Date: Thu, 12 May 94 17:28:29 -0400 Eastern From: PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FUND The nation's largest lesbian, gay and bisexual political group FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Gregory King (202) 628-4160 work (202) 547-4310 home McFEELEY TO APPEAR ON CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL AT NATIONAL RAINBOW COALITION CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, DC (May 10, 1994) The Rev. Jesse Jackson has invited Tim McFeeley, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign Fund, to address the National Rainbow Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund's national conference in New York City on May 12. McFeeley will appear with Deval Patrick, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, and Mary Francis Berry of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. McFeeley will address the civil rights challenges facing lesbian and gay Americans today, and place the current struggle in the context of larger efforts to end discrimination and ensure opportunity for all people. Jackson said that McFeeley "will offer us a particularly important perspective as we strive to come together to provide leadership and moral direction for the country." McFeeley noted the importance of working with a broad coalition of Americans to end discrimination against lesbians and gay men. "Particularly at this time, when the radical right is planning anti-gay ballot measures in as many as nine states, it is essential that we work with other organizations to educate America and to end discrimination," McFeeley said. "I appreciate the opportunity that Rev. Jackson has extended to the Human Rights Campaign Fund through this invitation." The annual national policy conference of the National Rainbow Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund will be held at the Marriott East Side at 525 Lexington Avenue (between E. 48th and 49th Streets) in New York City. McFeeley, Berry and Patrick are scheduled to speak at 2:00 p.m. - 30 - 1012 14th Street, NW Suite 607 Washington, DC 20005 phone:(202)628-4160 fax:(202) 347-5323