Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 09:45:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Rex Wockner Subject: NC3561: Forms to join ILGA ILGA - International Lesbian and Gay Association 81 Kolenmarkt, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone/Fax +32-2-502-2471, E-mail: A federation of over 300 groups from 80 countries fighting for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. We also have over 100 supportive associate and individual members. Will you join us? Contact us for more information! Dear Friend, We would like to introduce ourselves to you, and attach to the bottom of this message information about joining ILGA (the International Lesbian and Gay Association) and general information about ILGA. We are a federation of 300 groups from over 80 countries that fight for the rights and recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. It is the only organization of its type. We need visibility and support in our global battle! Many groups have started in the last few years: political groups, religious groups, youth groups, sports groups, PFLAG groups (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). ILGA invites all of you to help support work at an international level. So, thank you for taking the time to read about us. If you are interested in becoming an individual member of ILGA, we have included an application form for you. If you are interested in becoming a group member, give us your mail address, and we will send you the application forms and a sample Bulletin, our informative magazine. Again, thank you for your interest and support. Sincerely yours, International Lesbian and Gay Association WHO WE ARE: The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) is a worldwide federation of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbians and gay men everywhere. Founded in 1978, the organization currently has over 300 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender full member groups from over 80 countries, and over one hundred associate and individual members. ILGA member groups range from small collectives to national groups and entire cities. ILGA's AIMS ILGA is the only organization of its type in the world: a federation of groups fighting against discrimination towards people who love others of the same sex. Through international cooperation and networking, the distribution of information, conferences and lobbying, ILGA members work together to create a world where the right to love is recognized as a basic human right that must be respected. ILGA CAMPAIGNS Many of ILGA's international campaigns have helped to win major victories. We focus public and government attention on cases of discrimination against lesbians and gay men by supporting programs and protest actions, asserting diplomatic pressure, providing information and working with the international media. Our pressure contributed to the legalisation of homosexuality in New Zealand, Russia, Ireland and other countries, repeal of discriminatory US immigration policy, compliance by various nations with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, and growth of a democratic multiracial lesbian and gay movement in South Africa. In many countries, notably throughout Eastern Europe, ILGA has supported the emergence of the first autonomous lesbian and gay groups. ILGA also highlights the vicious oppression of homosexuals in countries where it is too dangerous for any organized movement to exist, such as Iran. We have participated and represented gay and lesbian interests in many conferences, including those sponsored by the World Council of Churches, the United Nations, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the World Health Organization. After years of campaigning, ILGA convinced Amnesty International to accept lesbians and gay men imprisoned for their sexuality as "prisoners of conscience;" ILGA now provides AI with information on such cases. ILGA also works on the regional level. In Europe, ILGA lobbies the European Union to ensure lesbians and gay men are taken into account in preparing policy documents. One particular victory is the ground breaking February 1994 "Resolution on equal rights for homosexuals and lesbians in the European Community" passed by the European Parliament. ILGA also did the groundwork for the EU sponsored report "Homosexuality - A European Community issue". Another international achievement: ILGA was instrumental in the deletion of "homosexuality" from the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases, and collaborates closely with the WHO's Global Programme on AIDS. All around the world, at international conferences and within international organizations, we work to ensure that our communities are not forgotten by those who formulate international human rights demands. THE ILGA CONFERENCE Our World Conference attracts delegates from all over the globe from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Pacific. It provides international activists with the opportunity to learn from other countries, to present achievements, collaborate with other groups on national and international projects, and to help to set the international gay and lesbian agenda. The conferences are also a celebration of the diversity of the international gay and lesbian movement, as we welcome at every conference representatives from a wider range of countries and constituencies. The World Conference is ILGA's highest decision-making body, which ensures democratic decision-making on issues concerning ILGA as a whole. World Conferences take place at least every two years. Regional conferences are also encouraged; regional conferences can make decisions affecting their area within the policies adopted by the World Conference. To date, regional conferences have been held in Europe, Latin America, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and Asia. Others are in the planning stage. THE ILGA BULLETIN AND PINK BOOK The ILGA Bulletin, published several times a year, informs ILGA members and contacts about the latest international news and developments, and the latest news from ILGA. It is also used by members from around the world to share information, call for support and exchange news of their successes and challenges. This is aimed at assisting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and groups to learn from each other and identify common strategies. The Bulletin is mailed to all members, to the lesbian and gay media and to international human rights organizations. It is an indispensable