to stop the host, Police Sergeant Paul Cahill, from dancing with his male partner. Two days later, whilst walking alone in Uxbridge town centre, Sergeant Cahill was subjected to a brutal and cowardly attack by two men obviously from from the RAF base. The party was attended by around 200 guests, including Sergeant Cahill's family, work colleagues and friends both straight and gay. The party came to an abrupt end, when two RAF flight Sergeants objected to seeing the two men dancing together, although none of the other guests seemed concerned. With only ten minutes of the party remaining, the music was ordered off and the guests were then ushered rudely from the premises. Guests who had been enjoying themselves, had their evening ruined by the heavyhanded and unnecessary intervention by the RAF. Subsequently, however, it has come to light that a number of Paul's guests had also been individually harassed and humiliated by the three RAF staff who were present throughout the evening. Guest's accounts of the evenings events, including film and video, support the good nature of the event and the discriminatory behaviour of the RAF. Two days later Sgt Cahill was walking into Uxbridge town centre, when he was grabbed from behind, thrown against the wall then punched and kicked. During the assault, one of the two assailants said, "We don't want any more poofs and fucking queers on our base." Sergeant Cahill, the holder of the Baton of Honour, and twice commended for bravery as a police officer, is now on sick leave, suffering from concussion, a badly bruised and cut face and suspected fracture. The incident is now being investigated by the Police at Uxbridge. The assault on Police Sergeant Paul Cahill was a homophobic attack, which is a crime motivated by hatred, in the same way as a racist attack. The Lesbian and Gay Police Association, LAGPA, has been advising and supporting a number of people who were insulted and abused by RAF personnel at the party on Saturday night, in particular Paul Cahill. LAGPA, together with a number of other groups and individuals, is helping to arrange a substantial reward to be offered to anyone who comes forward with information leading to the conviction of those responsible. There will certainly be those who know who carried out this vicious attack, possibly even their colleagues, who will be as outraged as we are, and we appeal to them to contact the Police at Uxbridge (Tel: 01895-251212) or GALOP (Gay London Policing, Tel: 0171-704-2040) with any useful information which could help to bring these thugs to justice. It seems clear that the legislation which allows the military to ban Lesbian and Gay people from serving in the Armed Forces is being used as a justification to abuse and assault members of the public. This must change. CONTACT: Paul Carswell, Tel/Voicemail: 0973-674860 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAGPA - Lesbian and Gay Police Association (UK) "Helping to bridge the gap" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post: BM, LAGPA Phone: 01426-943011 (UK) London WC1N 3XX +44-1426-943011 (Interntl.) United Kingdom E-Mail: WWW: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~