Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 21:33:15 -0800 (PST) From: Jeff Herwatt Changing the Numbers Membership Campaign 1994 Dear Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Activists, Friends, Organizations: I am writing to you about The International Lesbian and Gay Youth Organization, known also as IGLYO. IGLYO had its start over ten years ago in Europe, as a result of youth empowerment to bring change for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual youth of the continent. Over the past ten years IGLYO has grown to a relatively large organization providing information on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual rights, emancipation and discrimination issues. With our growth has come a voice in the political system within the European Union Countries. The organization, in conjunction with our member organizations, has achieved status within the Counsel of Europe, an intergovernmental organization made up of 32+ European counties that handles issues of human rights, democracy, and cultural identity. The organization feels to be truly international that it must cross the waters and become involved within the America's. To make this commitment a reality, the organization has decided to reintroduce the American bureau/secretariat. The hope is that as in Europe, the organization can bring youth and student groups together to work as one on common goals and rights that belong to us as individuals and members of society. The current positive political climate within the America's and the advancement of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual rights lends itself to these goals. The organization works as a network of ideas and information to it's member organizations and meets on a regular basis to discuss decisions and make policies that will aid in the advancement of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual youth. The next two letters contain membership information. Within it you will find information on the groups history, our aims, our work, and our activities. The membership fee provides your organization with all of the resources and the right to make and change IGLYO policy at our annual general meeting. It also insures that the organization can continue to make advances on a national and international level. We encourage you to review the information. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact us at the U.S. address or through InterNet as listed below. Enclosed you will also find our membership application. Once received we will send you our membership packet with all necessary forms and information about up-coming events. We look forward to talking to you soon. Sincerely, Erik G. Paul Director - IGLYO:America IGLYO:America - Changing the number so that Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual youth of today will not have to grow up like those of yesterday American Secretariat P.O. Box 42463 Washington, DC 20015-0463 USA Telephone (202) 362-9624 FAX (202) 362-9624 InterNet EP4417A@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU European Secretariat P.O. Box 542 NL-1000 AM Amsterdam the Netherlands