Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 13:18:52 +0200 From: ilga Subject: PRIDE NEWS / MESSAGE Dear ILGA Member, Friend, Press Contact, *NEWS* PRIDE HEATS UP! MALTA, MARSEILLES! Malta: The first ever gay and lesbian Pride event is taking place in Floriana, Malta. Already planned for the weekend of 29-30 June 96 is a film festival, a sculpture exhibition, a forum on health care, dancers, folk music, a stand up comedian and a drag show by "Georgina." The events will be taking place at Malta's top gay bar, the Tom Bar complex. Organizers visited Europride in Amsterdam two years ago with a small group, and are excited about organizing this first ever pride event. They are interested in foreign participation and welcome letters, faxes of support, musicians, artists, visitors and participants; as well as pride guides, magazines and other things of lesbian and gay interest. Malta is a small island country in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily in Italy. It's population according to the latest Spartacus Guide is about 360,000 people of which 97% are Roman Catholic. Contact them at: POM; 1 Crucifix Hill, VLT 01, Floriana / La Valleta, MALTA; phone +356 250 780, FX +356 316 773 Marseilles In Marseilles, France, organizers are expecting 5,000 participants on 22 June 1996 for their pride event. The two themes emphasized for this year are the Recognition of Lesbian and Gay Couples, and the creation in Marseille of a Mediterranean Lesbian and Gay Centre. Organizers are hoping to pressure municipal and regional authorities to support the establishment of a place for support, information and welcome open to the many diverse parts of the lesbian and gay community in the region. *REQUESTS* The Secretariats' Committee of ILGA would like to send all of you greetings during this season of lesbian and gay pride. In conjunction with the many pride events taking place, we would like to send you the following messages. We also ask for your help and cooperation in seeing that these messages reach the public. ILGA needs your support! The first message could be read out at pride events or published in pride programmes Thank you for your support and cooperation. 1/ Message for Pride The International Lesbian Gay Association, ILGA, a federation of 300 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups from 75 countries and over 100 supportive individuals and organizations, congratulates the organizers of this event, and all of you, the participants. The international movement has made many gains in recent years: partnership and anti-discrimination legislation, enormous gains in visibility, new groups forming all over the world - and achievements like the unprecedented inclusion of sexual orientation in South Africa's new constitution. However, nowhere in the world do lesbians and gay men have the same rights as heterosexuals, and there are few places in the world where we are free from discrimination and violence. By taking part in this event, you are part of a global movement fighting for the right to love. We hope you will give support to your local lesbian and gay associations and support our work as well. For liberty, equality, health, and happiness. For our children and future generations. Fight on, and happy pride day! 2/ The second is a longer version which describes some of the events of the last year, a bit more about ILGA, and could be used in pride programs. ILGA Pride Manifesto 1996 Year after year, lesbian and gay associations around the world continue to work for equality before the law and society, against AIDS, and for solidarity with people living with HIV/AIDS. ILGA, a federation of 300 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups from 75 countries and over 100 supportive individuals and organizations, is united in a common goal of emancipation, and we have progressed in spite of many difficulties. This year, we celebrate: -the voices of lesbians rising loud and clear at the World Conference for Women in Beijing where the issue of sexual orientation was raised by many -the international condemnation of President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe's, treatment of lesbians and gays in his country -the success of groups in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Russia who participated with ILGA in an anti-discrimination project funded by the European Union, the largest support that the EU has given to a lesbian/gay specific project -the recognition of same-gender couples in many countries, cities and provinces around the world. We denounce: -the lack of support and funding in Latin America for people living with HIV/AIDS as pointed out at the Panamerican AIDS Conference in Chile. -the continued situation in Nicaragua, Ecuador and Chile and many other countries where homosexuality is illegal; and the arbitrary police raids and detentions in LIma, Peru; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and La Paz, Bolivia during 1995 and 1996 -the lack of recognition of gays and lesbians killed in nazi concentration camps during the holocaust. Solidarity is our best tool for progress. Show your support for your local and national organizations! Show support for ILGA. For liberty, equality, health, and happiness. For our children and future generations. Lesbian and gay rights are human rights. Happy Pride Day! ****** Andy Quan, coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ILGA - International Lesbian and Gay Association 81 Kolenmarkt, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone/Fax +32-2-502-2471, E-mail: A federation of over 300 groups from 75 countries fighting for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. We also have over 100 supportive associate and individual members. Will you join us? Contact us for more info!