source of global information and networking opportunities. The ILGA Pink Books have appeared in 1985, 1988 and 1993. They highlight the legal and socio-political status of the international lesbian and gay movement and include articles from around the world, as well as a country-by-country survey. The series has proved indispensable to activists, scholars, and lawyers. The Fourth ILGA Pink Book will appear in 1998 from Cassell books. The Third Pink Book should be available in your local bookstore (ISBN 0 87975 831 7) ILGA SECRETARIATS ILGA's on-going work is coordinated by the Administrative Office, currently based in Brussels. The AO produces the Bulletin, disseminates information, works with the media, collects membership fees and provides administrative support. It also calls for actions to publicize human rights abuses against gay men and lesbians. The management of ILGA between world conferences is the responsibility of the Secretariats' Committee, which is composed of a male and female Secretary General, a Financial Secretariat, a Women's Secretariat, an Action Secretariat, and Regional Secretariats. The current Secretaries General are Inge Wallaert from the group FWH, Belgium and Jordi Petit from CGL, Catalunya, Spain. MEMBERSHIP Full membership in ILGA is open to all non-commercial lesbian, gay and bisexual groups that support the aims of ILGA. Associate memberships are available for any other groups that are supportive of ILGA and its aims, and we also welcome individual memberships. ILGA makes a special commitment to reach organizations in countries with a developing or nascent gay and lesbian movement. Reduced memberships are available for organizations from those countries. CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION · for information on international issues · to publicize your work in the ILGA Bulletin · for membership and general information · to call for an international action · for information about our members contact: ILGA Administrative Office rue Marché-au-Charbon - 81 - Kolenmarkt 1000 Brussels, Belgium or call +32 2 502 2471 (phone and fax) or e-mail: Name: Address: Country: Tel: (country) local Fax: E mail: Is this information confidential? ( ) NO ( ) YES Send me information on how my group can join ILGA ( ) MEMBERSHIP: I want to become an individual member of ILGA at the following rate: ordinary: £30 / US$050 ( ) supporting: £60 / US$100 ( ) sponsorship: £100 / US$165 ( ) other: ____________ ( ) All members receive the ILGA Bulletin and other ILGA publications. Membership is from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. After 30 June, pay 50% (optional). DONATIONS: I support ILGA's work. I enclose a donation of: PAYMENT: VISA, MASTERCARD, EUROCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS: Name of Cardholder: Card #: Expiry Date: (or send a US$ cheque drawn on a US bank or a sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank. For small donations, send cash) ILGA, 81 Kolenmarkt, B 1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone / Fax: +32 2 502 2471 E mail: ILGA Fundraising Appeal: The Right to Love.... All Over the World! FOR THE FUTURE The International Lesbian and Gay Association has existed for 18 years. We've come a long way in that time, and so has the world! Recent years have seen an explosion in new groups, legislation, media coverage, advances and challenges for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people all around the world. We need your help to be able to keep up with the times, to build an effective, professional organization capable of providing services and representation for a new global community! No group can plan for the future without being able to rely on regular income. ILGA's operating expenses are covered almost entirely by membership fees and donations. Please join us now! Show the world what we're fighting for: the right to love, recognition of our relationships, a world where all of us can feel free and safe and proud no matter who we love. If you recognize the value of our work, please join us as an individual or group member, or make a donation! Thank you for your support. REASONS TO JOIN ILGA · you show SOLIDARITY with the international lesbian and gay movement · you SUPPORT THE FIGHT against the oppression of people who love others of the same sex · you MAKE IT POSSIBLE for ILGA to work at the GLOBAL LEVEL with bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations · you show your OPENNESS to the world · you are INFORMED of the latest activities and news concerning lesbians and gays around the world · you PARTICIPATE in the life of the lesbian and gay community on the international level. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM: Organizations International Lesbian and Gay Association Please complete this form and return it along with your payment or payment information to: ILGA, 81 Kolenmarkt; B 1000 Brussels; Belgium. Phone / Fax: +32 2 502 2471, E-mail: Member Information: Name: Address: Country: Telephone: (country) ___ local _____________________ Telefax: ________________________________ E mail address: _________________________ Is the above information confidential? ___ YES ___ NO We are applying for: ___ FULL MEMBERSHIP Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender non profit organization (including LGBT groups which form part of a non LGBT organization) ___ ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Being any other organization MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION All members receive the ILGA Bulletin and all other ILGA mailings, and have the right to attend world and regional conferences. All FULL Members have the right to vote at these conferences. Membership applications are officially approved at the World Conference, although this outdated system will be changing at the ILGA Koln 1997 Conference. Refusal of membership is rare, and happens most often because there is insufficient information about an organization. It is assumed that by joining ILGA and paying membership fees, that ILGA members agree with ILGA's aim and policies. All members groups must appoint an International Secretary to act as liasion between the group and ILGA. Members are asked to include the words "A member of the International Lesbian Gay Association" on their writing paper/stationary. Membership is from January to December. Membership fees are due every year on 1 January. After June 30, please pay 50% of your fee category. Membership fee: I enclose/will transfer: ___ Membership fee of ____________ ___ Donation to