Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 09:55:23 EST From: David O'Donnell Subject: HRCF Press Release: Voting Report Cards of US Senators Originally posted to the list by Ron Buckmire ( PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FUND The nation's largest lesbian, gay and bisexual political group FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Gregory King (202) 628-4160 work (202) 547-4310 home 19 SENATORS EARN 100% VOTING SCORES FROM NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY LOBBYING ORGANIZATION WASHINGTON, DC (February 2, 1994) The Human Rights Campaign Fund, the nation's largest lesbian and gay political organization, has given 100 percent scores to 19 senators for votes taken during the first session of the 103rd Congress. Both senators from the states of California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland and New Jersey scored 100 percent for nine votes cast on lesbian and gay issues in the Senate. The 19 senators with 100 percent voting records are: Senators Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Bill Bradley (D-NJ), Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT), Dianne Feinstein (D- CA), Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI), Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT), Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-OH), Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL), Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), Patty Murray (D-WA), Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (D-MI), Charles S. Robb (D-VA), Paul S. Sarbanes (D- MD), Paul Simon (D-IL), and Paul Wellstone (D-MN). No Republican senators scored 100 percent, although Senator John H. Chafee (R-RI) scored 89%, Senator Jim M. Jeffords (R-VT) scored 88%, and Senators Mark O. Hatfield (R-OR), Bob Packwood (R-OR), and Arlen Specter (R-PA) each held a 78% record. Only three members of the Senate received zero scores: Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Lauch Faircloth (R-NC), and Malcolm Wallop (R-WY). Daniel Zingale, the Campaign Fund's Public Policy Director, called the session "a watershed for lesbian and gay issues on Capitol Hill" and noted several unprecedented actions. For the first time, the Senate voted to confirm openly lesbian and gay nominees to appointments in the executive branch. Congress passed a record increase in funding for AIDS and women's health research. In addition, the Senate passed the Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act, which increases penalties for federal crimes in which a defendant intentionally selects a victim because of race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Next week, the Human Rights Campaign Fund will issue its analysis of last year's voting record of the House of Representatives. For a copy of the report, please contact the Public Policy Department of the Human Rights Campaign Fund at (202) 628-4160. - 30 - 1012 14th Street, NW Suite 607 Washington, DC 20005 phone:(202)628-4160 fax:(202) 347-5323 --- RON BUCKMIRE, 11 Colvin Circle, Troy, NY 12180-3735. ``BOYCOTT CINCINATTI'' vox:(518)-276-8910 fax:(518)-276-6920 buckmr@rpitsmts.bitnet "AZT is genocide. I tell people you have to decide whether you want to survive AZT or AIDS, cause you can't do both." ---Michael Callen