Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 16:59:00 -0500 From: ***************************************************************** ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FUND The Nation's Largest Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Political Group ***************************************************************** To contact the HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FUND, please call us at (202)628-4160, fax us at (202) 347-5323 or write to us at PO Box 1396 Washington, DC 20013. WE CANNOT RESPOND TO E-MAIL. ***************************************************************** The following Action Alert is from the Federal Advocacy Network (FAN) of the Human Rights Campaign Fund. For more information on the Federal Advocacy Network call Cheryl Camillo at (202)628-4160. ***************************************************************** ACTION NEEDED TO RESTORE HOPWA FUNDING CALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TODAY Dear Activist: There is a chance to save the Housing Opportunity for People With AIDS (HOPWA) program -- but we must act quickly! The House of Representatives will take up the rescissions bill on Wednesday, March 15. In a clear demonstration that AIDS is not a partisan issue, Chris Shays (R-CT) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) have introduced an amendment to restore HOPWA funding. The offset for the amendment is from NASA's $14 billion budget. HOPWA was created to develop and fund community-based housing alternatives for people with AIDS. Without HOPWA tens of thousands of people and families affected by AIDS would be forced to live on the street. The Human Rights Campaign Fund is targeting the following Representatives to vote to restore the HOPWA funding. If you live in their district, please call them today and urge them to vote to restore the HOPWA funding. The Capitol Hill Swithboard number is (202)224-3121. TARGETED REPRESENTATIVES: ALABAMA Callahan (R-1) Bachus (R-6) Bevill (D-4) Hilliard (D-7) Everett (R-2) Browder (D-3) Cramer (D-5) ARIZONA Shadegg (R-4) Kolbe (R-5) CALIFORNIA Riggs (R-1) Lewis (R-40) Cox (R-47) Doolittle (R-4) Hunter (R-52) Bono (R-44) Bilbray (R-49) Royce (R-39) Horn (R-38) Packard (R-48) Thomas (R-21) Moorhead (R-27) Herger (R-2) McKeon (R-25) Condit (D-18) Kim (R-41) Pombo (R-11) Baker, Bill (R-10) COLORADO McInnis (R-3) Allard (R-4) Hefley (R-5) Schaefer (R-6) CONNECTICUT Shays (R-4) Franks (R-5) Johnson (R-6) FLORIDA Miller (R-13) Young (R-10) Bilirakis (R-9) Fowler (R-4) McCullom (R-8) Canady (R-12) Mica (R-7) Ros-Lehtinen (R-18) Shaw (R-22) Stearns (R-6) Weldon (R-15) Foley (R-16) GEORGIA Gingrich (R-6) Kingston (R-1) Linder (R-4) Norwood (R-10) Barr (R-7) Chambliss (R-8) Collins (R-3) ILLINOIS Porter (R-10) Flanagan (R-5) Hastert (R-14) Weller (R-11) INDIANA McIntosh (R-2) Souder (R-4) Buyer (R-5) Burton (R-6) Myers (R-7) Hostettler (R-8) MAINE Longley (R-1) MARYLAND Morella (R-8) Gilchrest (R-1) MASSACHUSETTS Torkildsen (R-6) Blute (R-3) MINNESOTA Buttneck (R-1) Ming (D-2) Ramstadt (R-3) Vento (D-4) Sabo (D-5) Luther (D-6) Peterson (D-7) Oberstaw (D-8) MISSISSIPPI Wicker (R-1) Thompson (D-2) Montgomery (D-3) Parker (D-4) Taylor (D-5) MISSOURI Clay (D-1) Talent (R-2) Hancock (R-7) NORTH CAROLINA Myrick (R-9) Taylor (R-11) Heineman (R-4) Jones (R-3) Burr (R-5) Funderbunk (R-2) Ballenger (R-10) Coble (R-6) NEW JERSEY Zimmer (R-12) Frelinghuysen (R-11) Saxton (R-3) Smith (R-4) Roukema (R-5) Franks (R-7) LoBiondo (R-2) Martini (R-8) NEW YORK Lazio (R-2) Walsh (R-25) Molinari (R-13) Solomon (R-22) Paxon (R-27) Boehlert (R-23) Houghton (R-31) McHugh (R-24) Gilman (R-20) Kelly (R-19) Frisa (R-4) Forbes (R-1) King (R-3) OHIO Hobson (R-7) Stokes (R-11) Hoke (R-10) Kasich (R-12) Boehner (R-8) Ney (R-18) Oxley (R-4) Chabot (R-1) Portman (R-2) Regula (R-16) Gillmor (R-5) OKLAHOMA Istook (R-5) Largent (R-1) Lucas (R-6) Watts (R-4) Coburn (R-2) OREGON Bunn (R-5) Cooley (R-2) PENNSYLVANIA Clinger (R-5) English (R-21) Weldon (R-7) McDade (R-10) Gekas (R-17) Greenwood (R-8) Goodling (R-19) SOUTH CAROLINA Inglis (R-4) Sanford (R-1) Spence (R-2) Spratt (D-5) Graham (R-3) TENNESSEE Quillen (R-1) Tanner (D-8) Hilleary (R-4) Bryant (R-7) TEXAS Bonilla (R-23) Smith (R-21) Johnson (R-3) Stockman (R-9) Archer (R-7) Armey (R-26) Combest (R-19) Barton (R-6) Thornberry (R-13) VIRGINIA Wolf (R-10) Bliley (R-7) WASHINGTON White (R-1) WISCONSIN Gunderson (R-3) Klug (R-2) Petri (R-6) Roth (R-8) Sensenbrenner (R-9) For more information contact the Federal Advocacy Network team at the HRCF Washington, DC Office (202)628-4160. 1101 14th Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 phone:(202)628-4160 fax:(202) 347-5323