Date: Thu, 24 Jul 97 14:48:17 EDT From: "communications" Subject: HRC Release: Statement on Cunanan's Apparent Suicide ________________________________________________________ NEWS from the Human Rights Campaign 1101 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 email: WWW: ________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, July 24, 1997 HRC'S BIRCH: 'OUR PRAYERS GO OUT TO THE FAMILIES' The Terror of Cunanan is Gone, But the Problem of Violence in America Remains, HRC Warns WASHINGTON -- Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, issued the following statement in response to the apparent suicide of murder suspect Andrew Phillip Cunanan: "First and foremost, our prayers go out to the families and friends of each and every person whose life has been taken in these horrible crimes. "While more information must be learned about what has happened and the suspect, Andrew Phillip Cunanan, we are very thankful that this terrible episode in the national nightmare of violence in America is over. "Our gratitude is extended to law enforcement agencies at the local, state and national level that worked with gay communities throughout this country to end this murder spree. "With specific regard to the FBI, we understand the mistrust between some members of our community and the FBI. However, we firmly believe these crimes were a top priority for the FBI and appreciate their efforts. We stand ready to continue our work with gay anti-violence organizations and other groups in helping the FBI to even more effectively interact with our community in the future. "For even as this horrific episode of violence that touched the gay community is apparently over, we must remember that the problem of violence in America does not end with the suicide of Andrew Cunanan. And let us not forget that while overall violent crime is on the decline in our country, the FBI and gay anti-violence groups around the nation have documented that reported hate crimes based on sexual orientation continue to be on the rise. "So the terror of Cunanan is gone, but the problem of violence in America remains. "One important lesson from this tragedy is just how much work remains to be done in educating the media about the lives of gay and lesbian Americans. While most reports were fair and balanced, others sank lower -- sometimes to the point of sensationalism and stereotyping. "So while all of our work must continue, I believe we stand with the entire nation in being thankful that this particular ordeal is over." The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national lesbian and gay political organization, with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that lesbian and gay Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. - 30 -