Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 20:41:01 -0400 [ Send all responses to ] ***************************************************************** ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT From the Human Rights Campaign Fund's Federal Advocacy Network ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT ACTION ALERT ***************************************************************** THE EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1994 HR 4636 & S 2238 There are currently 146 Co-sponsors of the Employment Non- Discrimination Act of 1994 (ENDA). This is a record number for legislation ending discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The Campaign Fund's Public Policy Team in Washington and our F.A.N. State Coordinators, Congressional District Coordinators and Citizen Advocates nationwide are pushing more legislators to support this effort to end discrimination in the workplaces America. More than half the Members of the House of Representatives and 70 of the 100 U.S. Senators have already pledged to HRCF not to allow discrimination based on sexual orientation in their own offices. If each of them were to co-sponsor and vote for this bill it would win today. Your phone call or letter today can make a difference in pushing them to once again fight discrimination in the workplace by co-sponsoring ENDA. ***If you live in ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, NEBRASKA, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, TEXAS, VIRGINIA, or WASHINGTON your help is needed immediately. Call our Federal Advocacy Network team in our national office (202)628-4160 to find out how YOU can make a special difference right now. Please make your phone calls and send your letters today. The phone number for the Capitol Hill Switchboard is (202)224- 3121. Below is a sample letter to use as a guide. For more information about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) or about the Human Rights Campaign Fund's Federal Advocacy Network (FAN) call our Public Policy Department at (202)628-4160. ********************** EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT (ENDA) SAMPLE LETTER The Honorable __________ The Honorable_____________ United States Senate and United States House of Reps. Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 Dear Senator/Representative _________________: I urge you to cosponsor the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1994 (S. 2238/HR. 4636). This bill, which was introduced by Senator Edward Kennedy and Representatives Gerry Studds and Barney Frank on Thursday, June 23, would simply prohibit discrimination in employment against lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and heterosexuals alike. According to a professional poll commissioned by the Human Rights Campaign Fund, 76% of Americans believe that people should not be fired or discriminated against in employment because of their sexual orientation. Yet, every day, many hardworking, patriotic Americans are. Cheryl Summerville was fired from Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. despite her exemplary record because she objected to the firing of a fellow employee for being gay. Her separation notice read: "This employee is being terminated due to violation of company policy. The employee is gay." Cracker Barrel has fired over a dozen people under this policy. Discrimination based on prejudice hurts our economy and spirit, and violates the fundamental American values of fairness and equality. 30 Senators and 116 Representatives have stood against such discrimination by cosponsoring ENDA. Please stand up to fear and ignorance and support the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation by cosponsoring this most American of acts. I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Thank you. Sincerely,