ILGA of ____________ FEES AND PAYMENT: The annual fee for Groups is: Reduced: BEF3000 / US$100 Ordinary: BEF5000 / US$165 Supporting: a/international organizations, governmental organizations, local authorities BEF13.500 / US$450 b/ others BEF10.000/ US$330 Additional donations are welcome! Reduced fees are reserved for groups with economic problems. Groups with extreme economic problems from outside of North America, Western Europe and Australia/New Zealand may pay a special reduced rate of BEF750 / $25USD. If they cannot afford this, they are asked to write to the Administrative Office for a fee waiver. Subscription fees for the Bulletin are available upon special request for groups. Write to the Administration Office for details. PAYMENT OF MEMBERSHIP FEE: In order of preference for ILGA: 1. AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, MASTERCARD and EUROCARD holders. Send us your name, card number, expiry date and the amount you wish to pay. 2. If you live in Europe, usually you can transfer the fee cheaply through the Eurogiro system or through your local post office. Transfer your fee directly to ILGA at Girobank PLC, UK, Account No: 51 356 0807 (Postgiro CCP: Sort code 72 00 00) 3. Send a sterling cheque or banker's draft drawn on a UK Bank made payable to "ILGA" with this form to the Administrative Office. 4. Send a cheque (US$, BEF) made payable to "ILGA" with this form. 5. For small donations or reduced membership fees, payment can be sent in cash. Please tell us if you need a receipt sent to you, as we do not automatically issue them. You will know that we have received and processed your application when you receive your first edition of the ILGA Bulletin. WELCOME to ILGA and thank you for your continuing support. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM: Organizations SURVEY International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION ILGA needs information about your group! Contacts: International Secretary: ___________________________ Private Tel #: Country: _____local ___________________ Leader(s) of group: _______________________________ Optional contacts: Women _________________________ Youth: ______________Treasurer: ___________________ Year organization was founded: _____________________ Your organization's aims: ________________________________________________________ Recent Activities: ______________________________________________________________ I. Description of your organization and organizational structure: a) Membership (check only one of the first four, and others as applicable): ___ both lesbians and gay men ___ mainly gay men ___ lesbians only ___ gay men only ___ bisexuals are included ___ heterosexuals are included Approximate total number of: ___ lesbians ____ gay men ____ bisexuals ___ transgendereds ____ cross dressers ___ heterosexuals ____ others b) Type of organization: ___ local ___ national ___ international ___ network/ umbrella group ___ unit of a larger association: name:___________________ ___ governmental body ___ other: ____________________ II. Main activities of your organization: Focus: (political, social, lesbian, people of colour, disabled, bisexual, contact group etc) _______________________________________ Services: (e.g. switchboard, centre, AIDS advice, counselling) _______________________________________ Sub Groups: (e.g., teachers, youth, political parties) _________________________________ Affiliations: (e.g., unions, political parties, other federations) ___________________________ Twinning scheme: ILGA member groups are encouraged to make direct links with other groups in other parts of the world to exchange information and ideas, and to provide support for each other. Would you like your name printed in the ILGA Bulletin as a group looking for a twin? If so, are you interested in groups from a particular region? YES ___ Region _______________________ III. Communications Experience: a) Publications of your organization: ___ bulletin ___ newsletter ___ booklet ___ flyers b) Periodicals of your organization ___ magazine ___ journal Please give the name(s) of publications: _______________________________________ Please enclose a copy if they are not already sent to ILGA on a regular basis c) Broadcast experience of your organization: ___ radio program ___ TV spots ___ slides d) We have access to: Computer ___ Modem ___ e) Telephone answering machine: yes/no Best local time to call:____________ IV. Resources a) Annual income in USD (approx): _______________ b) Funding received from: ___ participant's own pocket ___ membership fees ___ fundraising from dance parties, ___ dinners, raffles etc. ___ donations from private individuals ___ grants from foundations or corporations ___ government funding ___ intergovernmental organizations ___ funding ___ international NGO ___ sales of products (what products: ________________________________ ) c) Do you have any paid staff? If yes, how many?_______________________ VI. Main interest in ILGA: ___ Contact with other people ___ Sharing experiences and learning ___ Supporting other people/countries ___ Making new friends ___ international support for concern in your country ___ fund raising from ILGA for your organization ___ Working on specific project within ILGA (which one(s)? _________________________ _____________________________________________ ___ Working on international lobbying ___ General interest ___ other: ___________________ VII. You can offer to ILGA ___ Host the Administrative Office ___ Host a World Conference ___ Host a regional conference ___ Host a Secretariat Committee Meeting ___ Being an International/Regional Secretariat (which? __________________) ___ Working on a project group ___ Writing/translating articles ___ Facilitating/chairing workshops at conferences ___ Fundraising/donation ___ Lobbying for ILGA ___ Other: ____________________ Is there any other way you would like to help ILGA or be involved with ILGA? Members of your organization have attended ___ ILGA Regional Conferences ___ ILGA World Conferences We would like to be able to present some of the above information to potential funders. It is also possible that some information will be used for the ILGA manual. Is the above survey information confidential? ___ Yes ___ No Is there any information that you would like to request of ILGA at this time? We hereby affirm our agreement with ILGA's Aim and Policies and certify that all the statements in this survey are true. Date: ___________________________________ Authorized person signature: _______________________________________