Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 15:08:08 +0100 (MET) From: "ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Organisation)" PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE} SHOCKING AND UNFAIR, SAYS ILGA, SILENCED GAY-LESBIAN WORLD VOICE AT THE UN. On September 16, the United Nations's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was hurriedly convened at the request of the U.S. government. At the meeting the consultative status of International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) - a world-wide umbrella organization with several hundred member groups - was suspended. ECOSOC thus escaped a threatened cutback in US funding by succumbing to a provision not enacted by the UN itself, but by the US Senate on a proposal from Sen. Jesse Helms, namely that all ECOSOC-affiliated organizations must prove that they have no pro-pedophile member groups. The US government had received anonymous information about an ILGA member group, the VSG in Munich, Germany, that alleged that the VSG is a pedophile group. "We are shocked ", says Julie Dorf, U.S. activist and ILGA board member, "that after almost an entire year of good faith communication between us and US government representatives, they went ahead with a resolution to the ECOSOC for suspension without giving ILGA any opportunity to deal with this last-minute, new information they had dug up." Under the Helms Amendment, the US Administration would have had to certify to congress by Sept. 30 that ILGA no longer has pro-pedophile member groups, less allocations for UN purposes be severely reduced. "In the face of the upcoming elections, the Clinton Administration made a choice to capitulate to Jesse Helms' blackmail rather than to stand up for our rights. In the process, they exposed the ECOSOC to the same blackmailing tactics and they have given our enemies inside ECOSOC, and outside, fresh ammunition," comments Norwegian Hans Hjerpekjon, ILGA's Co-Secretary General.} "A few hours before the decision, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Ms. Madeline Albright called me to assure me of her governments pro-gay-and-lesbian sentiments in general. In spite that, and although the US no longer casts any doubts about ILGA's own pedophile positions, I have to warn her that suspending us under a cloud of blackmail may prove a lot easier than to lift the supension, given to the forces they have now unleashed and foddered. Holding Ms. Albright to her words, I call upon her to play an active part in securing that the ECOSOC process for ILGA's eventual re-instatement be reasonable and just." NAMBLA, a US pedophile group which was expelled by ILGA this summer, has produced a "spoiler" press release on the events. Gloating over ILGA's suspension, they make it a proof that the expulsion of NAMBLA was in vain. This completely overlooks that for many, many ILGA members the UN consultative status was just an additional reason for wanting NAMBLA out of ILGA, indeed ILGA debate over NAMBLA membership and pedophilia has been on-going for years, long before any ILGA UN status was even conceivable. For further comments : Hans Hjerpekjon + 47 33 31 05 71 and in the US : Julie Dorph + 1 415 255 8680.