Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 15:33:51 -0500 From: To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: Assault of Concerned Women... Hi, Happy New Year! The enclosed item is excerpted from the Winter 94/95 edition of Victory - the newsletter of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. Please feel free to redistribute and the credit the Victory Fund. Van Do Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund 1012 14th Street NW, Suite 707 Washington, DC 20005 voice: 202/842-8679 fax: 202/289-3863 email: William Waybourn, Executive Director To Whom It May Concern by Kathleen DeBold and Colleen Donnelly *************************************************** Thanks to Ms Beverly LaHaye, president and founder of Concerned Women for America (CWA), the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is now a household name in households we'd never dreamed of reaching. In a fundraising letter, Beverly told her approximately 600,000 concerned members that the Victory Fund is "a militant homosexual group demanding special rights," which certainly was news to us. As anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of our democratic system of government knows, ==> there is nothing less *militant* than the fundamental (not special) right of all Americans to support the candidates they believe in. Seemingly unconcerned with the truth, Bev also claimed: **Fact: President Clinton has pledged his total support to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. **Fact: Anti-family political action groups have set up a massive campaign fund to train and finance homosexuals for winning elections. Because CWA printed the Victory Fund address, a virtual deluge of concern soon flooded our mailbox. Here are some of the printable Facts sent to us by concerned women [and a few concerned men] from all over America... >From concerned letters: -- He ("God") never made men for men or women for women. And for anyone to say "He" did would be to call "God" a lier [sic]. -- Dear Faggots & Faggees; I understand that President Bubba Clinton has sent you freaks a valentine...I am eagerly watching for the resumption of Gay Bashing as a national past time. -- The same celebrities and politicians who would sue a food company if they found an insect in their food are trying to tell us it is "gay" to chew on body waste disposal units. -- You yoyo's have pissed off the mics in Boston by screwing over their St. Paddy's Day Parade. -- If God creates lesbians, why then can't they reproduce? In fact, they can't. -- Sure you may argue that homosexuality is natural in the animal world...but drinking out of the toilet bowl is natural in the animal world as well. >From concerned postcards: -- Greeting queers: We proud, straight, God-fearing Americans totally reject your wako [sic], weird, sick and perverse lifestyle and agendas. You are wrong and losers. -- One day in HELL, you will not have to be bothered by some Christian trying to give you a gospel tract. -- Q: What do we who trust in God call Sodomites and Lesbians? A: Sodomites and Lesbians -- I have one wish as a mother, to stop and kill your organization. >From concerned poems: -- We saw a homosexual pretending to be gay With no one to tell him it was a sinful way -- Bill Clinton's words upon my ears. "You guys have rights, be proud you're Queer," I once was scared, now I'm okay, Couse [sic] I'm a Fag in the Queen Berets. >From a Concerned Women Pro-Family Values Affirmation Reply Device: Got Aids Yet? We also received scores of pamphlets, brochures, and newsletters, and one slightly used bible. If you'd like to get more Facts from Bev and her pals, you can request a free three-month subscription to CWA's monthly magazine FAMILY by calling 1-800-323-2200. +++++++++++++++++ [Kathleen DeBold and Colleen Donnelly are concerned employees of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a (non-militant) national donor network dedicated to increasing the number of qualified openly gay and lesbian officials.]