Date: Mon, 31 Jan 94 16:58 MET From: (Alan Fraser Reekie) Subject: ILGA Conference (2) The telephone number for the New York Center handling the arrangements for the ILGA 16th Annual Conference was mis-typed in the announcement poster earlier today. Please delete and replace by the following: 1994 ILGA Annual Conference, New York ILGA's 1994 World Conference will be held in New York City during the period Friday 24 June - Sunday 3 July, thus coinciding with the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the birth of the campaign to achieve equal rights for lesbians and gay men that occured at the Stonewall Tavern in 1969. The following pre-conference activities are scheduled on the first four days: Disabled people's pre-conference: 10 am - 6 pm (24 June) Women's pre-conference: 10 am - 6 pm (25 June) Human Rights March on the United Nations (all day 26 June) People of Colour pre-conference: 10 am - 6 pm (27 June) Diversity Awareness pre-conference: 10 am - 6 pm (27 June) The 1994 World Conference itself, consisting as usual of numerous workshops on topics of interest and/or concern to participants together with the Plenary sessions at which ILGA policy is debated and determined, will take place 10 am - 8.30 pm from Tuesday 28 June to Sunday 3 July 1994. Any participant wishing to facilitate a conference workshop should prepare an outline and/or introductory text (not more than one page) and send it to arrive at the ILGA Administrative Office not later than 1 May 1994. All practical arrangements for participation in ILGA's 16th World Conference are being handled by "The Center ILGA Committee" at the Lesbian and Gay Community Center, 208 West 13th Street, New York City, USA NY 10011 (phone: +1.212-620.7310, fax: +1.212- 924.2657), from which details of fees, registration forms and any further information required can be obtained.